Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 680: Cull the Wicked and Vile!

Chapter 680: Cull the Wicked and Vile!

It didn't matter if the great Devil Eye bestowed that peerless treasure itself. If the owner was weak, no devil would ever submit!

Once the misgivings started being voiced, the scene completely spiraled out of control, and the air was thick with discontent.

“We request the great Devil Eye to reclaim his gift!”

“Please reconsider. She's unworthy!”

In that moment, all the celestial devils fell to their knees, some so overcome with grief that tears fell, their foreheads touching the ground in supplication.

It was clear then, their reverence for the Devil Eye was profound, and it was precisely because of this that their conflict and turmoil were even greater.

“A mere useless old blade; it's my personal possession. I decide to whom it is awarded,” the Devil Eye said, its voice calm, yet carrying a hint of fatigue. After a pause, it declared, “The matter is settled. Devils should not harbor selfish desires, or they will be dealt with according to the rules.”

These words chilled the hearts of many.

No one could understand!

It was outrageous!

Many celestial devils forcibly convinced themselves that the Devil Eye must have a deeper intent, but no matter how hard they tried, they could not accept it. It was a desecration of their sacred object!

“The future of the Celestial Devil Abyss will be determined in two days. Everyone, focus on preparing for battle,” the Devil Eye announced. Its gaze then dimmed as it grew visibly tired. Its eyelids drooped and slowly closed, and finally, it fell silent.

The dark crimson twilight of the entire crater slowly faded.

Yet, the silence persisted, and countless celestial devils watched the War Princess with cold, conflicted eyes, unable to convince themselves.

The murmurs of ugly curses were about to erupt again.

Then, the always silent Xiu shouted, “The Devil Eye’s decision has its purpose, everyone calm down. Perhaps time will give us our answers!”

His words eased some of the tension. Indeed, what was the rush? If that Yin Devil girl failed to control the Sanguine Phantom, this sacred object would return. Had the Devil Eye ever disappointed them before?

Many celestial devils thought this and gradually quelled their anger.

But still… their gaze towards the War Princess did not soften. It was more of scrutiny, waiting for her to recognize the challenge before her and retreat.

“Let me add…” Xiu said, looking around and stopping short, “No one is allowed to snatch the Sanguine Phantom, or else…”

He scanned the crowd but left the threat hanging. Regardless, everyone understood a simple truth. Everyone here lacked the qualifications to possess the Sanguine Phantom; seizing it would be futile.

If the Lesser Devil Eye did not acknowledge the owner, all efforts were vain.

And any fool that tried to seize it and then return it to the Devil Eye would likely be met with a swift death.

"Alas, we can only watch those contemptible hands desecrate the Lesser Devil Eye," a voice lamented from the crowd.

In the shadows, Mo Xi clenched her teeth, her eyes dark with brooding, "Had I known, the moment I first saw her, I should have slain that wretched girl."

"Stop your foolish talk," Mo Yang sneered. "The Devil Eye surely intends to use her for its purposes. She’s but a pitiful pawn, still of some use."

His words quickly became the accepted truth among most celestial devils. She was a pawn! That was the only reasonable explanation. And so, they could hardly regard the War Princess highly.

"What next?" Mo Xi asked.

"Just wait!" Mo Yang sneered again. "Didn’t the Chaos Sovereign say that within three days, he’d have a way to completely seize the Great Dao Celestial Array? Once we take that, the Celestial Court will crumble without a fight!"

"What about dealing with that Yin Devil bitch?" Mo Xi asked.

"Let’s see what Lord Xiu decides," Mo Yang responded.

As they spoke, Xiu was already leading the War Princess toward them.

Of course, this drew all the icy gazes of the celestial devils.

"Mo Yang, this little girl has no formal rank. She'll be part of the devil army from now on. She'll be joining us for the time being. I'm assigning her to your tribe," Xiu commanded sternly.

"Yes, Lord Xiu." Mo Yang had anticipated this, and while examining the War Princess, a slight smirk formed on his lips.

"Remember what I just said."

After these words, Xiu turned and disappeared into the wind.

Mo Yang then said, "Let's head back to the base to rest and then prepare for battle!"

After speaking, he looked at the War Princess and declared, "Since you’ve just joined my Mo Tribe, I'm going to tell you one thing. Don't expect special treatment just because you're a frail Yin Devil and have received a gift from the Devil Eye, understand?"

"Understood." The War Princess, clutching the Sanguine Phantom in her hand, answered calmly.

"Let’s go." With that, Mo Yang and the other Shadow Devils moved, and the War Princess followed.

Their departure gradually allowed the celestial devils in the crater to slowly disperse amidst hushed discussions under the heavy atmosphere.


The so-called base was a temporary military camp before battle, and the Mo Tribe was one of the many tribes of the Shadow Devil race.

Shadow Devils possessed exceptional stealth capabilities. They were masters of reconnaissance and assassination, and were among the top elites of the Celestial Devil Abyss, holding a very high status.

The Mo Tribe's status was also quite high.

Located not far from the crater, built within a mountain gorge, the architecture was of a rugged black style. It wasn't as delicate as that of the Celestial Court, but it was also reinforced by celestial formations.

By the time the War Princess arrived at the Mo Tribe, the events from the crater had already spread.

So, the War Princess once again became the focus, subjected to the discourteous whispers of many Shadow Devils, no matter where she went.

"They all insult and slander you, and yet, are you still determined to strive for survival and benefits for all devils?" Yun Xiao asked coldly.

"Are you mocking me?" the War Princess countered.

"I mean no such thing, just asking plainly," Yun Xiao said.

"Then my answer is yes, I'm willing!" the War Princess declared through clenched teeth.

"Then aren't you being naive? If I were you, I would've slain them all by now, or at least cut out their tongues before trying to secure their benefits," Yun Xiao said with a chuckle.

"You are you, and I am me," the War Princess murmured, biting her lip. "They hold such deep prejudices against Yin Devils because, in reality, we are too weak, lacking the ability to protect ourselves and dragging them down. That's why I need to prove myself and change their impression of Yin Devils."

"How amusing. Your kind is weak, and instead of protecting you, your own devil kin discriminate against you." Yun Xiao laughed.

"Just shut up, you're being annoying!" the War Princess said, her head lowered, blood coursing faster through her veins.

"I guess that's just the nature of devils. Your race bullies the weak and fears the strong," Yun Xiao added, then fell silent.

"Nonsense, we are at least purer than your humankind..." the War Princess began, her voice growing weaker with each word.

She realized just then that Mo Yang had already led her into a dark chamber.

With a thunderous sound, the female Shadow Devil, Mo Xi, closed a door reinforced with a celestial formation behind them.

In the chamber, it was just the three of them.

"What's this?" The War Princess looked up, staring at this Rank 4 Devil General, who was roughly on par with a Thunder Emissary.

Mo Yang's lips curved slightly as his dark red eyes surveyed the War Princess. He asked with a light laugh. "As a newcomer to the devil army, apart from a background check, a physical examination is customary."

"Stick to the protocol, don't overplay your part." Mo Xi approached from behind, addressing the War Princess directly. "Remove your armor, I'll walk you through the procedure."

"In front of him? That's hardly appropriate." The War Princess pointed at Mo Yang.

Cold light surged in Mo Yang's eyes. From their initial encounter to this moment, he had confirmed that this pawn was truly skilled at playing the part of an aloof princess.

Upon hearing this, Mo Xi couldn't help but laugh contemptuously. "Aren’t you Yin Devils trained from childhood to serve men? Stop pretending. At such a young age, you’re already quite the actor, aren’t you?"

Yun Xiao burst into laughter at these words, adding, "Wow, you devils are so refined! What class! Better than humans, huh?"

"Yun Xiao! Go to hell!!" The War Princess clenched her fists, her pretty face instantly flushed with rage.

As she cursed, the Sanguine Phantom in her hand suddenly cleaved down upon Mo Xi's head!

SLASH! Mo Xi, still laughing, was suddenly split in two, turning into two clumps of blood, flying off to the sides! Even her mouth was halved, her lips trembling as they bled!

"You!" Mo Yang, startled by this bloody spectacle, shuddered and then exploded in anger. "You dare kill a Rank 5 Devil Colonel?!"

"Screw off! She's lucky she only got away with that!"

Blood dragons swirled around the War Princess, her Mortal Dust Devil blood surged, and the Sanguine Phantom in her hand howled wildly. A cold light from the Lesser Devil Eye shone in Mo Yang's eyes, stunning him on the spot!

HACK! Her blade swept across, Mo Yang's head flew into the air and then smashed onto the hilt of the Sanguine Phantom, held by the blade's edge!

Now just a head, Mo Yang's eyes were filled with terror, looking at the War Princess in utter fear, he screamed, "You, you, you..."

"Shut the hell up!" The War Princess pressed his head down, instantly draining the skull dry!

THUD! Mo Yang's body fell to the ground!

Blood spread across the chamber!

Only then did the War Princess calm down, biting her lip, she sighed, "Damn, that felt good!"

"That's more like it."

From within her heart, Yun Xiao's ghostly voice came through, "We can work and sacrifice for our own. But before that, we have to take out the trash! Who says we can’t kill our own? Cull the vile and wicked, and after them, the enemy."

"Alright, you’re right, that clears my path too..." Under his persuasive guidance, the War Princess was slowly getting the hang of it. She took a deep breath and cursed, "Damn it, you sound more like a devil than I do."

"Human and devil, there’s no difference. Good and evil do not divide along the lines of race," Yun Xiao said.

"Yes, yes, oh great benefactor Yun," the War Princess hummed. Not yet satisfied, she walked over and trampled the two halves of Mo Xi into a bloody mess, then refined his blood entirely.

"What next?" the War Princess asked.

"What to do? With the Sanguine Phantom in hand, you should kill those who need killing, seize what should be seized. Anyone who disobeys faces death. Use their blood as the seed money for your rise. Once you've gathered enough, join me in the Great Dao Celestial Realm for a real battle," Yun Xiao instructed.


Today had opened the War Princess' eyes.

The path of cultivation wasn't filled with peaceful discourse among scholars. The saint who shunned even a speck of sin always suffered the most.

In contrast, learning from Yun Xiao brought no pain, only exhilaration and opportunities to vent off her frustrations!

"This is what life is about..."

BAM! The War Princess, carrying Mo Yang's shriveled head, pushed open the heavy stone door and walked outside.


In the Great Dao Celestial Realm, at the Myriad Divine Thunder Bureau, Yun Xiao was deep in meditation.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door; it was the voice of Yue Yin.

"What is it?" Yun Xiao asked.

Yue Yin softly replied, "Empress Zhao of the Western Kunlun Palace wishes to see you."

JustLivingJL's Thoughts

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