Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 679: Sanguine Phantom!

Chapter 679: Sanguine Phantom!

"Yin Devil?" Xiu had never expected that the great Devil Eye would bring up that Yin Devil girl.

He was merely badly injured, not dying. And it didn't matter who came to assist him, nor was it worth the Devil Eye's personal mention.

In spite of his confusion, Xiu respectfully replied, "Yes, it was a Yin Devil girl who brought me back.

"Summon her," the Devil Eye commanded.

"Huh, you wish to meet her…?" Xiu grew more puzzled.

A beam of light flashed through the enormous Devil Eye, illuminating Xiu. Although the Devil Eye did not respond, his intent was clear; Xiu was to cease his needless babbling.


This Shadow Devil, akin to a Rank 2 Heavenly Officer of the Celestial Court, turned back to the heavens, shouting to one of his kin. "Mo Yang, bring that Yin Devil girl here."

Mo Yang, a Rank 4 devil officer, thought he had misheard.

Just as he began to question, Xiu sternly said, "Hurry!"

"Understood." Mo Yang hastily turned and made his way outside. Soon, he located the War Princess in a corner.

"Come with me, Xiu wishes to see you." Mo Yang's tone was firm as he reached to grab the War Princess's slender arm.

The War Princess pursed her lips, her figure swaying effortlessly to dodge his grasp, and she moved forward a few steps.

"Hmm? What are you standing there for?" the War Princess asked, looking back at Mo Yang.

Mo Yang glanced at his empty hand, confusion rising within him, but it was quickly swallowed by indignation.

"An insignificant Yin Devil girl. Who's she trying to fool, acting so innocent and pure?"

Mo Yang did not voice his thoughts; after all, this was Xiu's command, and it needed swift completion.

"Let's go!"

He coldly swept his gaze over the War Princess and led the way. With him leading, the crowd of devils parted, allowing her to approach the Devil Eye.

"Is Mo Yang bringing that Yin Devil girl?"

"What's he playing at?"

The crowd murmured, watching as Mo Yang presented the War Princess before Xiu.

"Xiu, I've brought her," Mo Yang said, bowing.

"The great Devil Eye wishes to see you. Remember, speak and act with caution," Xiu solemnly advised the War Princess.

As he spoke, the dozens of Shadow Devils around them could hardly believe their ears.

"I understand." The War Princess nodded.

She and Yun Xiao weren't sure why the Devil Eye wanted to meet her, but they were ready to face whatever came their way.

Following Xiu, the War Princess finally entered the crater, emerging into the light amidst a sea of astonished onlookers!

The surrounding Shadow Devils exchanged bewildered glances.

A female Shadow Devil named Mo Xi nudged Mo Yang and whispered coolly, "What’s this? Why's that little girl being graced by the great Devil Eye's presence?"

"Who knows." Mo Yang shrugged, the image of his failed attempt to capture the War Princess still lingering in his mind. He snickered to himself. Given his status, it would be an honor for most Yin Devils to even lick his boots. Where did she get off thinking like she was above him?


"Who is that?"

"Looks like a Yin Devil girl!"

As Xiu appeared with the War Princess above the crater of the Devil Eye, all eyes turned to her.

The dark crimson light of the Devil Eye shone upon her delicate form, casting her in a radiant glow that made her even more striking.

She was a beauty indeed! But in a race that revered power, beauty was but a contemptible advantage; the more beautiful, the more likely she was to become a plaything for the powerful.

Sought after, yet trampled upon. All these so-called celestial devils scrutinized the War Princess with judgmental eyes.

At that moment, all the brilliance of the Devil Eye focused on her, making her shine even brighter!

Its aged voice, unexpectedly tender, asked, "Child, what is your name?"

This question stirred a wave of incredulous murmurs.

Why would the Devil Eye show such warmth to a lowly outcast who would serve as nothing more than a plaything?

"Great Devil Eye, my name is Yao Yao," the War Princess replied, neither servile nor overbearing.

Truth be told, in this devildom full of powerful devils, she felt slightly nervous. Fortunately, she had the greatest support she could ever wish for in her heart!

"That’s a sweet name." The Devil Eye unexpectedly chuckled, then continued, "You have... saved Xiu in a timely manner, contributing to our kind. I'll grant you a small gift for your merit."

At these words, a ripple of murmurs spread among the crowd.

Everyone felt a bit odd about it. It was such a trivial matter, yet it warranted a personal reward from the Devil Eye?

Even if the reward were but a blade of grass, in this setting, it seemed a high honor indeed.

"Is the Devil Eye trying to force the common folk to accept Yin Devils?"

"Sorry, I can't accept this tribe that breeds and mixes among the human race."

The celestial devils whispered among themselves, their voices low, complaints confined to their thoughts.

They believed not even a blade of grass should be awarded.

Yet amidst this murmuring crowd, within the Devil Eye, a surge of bloodlight gathered, tearing open from the eyeball to form a torrent of crimson that, in front of the War Princess, slowly coalesced into a dark crimson war cleaver.

Before the sword even fully formed, the War Princess could feel its terrifying power—a raw, ancient force of brutality and bloodshed, born of countless battlefields, forged in the blood of warriors.

"What is this thing? It feels comparable to the Supreme Everlasting Thunder Cauldron." Yun Xiao, within the Mortal Dust Devil Seed, was slow to grasp the power of this dark crimson blade.

The noisy surroundings suddenly fell into an absolute silence as the war cleaver took shape, drawing all eyes upon it.

The War Princess glanced around, noting the hundreds of thousands of celestial devils frozen in place, their eyes glazed with frost, unable to move.

The word incredulous didn't begin to describe their astonishment.

In this stunned silence, the war cleaver took its final shape—a domineering weapon, six feet long, as wide as Yun Xiao's Sovereign Sword at its broadest point, four inches wide, with black and crimson blood threads woven throughout its body. Nine black copper rings hung from its spine.

Most striking was its hilt, where an eye, restless and roving, mirrored the Devil Eye on a smaller scale.

From this hilt alone, Yun Xiao and the War Princess knew the immense value of this war cleaver.

"It bears the Lesser Devil Eye!"

"It's Sanguine Phantom!"

Upon seeing this legendary artifact of the Celestial Devil Abyss, all of the onlookers were stunned. For most of these devils, it was their first time seeing this kind of celestial weapon in person.

Excitement and awe filled the air. The Sanguine Phantom was highly coveted and revered!

However, the circumstances of its appearance were somewhat peculiar. What did the Devil Eye mean by this gesture?

"It can't be what we're thinking, right? How could it be?"

"Just bringing Xiu back, any devil could have done that."

"Joking aside, the lives of 100 Xius wouldn’t be enough for the Sanguine Phantom... that's a Lesser Devil Eye!"

Not only did the celestial devils think so, even Yun Xiao himself couldn't believe it. He was on guard, suspecting the Devil Eye might have discovered something, perhaps plotting to directly slay the War Princess.

Truth be told, after spending so much time together, Yun Xiao had grown fond of her and loathed the thought of her dying.

In that moment of internal chaos for the onlooker, the Devil Eye, controlling the Sanguine Phantom, presented the domineering, blood-soaked, and divinely majestic crimson war cleaver to the War Princess.

"Child, take this little blade. Don't worry. It's just some old thing I had lying around."

As the words of the Devil Eye spread, the crowd seemed to completely freeze! Every celestial devil stood as still as an ice sculpture. They were certain they had seen wrong, heard wrong, or even thought they were dreaming, to witness such absurdity.

How absurd was this situation? It was like watching an Emperor reward his kingdom to a little girl for putting away trash in a bin!

"What’s going on?" Xiu, standing closeby, nearly choked on his own blood. He knew best himself that his life was hardly that valuable. Even with 1,000,000 guts, he'd never dared to covet the Sanguine Phantom!

Yet, the Devil Eye calling it an old thing it had lying around? If that were true, every other weapon in the Celestial Devil Abyss wouldn't even be fit for the trash disposal!

"It's not fair..." Xiu's voice was hoarse. He scratched his head with an awkward chuckle, "Great Devil Eye, this joke of yours, haha..."

"Child, won’t you accept it?" The Devil Eye gazed at the War Princess. Its kindly words caused internal bleeding among the countless celestial devils.

The atmosphere was so charged that even if the War Princess was clueless, Yun Xiao caught on quickly, urging, "Hurry, take it."

"The problem is, this might be a hot potato..." the War Princess muttered, "And it definitely has recognized something special in me."

"Just take it if you're told to, the burn won't be on my hand," Yun Xiao retorted.

"You son of a…!"

Though she wanted to strangle him, she could only think about it.

The War Princess wasn't one for deep strategies. Believing she had support, she steeled her heart, reached out to grasp the hilt of the war cleaver, and knelt to the Devil Eye, her voice filled with emotion, "Thank you for this amazing gift! This lowly girl is deeply honored!"

Interestingly, the Lesser Devil Eye on the sword hilt swiveled, its dark red eyes fixating on the War Princess with apparent fondness. And so, the Sanguine Phantom offered no resistance, obediently submitting to her control.

Truly, her tall stature wielding the six-foot crimson war cleaver was a sight of fierce authority, radiating a spicy and commanding aura—absolutely regal!

The War Princess had become the War Empress!

Feeling the power of the Sanguine Phantom, the War Princess held the war cleaver aloft with both hands, proclaiming to the Devil Eye, "I vow to fulfill this mission, to harness the value of this cleaver, and help the Celestial Devil Abyss reach new heights!"

Had she not spoken, it might have been better. Her declaration set off a mental explosion among many celestial devils.

Even with the Devil Eye present, they struggled to contain their emotions, their devilish nature far more volatile than human nature.

"Shut your mouth!"

"Do you even realize the level of this celestial weapon? It's Upper Divine Heaven grade, the highest in this realm!"

"You, a mere Yin Devil, help the Celestial Devil Abyss reach new heights? Why don't you ascend to the heavens first yourself?"

"Go back to selling yourself in the red light district!"

Devils loved war and revered the brave and heroic; they cared not for looks, but for valor!

In the Celestial Devil Abyss, hierarchy was not rigid; clan power and unwritten rules were few, everything depended on absolute power…!

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