I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 274 - "Mrs. Connery Is Mine"

Chapter 274 - "Mrs. Connery Is Mine"

Anne preferred to enjoy the food that was served in front of her rather than staring at Jack, who had been watching her without blinking. After avoiding a kiss from Jack while on the sofa, Anne quickly got up leaving Jack to her new bedroom and locked the door tightly from the inside. She finally opened the door because Jack said he wanted to take her out to dinner.

"This is suck," said Jack curtly, breaking the silence in the VIP room where they were currently dined.

With cheeks puffed up with food, Anne looked at Jack and asked, "What? What did you say Jack?"

"No, I didn't say anything. I was just praising this food," Jack answered quickly, his hand reaching for a glass filled with red wine.

Anne raised her eyebrows, "How can you praise this food if you haven't even eaten any, Jack."

"Finish your food and don't ask or you will regret it, Anne," Jack croaked coldly without taking his eyes off Anne. Jack was currently calming himself so as not to attack Anne right there at the restaurant. He really almost went crazy if he continued to spend time with Anne who was never sensitive to him, even though he had so much attention and action for Anne.

Without being told twice, Anne returned to focus on the meat that was on the tip of her fork. She chose to enjoy her food without asking Jack again. Meanwhile, Jack looked very elegant enjoying the red wine served by the previous waiter. Before drinking it, Jack first twirled the glass he was holding to bring out the wine taste even more delicious, as he usually does when attending lavish banquets with other businessmen.

"How should I make you realize Anne, you really got me all wrong." Jack thought to himself as he continued to stare at Anne.


Meanwhile in his study, Aaron was busy using all means to find Anne's whereabouts. He was looking for all new apartment buyers or renters today on all apartment buying and selling sites. But the result was nil, none of Marianne's names appeared. Actually he found one Marianne, but when he looked for more detailed information, it turned out that the Marianne he found was a woman aged forty years and a widow who lived with her two children.

"Is there a possibility that she went to her home country, sir?" said Daniel suddenly.

"No way, Anne is still in college and plus she is currently working at Ganke Inc. Production. It seems impossible that she will return to Germany," said Aaron quickly in response to Daniel's words.

Daniel put the pencil he was holding above his ear subconsciously after hearing Aaron's words. Not long after that, he continued his search for Anne again using his laptop. Aaron himself chose to close his laptop, wrestling in front of the laptop for more than four hours without success making him a little annoyed. Now he was trying to use his intelligent brain, trying to think calmly.

Aaron racked his brains, thinking about the biggest possibilities for Anne's sudden move today. Plus he couldn't reach Anne either, Aaron was sure Anne didn't do this herself. There must be someone strong enough behind Anne's disappearance today.


Aaron hit the table in front of him hard as he managed to think of the one name that was most likely behind all of today's chaos.

"Fuck! Can't you not trying to get me a heart attack, boss? Have mercy on my heart," Daniel shouted angrily. He was really shocked and almost dropped his phone when he heard Aaron hit the table.

"Jackson Patrick Muller! He's the only person who can make Anne disappear, Daniel. No one else is more likely to be him, especially since Anne already knows him." Aaron spoke slowly, ignoring Daniel's curses.

"Ahh yes, why didn't we think about that person earlier...?"

"Find the address of that man, Daniel, we're going to his house right now. I'm sure that Anne is in his house," said Aaron quickly cutting Daniel's words.

Daniel, who was actually still annoyed, finally could only obey and did what Aaron ordered him to do. While Aaron was seen leaving the study towards his room on the second floor. He changed into comfortable clothes to leave, because since going to the supermarket this afternoon, he has not changed his clothes. Five minutes later, Aaron was wearing more casual clothes and his favorite comfortable sneakers. While he was going down the stairs, his steps stopped when he saw Daniel standing in front of the study with a big smile.

"Let's go, I managed to find Jack's address," said Daniel excitedly.

"Really? Good then, let's go now," Aaron answered quickly.

With Aaron's quick steps descending the stairs to the basement where the cars are located, Daniel, who was already holding one of the keys to the luxury car, got in and sat in the driver's seat, while Aaron was sitting in the back seat as usual. Not long after that, the black BMW car sped out of the area of ??Aaron's luxury house onto the road to go to Jack's house, whose address was already held by Daniel.

But just as Aaron's car came out of the Bolton complex, a silver metallic sedan was seen following behind. At first, Daniel did not notice it, but after driving for almost ten minutes he finally realized that someone was following them at this time.

"Behind us, a silver car has been following us, Boss," Daniel said quietly, breaking the silence in the car.

Aaron, who was busy with his cell phone, immediately realized that. Without speaking, he then turned his head back to see the car that Daniel mentioned.

"Candice," Aaron mumbled almost inaudibly.

Daniel, who was still concentrating on the steering wheel, didn't hear Aaron's words. "What, Boss, what were you talking about?" he asked quietly.

"Candice Skyriver, that's Candice's car. I'm pretty sure, Candice is a lover of everything that sparkles. And that's the only woman who would use a car with such striking colors, Daniel," said Aaron flatly without taking his eyes off of Candice's car, which was quite a distance away from them.

Daniel took a deep breath when he found out that the one following him was the boss's ex-girlfriend, even though he wasn't related to the woman. But Daniel was not in the mood to deal with this beautiful woman again.

"Should we stop?"

Aaron smiled faintly. "Stop it. I wonder what that woman wants this time."

"Okay." After getting approval from the boss, Daniel began to slow down and find a comfortable place to stop. He was looking for a place that was a bit crowded so Candice couldn't mess around like the last time she did at the office.

And it turned out that Aaron's guess was right. After Daniel stopped his car in front of a pharmacy, the silver metallic car stopped right behind Aaron's car and the driver who was none other than Candice, got out without any guilt.

"I'm a model again, Aaron, I managed to fix my good name. I'll clarify the cheap gossip in New York soon, so you don't have to worry. I'm a good woman, Aaron, I'm clear of all the immoral accusations." Candice, who just got out of the car, immediately spoke at length with enthusiasm. She hoped that after Aaron knew that she was innocent, Aaron would take her back.

Hearing all Candice's words made Aaron silent for a while. He was confused as to why Candice suddenly spoke to him like that, even though he didn't want to know anything about Candice, the woman who had used him.

"Then what does all that have to do with me, Candice?"


Candice's vigorously cheerful face immediately disappeared when she heard Aaron's words.

"Don't you like me being a model again, Aaron? I'm clean, Aaron, the gossip that spread in New York is fake. It's just some lowly gossip that some people made to ruin my career. I'm a good woman, Aaron. I'll be the woman you want me to be, Aaron, I will…"

"Stop, stop all your words, Candice. I'm sick of hearing all the words that come out of your lips. For me, there are no second chances for a traitor. And you are not just a traitor, Candice, you are more than that. You and your family are shameless people. From this moment on, I warn you not to approach me again and don't dream of being my woman again. You're too dirty to be in that position, Candice." Aaron cut Candice's words by issuing a very hurtful insult to the woman. Aaron was deliberately rude to make Candice stop bothering him.

Without guilt, Aaron got into the car, whose the door still open. Seeing Aaron entered and sat quietly again, Daniel followed in the boss' footsteps. One minute later, the expensive BMW sped away, leaving Candice alone.

Candice's eyes were filled with tears. She didn't expect to be rejected and insulted by Aaron directly like before. Her chest hurt so bad right now.

"Only I, only Candice Skyriver deserves to be your wife, Aaron. I won't let any woman take that position. If I can't have you, then no other woman can take that position."


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