I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 273 - Looking For Safety

Chapter 273 - Looking For Safety

Anne could only surrender and sat quietly when she saw several officers from the moving service begin to put her belongings one by one into her new apartment. At first, Anne had almost exploded again at Jack. But her anger was restrained when she saw two female staff from the moving services carried her two large suitcases containing all her clothes. Anne's smile grew when she saw the two staff carried the two pink suitcases to the room.

"I wouldn't allow men to touch my woman Anne's personal belongings, so don't worry," he whispered softly as he walked past Anne as he had just finished signing the last few papers with Anthony.

Anne lowered her head to hear Jack's words. She did not dare to look at Jack. She was so embarrassed right now, especially when she remembered that she had been mad at Jack for the dress thing. Finally, all she could do was to lean against the wall, watching the workers start loading her belongings one by one into her new residence which was directed by Jack personally. He counted the number of boxes moved based on the data he was holding and matched it with those brought by the workers.

"Three suitcases, five large boxes, and one small box containing photo frames and accessories. Good, all match the data on this paper," said Jack in a loud voice when he had just finished checking the things the workers were still carrying, who were still standing in front of him.

"Ready sir, only the bed, sofa, cupboard, washing machine, TV, and the kitchen utensils are what we left, according to your request. And when moving the contents of the cupboard, there were two female staffs who took care of it. So we men really didn't touch any of them, except after the things had been placed in the suitcase," answered a big tall man who was the leader of the workers, explaining what they had done in Anne's apartment before.

Jack nodded his head repeatedly in response to the words of the man who had just spoken. Slowly, he reached for a brown envelope from under his expensive coat and gave it to the man politely.

"That's an added bonus for all of you for doing all this work so neatly," he said softly with a smile.

"But sir, haven't you already paid our company in full? So we shouldn't have received any more money from you, Mr. Muller." The leader of the workers looked very surprised when he saw the contents of the envelope that had just been given by Jack.

With a smile, Jack said. "What I paid your company was the fee for the services they provided me in order to move all these things from the old apartment to this place, and the money I gave you guys was a bonus from me to each of you for doing a good job and it has nothing to do with the company. So you can enjoy it, take it home, and give it to your families to enjoy together."

Hearing Jack's words, the workers who had been lowering their faces immediately raised their faces and looked at Jack with teary eyes full of emotion. They had all been informed by the leader about the money he was holding. And the money given by Jack was more than their respective salaries for 3 months working in the company. Therefore, they all looked very surprised and happy at the same time.

Jack immediately raised his hand towards the workers in front of him. "No, don't cry in front of me. I really don't like seeing people cry, what you get is what you deserve. So be grateful and enjoy it, I really sincerely give it to you. Well, then I think you should all go home, as It's getting late now, and happy weekend." Jack deliberately asked the people to leave because he didn't want his time with Anne to be disturbed, especially tonight he had big plans that he wanted to do with Anne.

"Sorry sir, we didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. We were just in awe."

"Yes sir, working for years, we have never received this much tip. Thank you sir, thank you very much."

"Thank you, sir."

The six staff thanked Jack so many times that it made Jack uncomfortable. Soon they all left Jack with Anne and the apartment manager to return to their respective homes because their working hours were over.

"Okay, then I'll also be leaving Mr. Muller, because all the documents that you need to sign have been completed, starting today this apartment is officially yours. And for the people you mentioned in the document, we will prepare the data, so that later when they come to visit, we can immediately store data so they won't experience various problems in the future when they visit again," Anthony said at length, saying goodbye to Jack, explaining the discussion of the security system in the apartment while holding out his hand to Jack.

"I trust the matter to you, Mr. Anthony, tomorrow morning some of my subordinates whose data is listed on the paper you are holding will come. They will immediately carry out the various procedures you need, so one day when they come here, you don't have to work twice," Jack answered quietly as he accepted Anthony's outstretched hand.

Anthony finally left the apartment unit that had officially become Jack's. He closed the door to unit number 8018 carefully and walked quickly to his office again to process the data that had been completed by Jack. His work was also not completely finished, because Jack asked to complete the special data of people who could come to the apartment. Because the apartment that Jack was currently buying provided a high level of comfort for its residents, their privacy was really well maintained. Therefore, he wanted to immediately complete all his tasks so as not to make Jackson Patrick Muller disappointed. After knowing that the prospective buyer was a wealthy businessman, he immediately intervened directly because he did not want to disappoint the buyer. He often did this when actors or high class businessmen like Jack who buy apartments, provide a high level of service for the upper classes.

"Okay, this is your new place to live. As long as you stay here, you will be safe, Anne. Steffi won't be able to reach you. Even if she uses all her money to pay for even the most expensive detective, she won't be able to enter this apartment complex because of the security system in this apartment is very secure. So you can calm down now, no one will be able to hurt you, Anne," said Jack quietly a few moments after Anthony left.

"Isn't this too much, Jack? I mean this apartment is too expensive and very big. I'm alone here, Jack. It's very uneconomical. A lot of money is wasted if I live here."

Jack's eyes immediately flashed hearing Anne's words, and without speaking, he immediately approached Anne who was standing near the sofa and pushed her back so that she fell on the sofa. And in a quick motion Jack crawled over Anne's body without Anne being able to avoid it.

"Do you want to live with me here?" he asked softly as his face was so close to Anne's.

Anne shuddered when Jack's body heat touched her skin, "Jack, don't be like this. We can have a nice conversation by sitting, this position is very uncomfortable," she said softly in a voice that was almost inaudible because Anne turned her face the other way to avoid contact with Jack, so that Jack's breath could touch the skin of her neck directly.

"What do you mean nice?"

"I-I agree, Jack, I agree to live in this apartment. I won't complain anymore." Anne quickly answered questions from Jack. She finally realized her mistake which almost made Jack angry. Anne had forgotten that Jack was a man who didn't like to be challenged, so she was now looking for safety.


"Ah, stop, Jack..."


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