I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 233 - His Real Purpose

Chapter 233 - His Real Purpose

From his bedroom window, Jack could see how his personal bodyguards dragged Sophia Higgins out of his house. There was no expression crossed Jack's face as he watched his ex-girlfriend being treated harshly like that by his subordinates. What he had in mind was how Sophia found out where he lived, because so far he had never shared such important information to other people.

Still wearing his full clothes, Jack intended to go out and ask Erick, but he canceled his intention when he accidentally looked at the clock on the nightstand, which showed eleven o'clock at night. He didn't want to disturb his right hand's resting time. Finally, Jack chose to clean his body before going to sleep.

* * *

< The Bolton >

Aaron, who just arrived at his house, was seen to go straight into his study. He wanted to check Jack's next schedule by hijacking Alice's email. But when he was about to log into Alice's account, he couldn't log in even though he had tried to log in with the same account many times.

Daniel, who realized Aaron's predicament, immediately approached him. "It seems the secretary has changed the password for the email, sir," said Daniel quietly.

"How did you know that girl changed her email password?" asked Aaron quickly.

"I've been getting a lot of notifications about your failure to enter the email, sir, it seems that the girl has changed her email's password many times," Daniel answered slowly, while showing his cell phone which contained a lot of notifications from Google, after Aaron tried to enter Alice's email.

Seeing what Daniel showed made Aaron smile. He then closed his laptop and sat back on the chair with his eyes closed.

"Would you like me to hack that girl's email again, sir?" Daniel offered himself again to Aaron to hijack Alice's email again.

"No, Daniel, my main goal has been accomplished. I don't need that secretary's email anymore," Aaron answered quickly, turning down Daniel's offer.

"It worked? What do you mean, sir?"

"I deliberately provoked Jackson Patrick Muller by going to Uncle Matthew's office, because after this I'm sure he will be more wary of me. And this is what I want. He has always thought of me as the CEO who got the position because I inherit my father's wealth, but after this I'm sure he won't take me lightly anymore. I want him to see me as a rival to be reckoned with. With the failure of his partnership with Uncle Matthew, I'm sure Jack will be looking for new colleagues more aggressively and that's when I will emerge as his tough competitor," Aaron answered at length, explaining his intention to thwart Jack's collaboration with Matthew Moretz, who was one of his late father's friends and was considered his own uncle.

Daniel's eyes opened wide at Aaron's words. He didn't expect Aaron to mess up Jackson Patrick Muller's schedule just for this.

"I purposely made him fail to get a project from Uncle Matthew so that he wouldn't be directly above the clouds, because if he manages to get a partnership with the richest man in England, then his company will be solid and I don't want that to happen. I want to compete with him when we start together from scratch," Aaron went back to clarifying what he had said earlier.

Daniel, who didn't understand what the boss meant, was scratching his head. He didn't understand the direction of Aaron's conversation at all.

"You don't understand what I just said, Daniel?" Aaron asked quietly.

"Not yet boss, I don't understand at all." Daniel quickly answered Aaron's question.

Aaron smiled at Daniel's answer. He then explained in detail the reasons for thwarting Jack's collaboration with Matthew Moretz. He wanted Jack to be able to compete with him without having to directly have any connections with big people like Matthew Moretz, because if that happened then he couldn't show Jack that he was not a CEO who only relied on inheritance from his parents. Aaron wanted Jack to see him as a competitor to be reckoned with, because if he did, then Jack would never degrade Aaron again. And with this, he could prove to Anne that he was a reliable man. Because, all this time, everyone knew that he only continued the family owned company after his father died, and that was why Aaron wanted to change his image quickly through his rivalry with Jackson Patrick Muller.

"I'm not really messing with Jackson Patrick Muller's business the way you think, Daniel. I just wanted to keep him from getting connections as strong as Uncle Matthew. I wanted to compete with him from the bottom, so he knew I wasn't a man who relied solely on my parents' legacy, of course," Aaron said quietly, ending his explanation to Daniel of his main goal of thwarting Jack's collaboration with Matthew Moretz.

Daniel widened his eyes with his mouth wide open. He didn't expect that Aaron only wanted to compete from the bottom with Jackson Patrick Muller with this big effort. He did not expect that his best friend and boss just wanted to get a confession from Jackson Patrick Muller, even though he previously thought Aaron would immediately throw Jack out of England after he managed to thwart his efforts to get a partnership with the number one richest man in England.

"So you're asking me to hijack the account of Jackson Patrick Muller's secretary just to get this confession from him, Aaron?" Daniel, who was annoyed at Aaron, subconsciously said Aaron's name directly without the usual master or boss frills, because indeed, when he was annoyed with his best friend, he would immediately mention the name, without using other designations.

"That's not all, Daniel, I want Anne to see me as a great businessman. If I can beat Jack, then Anne will not be able to reject me. There is no woman who does not yield to a successful businessman, Daniel," answered Aaron lightly, without feeling guilty.

"How can you get the attention of Miss Anne when you repeatedly leave her like a jerk? I think your brain needs to be straightened out first, Aaron. Before you want to get recognition from other people, shouldn't you better fix yourself first?" Without fear, Daniel immediately asked Aaron a question that blew him.


The confident smile on Aaron's face immediately disappeared when he heard Daniel's words. His face even turned pale instantly when he was reminded of what he had done to Anne recently, where he had left her twice on the side of the road like some cheap woman.

"You know, Daniel, what is the main reason I left her? I don't want to hurt her, Daniel. I don't want to raise my hand to her because I love her too much, Daniel. I don't want to repeat the mistakes I made to her before," Aaron said softly while looking down. His eyes even seemed to glaze as he spoke.

"Come on! Aren't you the new Aaron? Not Aaron when you were eighteen? Then why are you afraid, you jerk? After all, what you did back then was because of your ex-girlfriend's fault. So don't be afraid that you will hurt Miss Anne or other women if you are angry and around them, you should be able to control your emotions, Aaron," Daniel rebuked full of emotions. He was still annoyed whenever Aaron brought up his past when he molested his ex-girlfriend until the woman died of the wounds she suffered.

"I don't want to be branded as a murderer, Daniel. It's enough that I killed someone Daniel once," Aaron said quietly. The image of when he accidentally made his ex-girlfriend, Victoria, died, flashed back in Aaron's memory.

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