I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 232 - Call Me Jack

Chapter 232 - Call Me Jack

Even though today was a disappointing day for Jack, he was happy to be able to spend the rest of the day with Anne.

"As soon as I leave, you go and take a shower, then sleep and dream of me," said Jack quietly as he stood in front of Anne's apartment.

"Two things are certain, but as for the latter I can't guarantee it," answered Anne quickly without fear.

Jack raised an eyebrow and prepared to go back into Anne's apartment, saying, "If you don't want to dream of me then I don't want to go home."

"Yes, yes, I will dream of you! There now, you can go home. I'm really tired and already very sleepy, Jack," said Anne frantically, trying to keep Jack from entering her apartment again, because if that happened it would be difficult for her to ask Jack to go home again.

A smile finally appeared on Jack's handsome face. He was satisfied to hear the words of Annem who would dream of him. Jack gently landed a kiss on Anne's forehead.

"Good night. I hope I can quickly say goodnight to you in bed. Not this way, Anne, so please reconsider my previous request," whispered Jack softly when he had released his kiss on Anne.

"Jack, don't force me. Don't burden me with that, haven't we agreed to follow everything? Let all this flow without any intimidation that forces each other," replied Anne softly. She tried to remind Jack of the agreement that they had made before.

Because he didn't want to cause trouble, Jack finally ended the argument by giving Anne a hug, as a wish for a good night's sleep. Anne had just entered her room when Jack had disappeared behind the elevator that would take him down to the underground parking where his car was. Because she was very tired and sleepy, Anne hastened her activities. Anne, who used to take a bath for more than fifteen minutes before going to bed, this time only took five minutes. Her eyes could no longer be compromised. Without applying her routine skincare before bed, Anne then slammed her body on her soft bed, still wearing a small towel wrapped around her head.

* * *

Jack, who went home, immediately smiled when he could still smell Anne's vanilla perfume left in his car. Because he couldn't wait to call Anne again to make sure she was asleep or not, Jack increased the speed of his car through the cold night.

After traveling for almost fifty minutes, Jack finally arrived at his mansion complex. He didn't suspect anything when he saw a luxury car that he didn't know was parked in front of his house. Because he didn't have any suspicions, Jack immediately barged in when the gate of his house opened. He went straight to the basement to park his car. He became suspicious when he saw several bodyguards coming straight to him when he got out of the car.

"What happened?"

"Sir, it's just, it's a bit..."

"Jack...Jacky, you're home!!"

A woman's voice that was very familiar to Jack's ears interrupted the words of the bodyguard who was welcoming Jack's arrival. Jack reflexively turned his head towards the source of the voice and was quite surprised to see the figure of a woman he had been trying to forget for the past three years.

"Sophia," Jack muttered under his breath as he watched his ex-girlfriend walked briskly towards where he was now.

Sophia almost hugged Jack if she was not stopped by Erik, who had managed to restrain her actions.

"Sorry I'm late, sir," Erick said quietly.

"It's okay," Jack answered shortly, as if he didn't see Sophia standing in front of him. Jack chose to walk up to the first floor through the stairs not far from where he was now.

Seeing Jack ignoring her, Sophia panicked. She screamed hysterically when she saw Jack walking further up the stairs leaving her in the basement, as she had been waiting for Jack for more than two hours.

"You'd better go home, Miss, the young master seems to be very tired," said Erick slowly, trying to calm Sophia who kept calling Jack's name.

"I've been waiting for him for more than two hours here, Erick and now that he's home, you're asking me to leave? Are you crazy!!" cried Sophia Higgins without shame. Even though when she left Jack, she had acted very arrogant, but now, she came to see Jack forcefully.

"As I said earlier, the young master is very tired, Miss Higgins. I'm sure he won't have the energy anymore to meet you. If you want to meet him you can arrange a schedule in advance, Miss," replied Erick politely.

"Erick!!! Watch your words! Why do I have to make a schedule if I want to meet Jacky? Have you forgotten who I am? I am his girlfriend, I am his future wife. We are going to marry, Erick, so you have no right to talk like that to me, the future mistress who you will serve." Sophia Higgins went crazy. She was furious at Erick who was considered to have degraded her.

Erick, who already knew Sophia Higgins by heart, was not surprised when he was yelled at like that. He looked carefree when Sophia spoke to him so rudely. Knowing Sophia for more than two years made him quite familiar with her arrogant attitude.

Erick politely said, "Sorry, Miss, but that's the procedure. Not just anyone can see the young master, especially at this late hour. The young master needs time to rest, Miss, and I think you also need to rest, please go back to the hotel. The driver of the hotel you are staying at is ready to take you back to the hotel, Miss Higgins."

"Erick Jones, didn't I tell you before that I am not just anyone? I am Jack's girlfriend, I am..."

"The one who betrayed me." Jack cut off Sophia's words quite loudly. Apparently, he was still behind the door and hadn't stepped away from that place, so he could hear all the words of Sophia who claimed that she was his girlfriend.

Hearing Jack's voice, which was quite loud, Sophia immediately turned to look for Jack, who was currently standing on the steps, staring at her with an unfriendly gaze.

"Jacky, baby..."

"Stop, don't call me with that disgusting nickname. My name is Jackson Patrick Muller, call me by that name. Not Jacky. I don't want to be called by that name and one more thing you must remember, Miss Higgins, you are a stranger with no interest to be here, so you better follow the rules in this house. If one day you break into my house again, then don't blame me if I call the police to drag you away from my house," said Jack, quickly cutting off Sophia's words without pause.

Sophia, who didn't expect to hear words like that come out of Jack's lips, looked shocked. She kept silent with tears in her eyes. Maybe if Sophia had shown this attitude to Jack three years ago, Jack would have melted down on her, but not now, when Jack had erased the name of Sophia Higgins from his life.

Jack turned his body and prepared to go back into the house, but he only took one step then he stopped and said. "Make sure this lady can't come back to my house, I don't want this woman to give bad air to my house."

"Yes, sir." About fifteen well-built men answered Jack's words in unison.

After Jack actually went up into the house, Erick ordered the guards to take Sophia away according to the master's orders.

"I won't give up, Jacky, you are mine. You love me so much! You can only love me, Jacky. I am Sophia Higgins, your woman, the only woman who will bear the title of Mrs. Muller," Sophia screamed loudly as she was dragged out of Jack's mansion to the hotel car that was waiting for her in front of Jack's gate.

Hearing Sophia's words, Jack put on a sinister smile and said, "What a shameless woman."

To be Continued

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