I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 180 - Reckless

Chapter 180 - Reckless

Anne's screams were loudly heard in the emergency room of a hospital when the doctor was going to put a cast on her leg. After an x-ray, it was found that the ligaments (strong connective tissue that connected the bones) in Anne's leg were injured after she did not walk firmly in front of the toilet in the restaurant where she had met Leon. Anne screamed in pain as the doctor tried to bandage Anne's leg with an elastic bandage aimed at limiting any swelling and helping the joint rest.

"Be patient, Miss, I know it hurts, but you have to hold it so your leg doesn't swell," whispered a nurse, quietly trying to calm Anne who was screaming in pain.

"I-it hurts..."

"Yes, this definitely hurts, I know, that's why I tied it with an elastic bandage like this so that your leg doesn't move too much and the injury to your leg ligaments gets better quickly. Because if we don't tie it like this I'm worried the injury will be even more severe and make you have to get surgery, which I'm sure you don't want to experience," said the middle-aged female doctor kindly, while tying the elastic bandage that had just been placed on Anne's left leg.

"How long do I have to bandaged like this, Doctor?" asked Anne softly in a hoarse voice.

"Mild ankle sprains usually take 6-12 weeks to recover, and that only applies if you follow the doctor's instructions of not to do many activities with your left foot," the doctor replied.

"6 to 12 weeks is a long time, Doctor," Anne shrieked in surprise.

"That is the maximum limit for healing your foot, Miss. If you follow all the instructions, maybe in less than 6 weeks the bandage that binds your leg can be removed," said the doctor again.

"Unless you don't want to recover quickly and choose to continue your activities as usual with your foot condition like this, then don't blame the doctor if you have to get a more painful treatment than now. Because believe me, surgery on a sprained leg is not a light procedure and is quite painful, considering that the foot is the most important organ in our body for activities," added the doctor.

"Is there really a sprained leg that requires surgery, Doc?" asked Anne doubtfully.

"Of course there is, the orthopedic doctor will perform surgery if you don't do this minor procedure. There are two ways to treat patients who are stubborn and don't want to listen to the doctor's warnings. The first is a procedure called Arthroscopy. Arthroscopy is done to repair damage to the tissue, for example there is loose cartilage or tissue trapped in the joint. This procedure is done using a special tool in the form of a small tube with a camera at the end. And the second is reconstructive surgery, this surgery is done to repair torn tissue or replace it with healthy tissue from the other leg," replied the doctor at length.

Hearing the doctor's explanation made Anne pale instantly. She didn't expect that the procedures to treat her leg would be so horrifying if she didn't follow the doctor's instructions. She did not want to have a surgery like that, especially if she had to take the healthy tissue in her healthy right leg to be transferred to her left leg. Just the thought of it made Anne's guts shrink. She didn't have much courage to lie down on the operating table.

The doctor, who had just given her explanation, smiled when she saw Anne was silent. She was sure that the young girl in front of her was thinking hard.

"You don't need to undergo such procedures if you follow the instructions I gave you before, Miss. For the next two or three days, it's better for you not to do any activity and let your feet rest first. After that, you can only do some light movements which of course in a reasonable stage so that your legs are not stiff," said the doctor again courteously.

"Okay, Doc, I understand," said Anne shortly.

"Okay then, now you rest here first. I just gave you an anti-pain medication in your legs. So that the results are maximal, you better stay in the hospital for the next hour or two, after that you can go home," the doctor added.

"Thanks for the help, Doctor." Anne answered sincerely.

After saying that, the female doctor left Anne in the emergency room with a nurse who was still with her. The nurse seemed to have just finished putting Anne's things into the desk drawer whose key had been given to Anne.

"Thank you, Nurse," said Anne sincerely when the nurse, who had just taken care of her things, put a pillow to support Anne's legs which had been previously wrapped with elastic bandages by the doctor.

"You're welcome, Miss, this is my duty. Well, then you should rest now so you don't feel pain anymore," replied the nurse kindly.

Anne nodded her head slowly in response to the nurse's words. Not long after, the nurse who took care of her left, Anne then tried to close her eyes. The pain in her legs was reduced a little because of the painkiller given by the doctor. But the pain still came and went. That was why Anne tried to follow the directions of the doctor and nurse who had been taking care of her, to rest. Soon, she fell asleep. One week of studying hard had taken up a lot of her resting time, which was why Anne fell fast asleep. Moreover, the atmosphere in the emergency room was quite calm. The bed that Anne used was in the corner, near the large window which made her calm because she could hear the running of the fountain and the chirping of birds in the garden right below the emergency room where she was.

* * *

Meanwhile, at Connery Corporation, Aaron looked very angry after Candice tried to break into his office and disturb him while he was in a meeting. Fortunately, he was in a meeting with the core team from his office who took care of projects in Northampton which Daniel supervised, and not a meeting with clients, so Aaron was not too embarrassed .

"I'm the fiancée of Aaron Sean Connery, the CEO of this company. If you don't let me in, then I'm going to order Aaron to…"

"What, Candice? You're a stranger to me, you're nothing to me anymore. So don't ever say that I'm your fiancé. You better go to the hospital to check if you are off the drug or not," Aaron said in a high voice, cutting Candice's words.

Candice, who was in the clutches of Aaron's two bodyguards, looked surprised. She didn't expect Aaron to know about the case that happened to her.

"Aaron, I..."

"I'm not an idiot, Candice, news like that spreads easily. Moreover, your sudden return, I'm sure your agency in America was the one who spread this news. So you better stay at your house and treat yourself, after that only then can you resume your ruined career," said Aaron curtly, cutting off the words of the former woman he loved so much.

Candice was silent at Aaron's words. Her chest ached so badly. She didn't expect that the only person she could rely on for her life to actually throw her away. Instead of being sad and sorry, Candice actually laughed loudly. With all her might, she released herself from the grip of Aaron's two bodyguards. She then wiped the tears that streamed down her face.

"If you don't want to accept me anymore then I'd rather die, there's no point in me living without your love, Aaron," Candice said quietly.

"Do as you please, Candice, you guys quickly get this ex-model out of my office and don't let her set foot in my office again," Aaron shrieked loudly.



Candice's tears were streaming down her face again. She didn't expect Aaron who was so crazy about her to be this cruel to her. When she was about to be taken out of Aaron's office, Candice suddenly ran towards the large glass cabinet where Aaron kept the various awards he had received from the government and several organizations. She aimed her head to the glass cupboard which at the end made the glass cabinet shatter instantly after a loud sound was heard.


to be continued

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