I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 179 - Sprained Because Of Leon

Chapter 179 - Sprained Because Of Leon

During dinner, Anne tried hard to control herself and chewed the food that was in her mouth and swallowing it, even though she wanted to vomit everything she ate. Hearing the words that came out of Leon's lips made Anne nauseous.


Anne, who couldn't stand it, immediately hit the table with both hands, making Leon startled.

"What's wrong, Marianne?" Leon asked confused.

"I need to go to the restroom right now," said Anne quietly.

"Your face is pale, Marianne, are you sick? Do we need to go to the doc..."

"I need to go to the toilet, Leon," said Anne, quickly interrupting Leon's words.

"Okay, do you want me to take you there?" Leon asked again.

Anne, who couldn't stand him, immediately closed her mouth and left the VIP room towards the toilet. When she arrived at the toilet, Anne immediately vomited all the food that had just entered her body. Although she tried to swallow, but her body refused the food.

"I really can't stand being in the same room with him. Seeing and hearing him talk makes me sick," said Anne in her heart as she stared at the large glass in front of her.

Anne put on a dab of lip tint to make her face fresh again. After wiping her wet face with a tissue, she stepped out of the toilet. Her steps stopped when she saw Leon was already standing in front of the toilet waiting for her to come out.

"Are you okay, Marianne?" Leon asked worriedly as he tried to grab Anne's hand.

Anne, who did not expect Leon to approach her, immediately retreated by raising her hands in the air to avoid physical contact with Leon. But when she retreated, she did not take into account the difference in height of the floor behind her, so that when her left leg stepped back, it was unable to support her weight. Anne sprained her ankle and almost fell if she didn't immediately take support from the wall behind her.

"Marianne ..."

"Stop, Leon. Don't come any closer. I'm fine," cried Anne loudly as she raised her hand in the air forbidding Leon to come near her by enduring the excruciating pain in her left leg.

"But it looks like your leg is injured, Marianne," Leon said worriedly. He clearly saw how Anne almost fell when she backed away.

"My legs are okay, I can still walk with ughh..."

Anne couldn't finish her words as she tried to put her left foot on the floor. The excruciating pain came back and made her tremble. Leon, who was worried, again tried to approach her, but while leaning against the wall, she tried to get away from Leon's hand by shifting left to right.

"Don't move, Marianne, I think you sprained your leg," Leon said loudly.

"I'm fine, Leon, don't overreact like that," said Anne, trying to smile.

"Are you sure?" Leon asked again.

"100% sure," replied Anne curtly.

"Well then, let's go back to the table again," said Leon quietly.

Anne nodded her head slowly in response to Leon's words, holding back her sore leg, Anne tried to walk normally. She kept reassuring herself that her leg was fine, a way that Anne always used to calm herself down. Because the distance between the toilet and the VIP room was not too far, they both finally arrived at the special room, the food on the table was still the same as the last time Anne went to the toilet.

Knowing that Anne was not well, Leon then issued the contract letter and gave it back to Anne, and showed the additional points in the contract letter where it was written that the first party, namely Ganke Inc. Production, was not allowed to sue the second party, namely the university of the art London, who was represented by Anne and Edward. Another added point that Anne requested was that at least six more students be recruited to join the fashion illustrator team with her and the music director led by Edward, and all the requirements that Anne asked for were agreed to by Leon without a second thought.

"Okay, since you've changed it, I will sign it, but you have to remember that my college is my top priority. So, for example, if I have an assignment on campus, you don't have the right to keep me in your office," said Anne quietly, looking at Leon without blinking.

"I agree, college is the most important thing. You don't have to worry about that," Leon answered quickly. He couldn't wait to see Anne sign the contract he made.

"And one more thing is that after I sign this contract then I will hold the original contract and you will hold the copy so ..."

"How can that be, Marianne?!! It is common everywhere as a recruiter to hold the original contract letter and you will only hold a copy of the contract," said Leon, quickly cutting Anne's words.

Without a word, Anne put her pen down on the table, "Then I don't want to sign this contract."


Leon's eyes widened as if he was about to get angry, but he tried to hold himself back from losing control in front of Anne. After taking a deep breath, a smile returned to Leon's face.

"Okay, I agree," Leon said shortly.

Upon hearing that Leon agreed to her request, Anne then signed the contract in front of her eyes. When Anne was signing the contract papers, Leon did not even take his eyes off Anne. He really couldn't wait to kiss Anne's thin lips which he had been watching for a long time.

"Okay, I'm done, I will give you a copy of the contract tomorrow because this will all be mine," said Anne quietly when she had finished signing the final contract sheet.

"Okay, will I go to your place to get the copy of the contract?" Leon asked without hesitation.

"Of course not! I'll call you to meet again," answered Anne loudly. She didn't like hearing Leon's indecent words like that.

"Hahaha okay, Marianne, I understand. You don't need to shout like that, don't be angry, Marianne. You look even more adorable when you're angry like that," Leon said quietly

"Never mind, Leon, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Because our main goal is finished then we better leave this place immediately, I'm sure there are still many people who want to use this place," said Anne curtly as she put the signed contract into her bag.

"You're leaving?" Leon asked surprised.

Anne's sharp smile appeared when she responded to Leon's question. Even though Leon still wanted to linger with Anne, he finally agreed to Anne's request. He didn't want to make Anne angry at him, so he agreed to Anne's request to leave the restaurant. Anne walked behind Leon with excruciating pain in her left leg. She walked slowly when treading with her left foot. Anne chose pain rather than being helped by Leon to walk.

"Well then we separate here or..."

"Go home, your wife is waiting for you at home. I don't want her to be angry with me, I don't want her to feel what I felt before," said Anne quickly and sarcastically at Leon.

"Marianne I..."

"Go home Leon, I can go home alone," said Anne quickly cutting Leon back.

Leon finally left the restaurant where Anne was still sitting in a place used to wait for taxi. She deliberately said that she took a taxi because she didn't want Leon to know her car.

"Where are you going, Miss?" a friendly valet asked Anne.

"Actually I brought my car. I just wanted to sit here for a while," replied Anne kindly.

"Oh, I see, then if you'll excuse me," said the valet attendant.

After the valet attendant left, Anne then walked to her car with difficulty. Her eyes were even filled with tears from the pain. Anne then drove her car to the hospital. She was sure that her leg must be injured. Luckily, her car was an automatic type, so she didn't have to use her feet much while driving her car.

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