I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 265 Sea Creatures

Something that Erend had been thinking about since earlier finally happened.

If the source of the dimensional leak was underwater, then it was obvious that the anomaly would affect various kinds of life and nature under the sea.

He wasn't afraid of what was under the sea. How could he be afraid when he rarely even know about the sea?

Erend didn't have enough knowledge about the sea to be afraid.

However, he knew that there were all kinds of nasty things under this seemingly limitless water.

Beneath the world that was hidden from the world he was used to seeing, there was something mysterious and unfathomable.

Like the creatures, he met on the beach that time. Sharkmans and a Siren.

Now Erend has to deal with sea creatures who have mutated into something beyond his expectations.

Just now he saw tentacles coming out from within the tear in space-time like they did when those infected soldiers came out to ambush them.

The tentacles looked much bigger than any squid or octopus Erend had ever seen and cooked - rarely - by his mother.

And when he saw them up close like this, the tentacles were so terrifying that Erend was sure that they would appear in his nightmares.

But Erend knew that he couldn't stop now whatever happens. Or things will only get worse.

So Dragon-Erend flapped his wings so he could go faster and faster towards the red gell thing below.

But suddenly, the tentacles appeared beside him and immediately entangled his hands, feet, and wings.

Dragon-Erend stopped instantly. The tentacles were strong enough to stop his charge.

This means that any creature that exists has tentacles strong enough to give him trouble.

Dragon-Erend sent lightning from all over his body around and grabbed the tentacles.

But unlike before where they immediately flinched and backed away, the tentacles kept entangling Dragon-Erend's body until he had difficulty moving.

Not long after, suddenly other tentacles came out from another tear in space-time.

The newly arrived Tentacles immediately joined in entangling his body.

Dragon-Erend flows greater Magic. With that, the lightning that shot out from all over his body increased many times.


The lightning flashed across the area until it was as if a bomb filled with massive lightning power was exploding in the sea.

The lightning even reached the surface and whipped furiously upwards.

The seawater glowed because of Dragon-Erend's lightning.

Adrien and Billy noticed it from the helicopter.

"Erend must be fighting something terrible down there," Adrien said.

Billy nodded briefly. His eyes stared tensely at the sea surface that was flowing with lightning.

"Most likely, the center of all this is somewhere down there. That means Erend is up against the biggest obstacle to stop all of this, sir," Billy said.

"I didn't expect that he would unleash his power in this world," Adrien said.

"Me too. Luckily his chances of getting caught are pretty slim."

"That's lightning, right? You know how Erend got that power?"

Billy shook his head. "I try not to ask too many questions. He might have a hard time answering. And I probably wouldn't understand either."

"You are right." Adrien sighed. "I wish we could help him. However, we can't do anything against a force like that."

Billy looked at Adrien. He seemed to have the same thoughts as himself.

He wanted to help Erend and didn't want to see Erend suffer all this trouble alone.

However, he knew his powerlessness. The news that Erend brought about something dangerous that was coming in less than a year worried them.

Coupled with the idea of ​​them not being able to use Magic because it turned out to be too dangerous and would only cause new problems.

Adrien and Billy didn't really agree with the idea from the start. But they know Magic power will be very useful to help Erend.

At least so Erend didn't have to think about them when he was dealing with the calamity.

But the idea turned out to have a bad effect. So they forgot about it.

A moment later suddenly an explosion was created from the sea.

Adrien, Billy was surprised and Geralt immediately moved to take a look.

"What is that?" Geralt asked.

In the distance, near the cargo ship, the surface of the water was churned by an explosion from beneath the water.

Lightning flashed harder and harder from under the water.

Seeing a situation like that would make anyone believe that whatever was going on down there was something dangerous.

And seeing the explosion, they knew that whatever it was was something big.

"Hurry! We have to get out of here!" Geralt said to the pilot.

"Yes sir!" the pilot answered.

The helicopter moved faster and faster to get away from that place.

While rain and storms have also started to occur. A strong wind suddenly came and black clouds filled the sky.

Even though a few minutes before when they came here, the sky was so bright and everything seemed to be going smoothly.


What happened beneath the surface of the sea was the battle between the Dragon-Erend and the figure that had appeared from within the space-time tear.

This creature is quite disturbing because it is a combination of various sea creatures.

There are shark heads, octopus, and squid combined into one.

Like the flesh that was randomly put together by that evil Magic.

Its size is also almost as big as Dragon-Erend.

The monster's quite troublesome feature is its big and strong tentacles.

The tentacle continued to grow after Dragon-Erend destroyed it. Making it hard for him to move.

'I have to destroy this monster first before I can reach that place!'

Dragon-Erend sent lightning into its claws and then dug its claws into one of the monster's largest tentacles.


While he was pouring lightning, Dragon-Erend also pulled the tentacles in a different direction.

The tentacle was severed by Dragon-Erend's claw then Dragon-Erend threw it in a random direction.

After that Dragon-Erend opened his mouth and breathed Thunder breath toward the monster shark's head.


Dragon-Erend's lighting torrent instantly destroyed its head.


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