I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 264 Dive Down

The rain that fell became increasingly heavy in a matter of seconds.

There are still some soldiers who survived on the ship. However, their life expectancy is so thin that they can only fight in despair.

The soldiers were scared, they didn't want to die. But facing what was in front of them made them think that death was indeed approaching.

Their undying desire is the fuel for their every move in battle. They used the last magazine they had left. And fired their bullets recklessly.

Their accuracy had decreased.

But among the soldiers, there were still two people who could still control themselves.

They struggled with great difficulty and protected each other's backs.

James and Liam - the two soldiers - are now taking cover in one of the rear corners of the ship.

Because they have been friends for a long time, their cooperation is also quite good in dealing with incoming threats.

They encourage each other so they don't fall into despair. It helps to have someone by your side when situations are like this.

That way, they can focus on the task in front of their eyes with a cool thinking head like a member of the special forces they are currently in.

The situation becomes worse because there is no leader. It makes every man for themselves.

"I didn't sign for this shit, man!" Liam said while loading his last magazine.

"Nobody signs up for shit like this! Just reload your gun and fucking shoot!" James said.

Liam shakes his head in annoyance. "Whoever did this has some nasty chemical weapon."

"We don't know if this is a chemical weapon or not," James said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, did you see the tear when they appear? They seem to tear through space-time to attack us from somewhere."

Liam stares at James for a few moments. But then he shook his head.

"I think it's a hallucination because we inhale whatever chemical that is on this ship," said Liam.

"That's also a possibility," James said. "Regardless, we have to survive here first."

"You are right!"

Then the two of them started shooting at the soldiers that were coming towards them.

The infected soldiers seem endless. Every few seconds a tear appears in space-time and new soldiers come out of it.

Even when they had killed many infected soldiers, other infected soldiers came out to replace their numbers.

These infected soldiers look like zombies in a horror movie.

What makes them even more dangerous is that they can use firearms and bladed weapons.

People who have lost their minds shouldn't be able to use weapons. But the infected soldiers on this ship can fire shotguns and submachine guns like people who have used them for a long time.

James and Liam continue to battle their assailants.

The rain from the sky came down harder and harder.

They both ignore it. Little did they know, that what affected the soldiers on the ship would soon affect them too.

Meanwhile, Erend is diving into the depths of the ocean.

Panic began to overwhelm him as he had no ability to swim.

'This is so stupid! Why do I dive when I have no ability to swim?!'

[ "Just change into your Dragon form. That will ease things up." ]

'Here? What if I'm found out?' Erend asked inside his head with a worried tone.

[ "You're in the ocean. No one will see you. Plus, the Magic you cast is powerful enough to interfere with the detection from satellites up there." ]

'Are you sure?'

[ "Of course." ]

Erend decided to follow the words of Tut. He had to turn into a Dragon as soon as possible because he was also starting to run out of breath.

'I guess I need the fastest one now.'

Erend likes his latest Dragon transformation.

Besides, that form has extraordinary strength and speed, and that form also has a very cool appearance.

[ Skill activated: Thunder Dragon Transformation (Lv.1) ]

A bluish light accompanied by a bolt of lightning is created under the sea.

But it turns out that the bluish light and lightning don't only appear under the sea. The light also reaches the surface.

However, because they were too busy, no one noticed the light and lightning coming out of the sea.

Except for the people in the helicopter who haven't flown very far.

"What's that?" the pilot asked his co-pilot.

"I don't know. It came from under the sea," replied the co-pilot.

Adrien and Billy also looked at the flash of blue light. It came from the place where Erend dived earlier.

"Why blue?" Adrien asked in a whisper to Billy.

"I don't know, sir," Billy replied. "Maybe he has a new power."

Geralt was also watching from behind them.

'Isn't that the way Drake went? But that light came from under the sea. I didn't see Drake fall into the sea though,' thought Geralt.

The light disappeared soon after. But questions from the pilot, copilot, and Geralt have not disappeared.

On the other hand, Adrien and Billy, who already knew the source of the blue light, stared with the hope that Erend would be okay.

Under the sea, Erend, who had turned into the Thunder Dragon form, dived deeper and deeper.

Surprisingly, Erend now had no difficulty breathing. It relieved him so he could move around better.

Erend, who initially couldn't swim, suddenly could move quite easily underwater as if it was natural.

'Where is it, Tut?' Erend asked.

[ "Just a little more down." ]

So Dragon-Erend dives deeper. A moment later he saw something glowing red down there.

It looks like a gell swimming in the ocean.

Dragon-Erend accelerated his downward movement.

However, around him suddenly appeared a rip of space-time like what happened on the ship earlier.

'Oh, shit!'

Dragon-Erend knows what's going on. A moment later huge tentacles were coming out of the tear of space-time.

Having already known what was about to happen, Dragon-Erend emitted lightning from all over his body.


Lightning whipped back the tentacles.

They immediately flinched and backed away before they could touch Dragon-Erend's body.


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