I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 117: 'Rigged' or Fate?

Chapter 117: 'Rigged' or Fate?

It was already midday when Yang Mei Mei and I decided to return to the Red Sea Tournament. By now, I was fairly certain that the qualifying rounds have concluded and the actual Red Sea Tournament is about to begin. The real fight is just around the corner and I can't wait to face off against cultivators my age.

Well, not really my age, technically speaking.

Also, since Yang Mei Mei didn't want me to spend more of my gold coins, she decided to spend what little money she had just so I could eat before the Tournament. To put it in her exact words, "You shouldn't fight in an empty stomach."

Because of that little incident and the token of appreciation I received from Yang Mei Mei (in my opinion, her intent alone is more than enough for me, but actually sacrificing her money just so I could eat and not attract unnecessary attention to myself is not a small matter.), I wrote a mental note, telling myself that I should get my gold coins converted to silver and bronze coins just so I could go about my normal life in a shelter.

The sun shone brightly overhead as the heat prickled our skin. Thankfully, the coliseum was covered by some sort of shield that made the interior cold as if it was an airconditioned room. Still, the amount of brightness the sun produced illuminated the whole area, making me squint my eyes since my sight is more sensitive compared to a regular person. Once we entered the coliseum, I was finally able to relax as a cold gust of air greeted me and Yang Mei Mei. When we rejoined Liu Zhi and the others, I handed out the skewers I saved up for them. Wu Yan wore a jealous expression, however, so I kept in mind that I had to explain everything to her later.

Although we're not really going out, she's a woman of my interest. I've never openly admitted it before but yes. Even before Yang Mei Mei entered the picture, she was the only one I hold dear in my heart. As for my relationship with Yang Mei Mei, it's kind of like my relationship with my disciples back when I was still a Sect Master.

Yeah, nothing more than that. Well, if worse comes to worst and she really was interested in me just like what she told me... then... sigh~ I guess I'll just have to deal with that when the time comes.


"Did you see that?"

"No, I totally didn't! That was awesome!"

"How could someone in the Immortal Realm move that fast?!"

My thought process was abruptly halted by the uproar from the audience. Apparently, the final qualifying battle was happening and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I couldn't help but watch the battle since it piqued my curiosity.

"I can move faster than that." Yang Mei Mei commented as she casually bit on a donut. "Yong Rui, you're faster than me, right? Seriously, why is everyone impressed by them? They're too sloppy even in the Immortal Realm. "

"You're an abnormal, you know. I've never seen someone move as fast as you in the Immortal Realm." I complimented her. "Now that I think about it, I never asked you about your role? Are you an assassin?"

"No, I'm a damage dealer." Yang Mei Mei smiled. "Or at least, that's what I'd be if I joined a party. I've never really joined one since... you know."

"Well, as it turns out I'm a damage dealer as well." I smiled patting her on the head. "You know, it wouldn't hurt to have another damage dealer in a party. Say, what do you think, Liu Zhi?" I asked.

Liu Zhi's eyes lighted up as if he just saw a treasure right in front of his eyes. Clearly, he was waiting for this moment. "Of course! It wouldn't hurt. But, can I clarify something?"

Determination filled Liu Zhi's eyes as he stared at me. I could tell that he was about to say something important so I didn't hesitate to give him the go-signal to speak. "Sure, go ahead."

"Are you really leaving the Red Sea Shelter? If so, then we can come with you, right? Just like what  we've decided before."

"You're leaving? But this is such a good shelter." Yang Mei Mei muttered. She spoke in a whisper that it made it hard for me to listen to what she was saying. Thanks to my heightened senses, I was barely able to make out her comment.

"Stupid, don't you want to meet your father?" I sarcastically asked, ruffling her hair once again. "You do know that your dad is in the Tang Shelter, right? That's my original shelter. After this tournament, I plan to head there."

"Seriously, Yong Rui. Every single time I take my eyes off you, you get in trouble. That's why I'm coming with you. Just a reminder." Wu Yan cheerfully smiled. "Also, you personally asked for me, right? Don't you go changing your mind now."

"Of course, I, Yongrui, am a man of my word. Besides, shelter leader told me to take care of you guys. Who knows what'd happen to me if something were to happen to any of you."

Just when the atmosphere was getting fluffy and warmer (honestly, it was getting warmer), screams erupted from the audience as the final battle of the qualifying round drew to a close. Apparently, the final battle was from the Immovable Mountain Shelter.

Coincidentally, I'm well acquainted with the Sect Master of the Immoveable Mountain Sect. Well, not that we're on good terms. It would be a problem if he were to find out my real identity. She's probably in the Seventh Level of the Dao Realm or perhaps higher than that. Ugh~ I hope she didn't achieve a breakthrough to the Transcendence Realm while I was a mindless rabid human. That would suck big time, for me.

And with that, the qualifying rounds drew to a close and the Red Sea Tournament has finally officially begun.

Compared to before, the Red Sea Shelter was now teeming with life. The once not-so-busy marketplaces and the city-like portion of the shelter were filled to the brim with people who visited from other shelters. That's why, aside from the coliseum, the shelter had a lot of inhabitants at that moment.

Shen Rong had a satisfied expression as he watched the whole town from the top of the coliseum. Ever since the Red Sea Tournament had commenced, he had stayed there to oversee the entire place. A few hours ago, I went towards that platform to prove to everyone that the Elemental Orbs work. At that time, it came to me why Shen Rong was smiling while he was there. As it turns out, he could view the whole shelter from that platform.

"There are a total of Sixteen Sect who are with us today. And now that the qualifying rounds have come to an end, we will be moving on to the actual Red Sea Tournament. There will be four rounds and each enemy will be chosen by drawing lots." Shen Rong announced.

Unlike before when there was a lot of uproar from the audience, it was seemingly more quiet and tranquil now. You can really feel the heaviness of the atmosphere as they eagerly waited for the first two contestants to come to the stage.

The brief introduction from Shen Rong lasted about five minutes before all of us participants were summoned to the arena. This time, there was only one big stage in the center of the coliseum.

"Wow, that's Shi Meili, right?"

"Wow! She's from the Meili Clan, right? The first-in-line successor to the Meili Shelter, right?"

"That's the all-girls Shelter, right?"

"Not anymore, sometimes they welcome males to their shelter but they needed to pass a few tests."

"Wow! I want to go there!"

"I heard they were allied with the formidable Tang Sect. That's why no one troubles them."

"Check that out! He's so hot! Which Shelter is he from?!"


"Aiyo~ that's the representative of the Red Sea Shelter. Didn't you watch his fight against Xiao Xue he's the winner of the Red Sea Tournament last year."

"Yeah, that Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf of his is no joke. I saw it during his fight and it gave me goosebumps."

"He must've come from a rich family. Lucky him."

"Rich family or not, why don't you try wooing him? You might get lucky."

"S-should I?"

I stared straight in front of me, ignoring the comments from the audience as they admired my esteemed self. My lips were ready to part itself into a smile but I used all my strength to suppress it. Maybe my ears and cheeks are reddening right now, but I have no way of knowing so I just kept my poker face.

A lady with a beautiful figure flew to the platform where Shen Rong was, bringing with her the ballot box where lots would be drawn. Shen Rong didn't waste any time rummaging through it. If I were in his position, I would've been nervous.

There was a bit of a pause as Shen Rong lifted up two numbers from the ballot box. "Twelve and One!" Shen Rong announced.

Just like everyone else, I glanced around, expectantly looking for the first contestants who would go up the stage to fight their way up the ladder.

"Oh, it's Shi Meili!"

"She's fighting first!"

"Wow! I want her to step on me!"

"Shut up, you degenerate."

That's when I noticed that everyone was also looking at me. Then I realized something... the reason why I couldn't find the number one was because I had that number.

It's right here, I was holding the strip of paper with my number!

Wait, what?!

'Is this rigged or what? Shen Rong, what are you doing?!' I inwardly exclaimed.

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