I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 116: A Single Gold Coin

Chapter 116: A Single Gold Coin

Since the qualifying rounds were still not yet over, I decided to head out of the coliseum to grab some food for myself. And needless to say, everywhere I went, people eyed me as if I was some food on a counter in some restaurant.

"Why did you go out?" Someone spoke behind me, making me almost attack that person since she was a threat that sneaked up on my back.

It was Yang Mei Mei.

Sighing, I stepped backward and walked no the same pace as her. "You know, you should stop sneaking up on people like that, you know. You're getting quite good at it. And when you get good at something, some people tend to perceive it as a threat that endangers their life."

"B-but... " Yang Mei Mei pouted. "I only ever do that with you. I trust you that much hehe~"

What the-

Since I didn't have anything to say after she said her reason, I decided to just keep quiet. Regardless, I decided to walk with her since there was no telling when she'll sneak up on me again. "So, what do you want to eat?"

Yang Mei Mei's eyes lit up but she didn't say anything. However, from time to time, she would stare at a food stall but she would avert her eyes just as fast as she would glance at it. Obviously, she wanted to partake of the food all around her but she didn't want to say anything.

"If you don't speak out, you and I will both go hungry, you know. We only have so much time before the actual Red Sea Tournament starts.

A blush appeared on Yang Mei Mei's face as she nodded. There were probably things she wanted to tell me, like how her decisions shouldn't decide what I'd eat. Instead, she decided to keep quiet about it.

Well, since she wouldn't say anything, I decided to grab her by the hand and dragged her towards one of the food stalls she was constantly eyeing. "Can we get two... I mean, make that four skewers, please?"

"That would be four hundred bronze coins, sir." The man said.

Wait... bronze coins?!

Wait a minute... do I even have money?!

I hastily put my hand inside my storage ring while thinking of coins, but when I pulled out of my storage ring, only a couple of golden-colored coins came out. Who would've thought that I'd still have the money I had before in real life. But... the problem is, the money I have right now is slightly larger than before. Wait, how much is a gold coin worth again?

Just thinking about it made my head hurt so I decided to just hand the gold coin towards the man. "I'm sorry, I didn't have any bronze nor silver coins with me. You don't have to give me any change or anything." I casually cupped my hands after handing the gold coin to the man.

It's as if time stopped short when the gold coin left my hand. Everyone in a fifty-meter radius looked at me as if I did something unbelievable. In my perspective, it's the same look they gave me when I absorbed the elemental orbs and used the most advanced wind element technique.

"Yong Rui, what are you doing?! A gold coin is worth ten thousand bronze coins. How could you give it just like that?!" Yang Mei Mei hissed at me.

"Sir, I- I, thank you so much for your patronage. With this money, I can finally buy medicine for my daughter." Not only did the man cup his hands, but he also prostrated himself in front of me as well.

"Please, you don't have to do that," I said, half-embarrassed. If there was one thing I'm annoyed at when it comes to people, it's when they flaunt the amount of money they have. And just now, I just did something that I truly despise.

"Thank you so much, kind sir. Please take whatever you want in my stall. Even giving you my stall is not enough to repay you." He continued.

Since there was no way I can make it up to the man who was clearly grateful towards me, I decided to oblige to his offer. After a hasty contemplation, I decided to grab the last ten skewers he was selling. "Thank you so much for the food." I returned.

As Yang Mei Mei and I headed back to the coliseum where the Red Sea Tournament was being held, I stole a glance towards the stall, only to find out that the man was already packing up. He wasn't lying when he said the money I gave him was more than enough.

If I had known about such thing as economical inflation, I would've been more careful in the way I handled money. Before, a single gold coin amounts to ten silver coins. Who would've thought that now, it amounts to a hundred silver coins.

Would that even be called economic inflation? Or were there just a change in currency?

In any case, I should probably keep my countless gold coin pouches in my storage ring to myself. I can't afford to attract more unnecessary attention to myself after everything I did.

"Listen here, Yong Rui." Yang Mei Mei gently lectured as she pointed a finger upwards. "If you need to buy anything, just tell me. I have money for both of us. You shouldn't waste your gold coins like that."

There was a smile of contentment on Yang Mei Mei's face so I decided to keep quiet about my status. In return, I just smiled back and patted her on the head as I muttered my thanks. If she had known that I have hundreds of thousands of gold coins in my storage, she would've flipped out just like how everyone inwardly flipped out when they saw me hand that gold coin to the lucky guy.

I can't remember the exact amount of money I have but it's probably close to a million gold coins, or more. Whatever the case may be, I guess I have more than enough money for myself.

Should I build another shelter beside Tang Shelter? I probably have the money to do so.

No, we can't be rash here. Yongrui, don't get too excited.

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