I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 111: Red Sea Tournament...

Chapter 111: Red Sea Tournament...

"A labyrinth, you say?"

Shen Rong and the others nodded with great anticipation in their eyes as they stared at me. It was obvious that they were awaiting my response.

Apparently for the past five years, labyrinths and dungeons appeared in the world. Just like how the System is something straight out if a game, the dungeons and labyrinths also came to the limelight. No one knows where these dungeons and labyrinths came from but they give out great rewards. That's why cultivators do what they can do clear one every time one appears.

For me, I have a vague idea that the dungeons and labyrinths are directly connected to my System but I didn't outright say it. No one knows that I have the System in my head and even if I told them, there was no way I could prove it to them.

In any case, one thing's for sure, I have to go visit this one.

"It's called the Void Tower and it's bound to appear in a few days. We think it's going to appear after the Red Sea Tournament." Shen Rong continued.

Liu Ahi clasped his hands in worry as he glanced towards everyone. He was feeling rather nervous, to say the least. "Last time it appeared a year ago, not a single one came back and then it disappeared. The same thing happened to the previous years as well. That's why, Shelter Leader, I don't think it would be ideal to explore it."

"This time, we'll have a joint effort with the cultivators from the Tang Shelter. We're both formidable shelters so I'm sure that we'll be able to survive this. It's our chance to get some valuable rewards."

I signed. "Look, if you want resources and materials for cultivation, I can give you as much as you want. Do we really have to explore it that much?"

Assuming that it is interlinked with the System, this might be some sort of trial that only a System user can survive. Well, I'm not entirely sure that it is connected with my System. But, my guts are almost always never wrong.

"Yong Rui, your treasures are yours. You have to keep them to yourself since you yourself earned it. We're extremely grateful for everything you have us but it's not like you have unlimited resources." Shen Rong advised with sincerity in his voice. "You're still on the King Realm, although you have more than enough resources for yourself, for now, you might need them for later. What I mean to say is, save it for yourself. Because at the end of the day, there's only one person you can rely on and that's yourself. Well, I don't need to say it that much since it's clear that you're more talented than me."

At times like this, all I could do was cup my hands in response since there were no words to say in return. It was clear that Shen Rong was looking out for me after everything he did to attack me. Let's just let bygones be bygones.

Once the discussion about the Void Tower was over, I headed towards the structure where the Red Sea Shelter Tournament will be held. I don't quite remember what the structure was called. Heck, I don't even remember if Wu Yan told me about it. At that time, I was too engrossed with spending a casual and peaceful time with her that I forgot the majority of everything we talked about.

In any case, once I got there, the crowd was already becoming denser so I had to walk on one corner until I inched my way towards the entrance. The building seemed even more massive compared to before and I think that's because of the number of people who were surrounding it. I do remember that Wu Yan told me about how the Red Sea Tournament is one of the most-looked-forward-to events in the whole territory, including the neighboring shelters.

That's why it didn't come as a surprise when people from all over the 'country' came just to attend the Red Sea Tournament. Because of the crowd gathering, it had become easy to get lost. And that's probably the reason why those who came from different shelters wore matching colors. Aside from that, there were also important figures who wore robes and the like. They seem like sages or someone who has lived old enough to witness life and death many times. I don't know who they were but they seemed like important figures so I steered clear away from them. My instincts told me that they were strong so I didn't bother talking or greeting to them. I mean, I might offend them in some way and make an enemy of their Shelter.

"Aren't those the people from the White Pearl Shelter?"

"No, look at those, they're from the Meili Shelter. Aren't they gorgeous?"

"I heard that only beautiful ladies live in Meili Shelter. Is that true?"

"Yes, I came there once and I was sent away."

"How about those from the Immovable Mountain Shelter. Why are they here?"

"Wow, why are there a lot of Shelters joining the tournament this time?"

"Maybe it's thanks to that hunter who got rid of the Rush Hour Event."

"Yeah, that's totally it!"

"Aiyo~ check this out!"

I almost interrupted the people talking amongst themselves when I heard from familiar Sects from the past. The White Pearl Shelter, Meili Shelter, and Immovable Mountain Shelter were all Sects before the outbreak began. They were such powerhouses that they were only a little bit below my Sect's rank but now, they've probably caught up to me. I never imagined that a lot of Sects would be able to survive the outbreak. To be honest, it made me feel a little bit envious since they were able to survive while my Sect had a hard time. But at the same time, I was grateful that there were a lot of survivors.

That means there's a fighting chance that we'd be able to survive the next Rush Hour Event if it were to happen again.

A smile plastered on my face as I entered through the entranceway of the Coliseum-like building. Since only those with tickets could enter, the queue was actually taking too long to move forward. In my estimate, there are approximately more than two hundred thousand people entering the structure. Fortunately, the people were disciplined enough not to cause any chaos so the entrance to the place was smooth-going although it took so long.

Once I got in, I managed to find where Wu Yan and the others were seated. Wu Yan saved a seat to her right for me and I gladly obliged. It wouldn't be long before the fights happen so I wanted to spend as much time as I could with Wu Yan. But when I sat there, I realized that to my right, Yang Mei Mei was seated there. She was glaring at me so hard that it sent chills down my spine. When I sat down, I badly wanted to ask her what's wrong but I decided not to since I might have a dagger placed against my neck if I did. Knowing her, she won't hesitate to use her speed against anyone who pissed her off.

"This has never happened before, you know." Liu Zhi started as he pointed his thumbs towards the audience. "We've invited plenty of neighboring shelters before but the attendance has never peaked like this. This is probably the record for most attendees and participants on the Red Sea Tournament."

"I heard that Shelter Leader prepared something special for the winner this time. No one knows what it is but everybody believes his credibility. I mean, it must be pretty amazing if Shelter Leader finds it amazing." Blade continued. "But I don't think winning the Red Sea Tournament would be that easy. There are a lot of powerful figures and geniuses this year. Our Red Sea Shelter could probably have no chance against the other Shelters. No matter how powerful and formidable our shelter is, it couldn't be compared to the geniuses who are in the King Realm for now."

I was about to ask Liu Zhi and the others if they're going to join the Tournament but before I did so, a powerful voice resonated throughout the Coliseum. That's when I realized that the Red Sea Tournament was starting.

A figure in red robes flew at the top of the coliseum. There was an aura about him that made him stand out among the others. Clearly, he was the most powerful person in the Coliseum right now Shen Rong. He is now on the Seventh-Level of the Dao Realm, just two more steps to the highest Realm of the Lower Plane, which is the Transcendence Realm.

"Once again, I deeply appreciate everyone who was able to come to this glorious gathering where we will test the mettle of our young cultivators by way of a Tournament. With the Rush Hour Event eliminated from the picture, we can now rest easy for a few months while we nurture our young talents. This younger generation is promising, and I think that the Red Sea Tournament would greatly aid them in developing and honing more of their skills..."

"... and that's why we'll be changing the rules of the Red Sea Tournament for this year. With this, we'll be able to have the most productive Red Sea Tournament. As for the reward, I'll be proudly waiting for the young winner to step up on the pedestal to receive- this!"

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