I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Eve has night vision .

But her ears are more amazing than her eyes, especially when she’s focusing on it .

It actually feels more of a sensor when she does so .

It seems to be one of the traits of a were-leopard .

At that time when the second team had been approaching...

I had her check out the second team while hidden in the dark .

After that, she put her ears against the ground and listened for footsteps .

The number of people that she had estimated based on the number of lights carried and the number of footsteps she heard .

There was a gap between the two .

She had inferred that there were around 30 people from the number of lights she sees .

Though, she estimated there were approximately 45 people based from the footsteps .

There’s a measurement error of about 15 people .

These measurement errors must have been a detached force .

En route, Eve reported that there were some footsteps that separated from the main group .

It seems the detached force finally left their main unit .

After giving instructions to Seras, I entered the forest together with Eve .

I asked Seras to earn me some time...

From that unit who carried lights .

If it’s that girl, I can rely on her .

However, I don’t really expect her to do it perfectly .

Excessive hopes on someone could end up just pressuring them instead .

She someone who’d always do her best .

I thoroughly know that .

Therefore, I will never complain about any kind of results that happen .

That’s what it means for me to “entrust” something to them .

That’s what I’m trying to convey to her .

I separated from Seras and went through the forest...

Towards the direction where the detached force went into .

Along the way, I brought along Eve and Liz with me .

Eve is fully concentrated on her hearing .

[There were about 14... no, 15 people that were heading here through the forest... I’m sure of it from this distance...]

Eve whispered into my ear .

It seems that she had grasped the number of people just based on sound .


I may have acquired quite a bargain without my knowledge .

[I understand . Go back and hide together with Liz . ]

[Are you alright facing all of them alone, Touka?]

[You know you can’t leave that girl alone, right?]


[Don’t worry . There would be no problem . ]

Currently, the moon is hidden behind the clouds .

It’s really dark inside the forest .

Really deep darkness .

It’s quite a good stage for me .

I tap a finger in my temple .

[I may not be as good as you, but I’m quite receptive when it comes to using this . In that certain place, I spent a couple of days standing beside death . Thanks to that, I’m also quite sensitive to their presence . ]

I put my hands on my robe .

[Besides, I’m not alone . ]

Pigimaru squeaks out a small reply .

[Pii . ]

After Eve and Liz went back, I also hid behind the shadows of the bushes .

The detached force were finally approaching .

Because the moon is hidden behind the clouds, the darkness in the forest deepened .

And that was the moment I was waiting for .


Taking advantage of the darkness, I activated my skill .

I also made sure that most of the people were inside the range of my skill .

[What... the...?]

Immediately, I used afterwards .

It’s so that they wouldn’t be able to make out any kinds of sound .

Taking out my dagger from its sheath...

I cut down each of their throats .






While quietly counting in my mind, I quickly disposed of them .

[And with this—]

Hiding my body back into the darkness...

[Fifteen . ]

I killed all of the members of the detached force .

Just as I planned, I didn’t miss a single one of them .

I think these 15 people were fairly capable .

However, they were nothing compared to the Five Dragon Warriors .

There’s also the proper protection of the darkness .


[...You really are quite great . ]

Currently, there’s a thin layer of Pigimaru’s protrusion clinging under the soles of my shoes .

His protrusion is quite flat .

It feels like a cushion that absorbs the sound of my footsteps .

Thanks to this, the sound of my footsteps were almost non-existent .

Aside from that, Pigimaru would take care of the sound that may come out while I’m moving .

Thanks to that, I could do my job quite easily .

I gently pat the protrusion under my coat .

[You’re really a great partner, Pigimaru . That helped me quite a lot . ]


Pigimaru looked like he’s in quite a great mood as he lightly purred .

Now then, next would be...

I heard the voice of a man just now .

I’m not exactly sure what he said .

However, I know that he speaks in quite a loud voice .

It’s someone from the main unit who were carrying torches .

Perhaps, he’s that aforementioned Muaji .

I don’t know if Muaji is within that detached force I’ve just killed .

I skipped interrogating them because I wanted to get it done as quickly as possible .

Whatever the case it may be anyway—

[This would only end with Ashinto’s complete annihilation . ]

I’ve confirmed that there were no other presences nearby .

I check my position based on the information I had in my head .

After remembering where I am, I returned back to where Seras was .

Currently, the Ashinto fellows have stopped their advance .

It seems they’ve noticed a broken branch along the way .

A man who could easily see through that something’s out of place with Eve .

Observation .

Insight .

I think he’s quite excellent with these two points .

If that’s the case, I expected that he will notice that branch .

After that, Muaji would feel that something suspicious may be nearby .

Then, he will anticipate the situation as there might be a trap if they were to step inside .

In that case, they wouldn’t step into the forest .

However, on the contrary, that’s my real aim .

This is to keep them from stepping into the forest .

The leading voice had spoken that all of them shouldn’t move .

Don’t approach that place .

In other words, they wouldn’t enter the forest .

And with this, our plan would be successful .

I kept on moving .

As I got closer, I could gradually hear their conversation .

The leading voice is telling something to someone .

It must be Muaji saying something to Seras .

It looks like Seras revealed her true appearance .

Or perhaps, Muaji realized the true existence Seras was trying to hide?

“As much as possible, try to show them that you’re pulling them over into the forest . ”

That’s the instruction I have given here .

I left it to Seras on how she would earn time .

As I listened to the conversation, it looks like she’s doing quite well .


Muaji really is an excellent scammer .

He’s wise and alert .

There is a trap waiting in his path .

At first, Muaji must have felt something was out of place .

And Muaji would solve the mystery of what he felt .

Seeing that he solved the mystery, he would be satisfied .

He’d gain self-confidence .

He would get the feeling that he’s omnipotent and what he’s saying is absolutely right .

And that is where he stopped thinking .

The next part is his turn .

He has already seen through the plans of this pathetic loser of a woman in front of him .

What else could he be afraid of?

He had a strong army within his disposal .

There’s also that detached force he sent behind the woman .

There’s no way she could escape .

Everything is all according to his plans .

Muaji probably is in that kind of situation right now, huh?

I could clearly understand it based on how he’s speaking .

Muaji currently feels like he’s filled with omnipotence .

And that omnipotence would turn into a poison that paralyzes his thoughts...

I started climbing a tree .

Pigimaru could also morph and act as a rope .

With his assistance, I could easily climb the tree .

He really is quite a handy guy .

Furthermore, there was no sound that came out even while I’m climbing the tree .

It was a bit far, but I’m in a position overlooking Seras and the others .

They weren’t in the maximum range that could be reached by .

However, I could now see all of my enemies .

Muaji is standing quite far away from the forest .

It seems they’ve thought it’s dangerous to approach the forest .

On the other hand, they don’t look like they’d retreat a few distance more .

At this distance, the enemy’s trap wouldn’t be able to reach them .

They probably believed something like that .

[.................. . . ]

I’m sorry .

If I have enough time, my abnormal state skills would be able to reach all of you .

The moon comes out of the clouds .

I whispered to my partner...

[Pigimaru... Connection start...]

[Pii . ]

From the back of my head, I could feel his roots stretching out to both sides .

While listening to Seras and the other’s conversation, I connected my magic energy with Pigimaru .


I looked over the conversation I’ve heard so far .

The leading voice is Muaji’s .

Muaji is revealing each of his tricks to Seras .

As I thought, the true identity of their curse is just poison .

Something unexpected happened though in the middle of their conversation .

Seras revealed her true identity .

The effect immediately appeared .

All of Ashinto’s members had their attention completely shifted to Seras .

Now, all of them lost their vigilance to their surroundings .

Even at this distance, I could clearly see that they were quite distracted .

Everyone’s attention had been drawn towards Seras .

Towards the Seras Ashrain who’s bathing in moonlight .

Based on what I heard from his words, it seemed that even Muaji was fascinated by her beauty .

The whole area began to be enveloped in darkness again .


Seras is also wrapped in the darkness .

[............... . . ]

Even though she did that so that she could distract them and earn me some time...

That’s quite rash of you, Seras .

As the corner of my lips lift up, I mutter .

[Even when she’s alone, she really did it quite well . ]


Enshrouding power into my voice, I spoke my signal .

[———————Connection complete——————-]

Immediately after, a cluster of light appeared between Seras and the Ashinto .

It’s the ability of the light spirit .

A light that resembles a flare appeared in front and illuminated towards the Ashinto .

And with too much light, everyone weren’t able to see .


Tens of protrusions flew out towards the Ashinto .

Even though there were signs of restless within them, Ashinto still looked quite firm .

It seems they’ve never caught up with the idea that they may suddenly be attacked .

I could also see Muaji’s expression warping into surprise .

However, it’s already too late .

I won’t let you escape .

To produce the best outcome for our sake, I can’t let you escape .

Even if you’re just an ordinary person .

I won’t let a single one of you escape .

Therefore, it was necessary for us to crush the detached force earlier .

I just wanted to avoid the situation where the detached force would notice that their main unit had been crushed and they fled in all directions as a result .

If that were to happen, it would be really difficult tracking all of them down .

I open up my status and displayed my remaining amount of MP .

[Status Open . ]

Ashinto .

[I’ll show you the curses that you clearly don’t understand . ]

Catching everyone of them...


Going down from the tree, I walked next to Seras .

I look towards the paralyzed members of Ashinto who have fallen to the ground .

Even the strongest siblings were also paralyzed .

Of course, that includes Muaji .

[You must have not expected that my attack reached even this far, huh?]

If they’re within my reach, I should have attacked them long ago .

I think it’s reasonable if he thought like that .

Because there was no attack so far, Muaji must have anticipated it as they were outside the range of our trap .

However, he didn’t think that we’re also trying to earn some time .

I needed her to earn some time because of two reasons .

Some time to get rid of the detached force .

And some time so that I could connect with Pigimaru .

[I need to spend quite some time just to prepare this power . ]

Connection release .

[Where... is the... detached force...?]

[I’ve already crushed them . All fifteen of them while you’re busy running your mouth here . ]

[Ngghhh...? That form you had earlier... What the hell... are you...?]


[Guggaahhh... ggghhh... . !?]

I’ve invoked to Muaji and the others .

I quickly began counting all of them .

[All of the 30 people were present, huh . ]

As for other presences nearby...

They’re somewhere behind my back .

There were two people at a distance .

Eve and Liz .

There were no other presences that I should get bothered with .

I exhaled out a deep breath .

[How should I say this . Eve really...]

I’ve mentioned earlier that all of her reports were just “about” or “approximately” .

Isn’t the number of people exactly the same as her reports?

All of her conjectures were right .

That’s really amazing... Were-leopard’s hearing ability .

[Now then... Should we wait for some time for these Ashinto fellows to die from the poison?]

I don’t really have anything I need to talk about with the Ashinto .

Besides, they don’t look like they would listen when we talk with them .

They know themselves their own wrongdoings .

Even if they were to die, my heart wouldn’t be ruffled at all .

It’s enough for me to know that these people were trash .


Seras called out .


[Have I met your expectations?]

[Yeah, that’s a certainty . You did really well . However, revealing your true identity so that you’d attract their attention, that’s a really daring plan you did . ]

Seras looked like she’s reflecting on it .

[Please forgive me... I arbitrarily revealed my true identity...]

Why did she suddenly look like she’s self-reflecting?

[No, I’m actually praising you though?]


Seras quickly covers her mouth with the back of her hand .

Subsequently, she awkwardly looked away .

[I’m sorry, I quickly jumped into conclusions...]

The smile on my face distorted .

[Well, putting that aside... You did really well . I made the right choice, leaving it to you . ]

Seras’ expression loosened up a bit .

[Y- Yes... I’m glad that I could be of help . ]

Seras looked really glad as she placed her hand on her chest .

I then spoke .

[Could you go and inform Eve and Liz about the situation? It would also be better if you and the others would return as soon as possible . ]

[Yes, understood . ]

Trotting, Seras runs into the forest .

[..................... . ]

The first stage is clear .

[...Now then . ]

They’ve arrived huh...

The first team who had been following the decoy horse .

I could see a cluster of lights at the distance .

They’re approaching this place .

That light Seras used at my signal .

Perhaps, they turned back after seeing that .


I felt relieved .

It seems that they diligently returned back .

[If they didn’t come back, my plan would have been incomplete . ]

The sketch that I’ve imagined is finally approaching its completion .

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