I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Muaji’s followers made a ruckus .

Apparently, my portrait in my bounty have become quite well known .

Everyone stared at me who took off her mask...

It’s possible that they were just curious about High Elves .

[This is... a bit surprising . I’ve never thought that the true identity of the fly swordswoman could be Seras Ashrain...]

Muaji looks like he finally understood something .

[However, I could finally understand why you rescued them . In exchange for helping the were-leopard escape, you asked that were-leopard to guide you to where the Witch of Taboos live . So, you’re contriving with them as fellow fugitives who’d take a gamble even knowing that it’s risky huh? By the way—]

Muaji’s opened one eye looked at me as if it’s searching for something .

[Is it you who killed the Five Dragon Warriors?]

[So what if that’s the case?]

[No... I see, the Five Dragon Warriors weren’t killed by you . It’s someone else . ]

[...Why do you think so?]

[It’s quite simple . You don’t appear to be stronger than the “Humanity’s Strongest”... Why do I think so...? Well, that’s because I feel like you’re weaker than these guys . ]


Muaji snapped his finger .

Thereupon, a man stepped forward .

The man took off his hood .

A man who had tattoos all over his body .

He’s bald .

His eyes look empty .

[This is supposed to be that were-leopard’s opponent in her final duel . His name is Berga . And also, another one—]


Muaji pointed his finger at something .

I look towards where he pointed at .

Diagonally in front of him, within the darkness of the darkness...

When I focus my eyes in that direction, I could see a man kneeling on one knee .

A bow was heaved within his arms and is ready to fire .

Its large arrow was aimed towards me .

[That’s Berga’s older brother, Vargan . These two is Ashinto’s strongest brothers that we are quite proud of, you know? However, should I say this is quite a bizarre coincidence...]

I immediately knew that these two isn’t quite ordinary .

Moreover, for some reason, I feel like I’ve met them before .

[Let me tell you the name of their youngest brother . ]

(...The name of their youngest brother?)

[The name of these two’s younger brother is Zalash Firebird . ]


I immediately remembered when he mentioned it .

Zalash Firebird .

One of those remarkable mercenaries who hunted me down when I escaped .

One of the members of White Walker that was killed by Touka .

The warrior who was called “Fang” back when he was alive .

He have the Lineage of Heroes .

[It seems you’ve remembered him, huh? That’s right, they were the brothers of that “Fang” who should have been hunting you down .

Berga spoke without any hint of emotion .

[Zalash is a younger brother of ours that can hardly do anything, but you had a hard fight against him... I guess Seras Ashrain isn’t that great of a deal . We are way stronger than that good-for-nothing Zalash, you know?]

[..................... . ]

Even if I had used the Regalia of the Spirits against them, I would be forced into a tough battle against that four-person group .

I remembered that I especially had a hard fight against Zalash .

If he really is stronger than that man just as he said...

(Muaji isn’t lying at all... They really were Zarash’s brothers...)

Muaji smiles .

[Do you understand now? Ashinto isn’t just a group that relies on assassinations and poisons . We also had enough strength within our arsenal . ]

The brothers are closely watching my movements .

They were ready to attack me .

It looks like once I moved, they would immediately attack .

Again, the moon became hidden behind the clouds .

The area became enveloped in the darkness again .

Muaji spoke .

[Assassination techniques, a solid battalion... and with my intellect and insight, it thoroughly completes Ashinto . No one could ever hope to become our enemy, even people like that were-leopard who specializes in battle . For argument’s sake, even if this person that supposedly defeated the Five Dragon Warriors were to attack us, we’re confident we could win . ]

Berga licks his lips .

The other members of Ashinto also had their eyes focused on me .

I could also see some who were irritated because the darkness were a hindrance .

They want to clearly see my appearance .

[What are you going to do now, Seras Ashrain? If you ever look like you’re about to swing your blade, Vargan’s fast arrow would just pierce through your body . Even if that were-leopard were to attack from someplace else, Berga would smash her into minced meat without any problems . ]

I took a step back .

[I don’t recommend running away into the forest . ]

Muaji gave out a warning .

[Actually, my subordinates had went on a roundabout path and already entered inside the woods behind you . ]

One of the members of Ashinto complimented him .

[As expected of Muaji-sama . That girl had been thoroughly caught within your plan . ]

[You’re not the only one who use decoys, Seras Ashrain . Are you surprised?]

Muaji puts his hand on his chest .

[We are the decoys . ]

A unit holding illumination .

A unit walking without any illumination at all .

Muaji had prepared two troops for this expedition .

The first half of the second team is this unit who carried torches with them .

The other half were carrying no lights at all blended into the darkness and slipped into the forest .

They had intentionally walked carrying torches so that they could stand out .

That must also the reason why Muaji was talking loudly earlier .

Everything is so that me and the others’ attention would be diverted from the detached squadron who slipped into the darkness and take us by surprise .

As a result, I’m completely surrounded .

I can’t escape anymore .

That’s what Muaji’s trying to say .

[All of our previous conversation earlier were all just to earn some time . Until the detached squadron blocks your escape route...]

Muaji snickers .

[You were quite drawn into my words when I was just speaking about the real situation, right? Yes, I quite understand it... People can’t help but listen when they find out the hidden truth behind their puzzlement were revealed . ]

At that moment, I quickly look behind my back .

(If there is a large trap hidden inside the forest, the detached squadron should receive the damage first... Perhaps, that detached squadron may be a disposable pawn just to check for traps . )

[The were-leopard and that little girl may have already been captured by the detached corps . I’ve also prepared some people who were good with their fighting skills within that detached force... However, don’t you feel the forest is quite peaceful now? They could silently sneak up behind you while hiding their presence . This is the skill of an assassin . ]

The whimsical moonlight came out once again . .

Its moonlight descend on my body .

Muaji’s eyes calmed a bit .

[However, well... you really are quite the stunning beauty...]

The people looking at me obviously couldn’t conceal their excitement .

Looking at their eyes and mouth, I knew what they were thinking .

That also includes the strongest brother along with them .

Even Muaji who’s trying to look calm couldn’t hide the loud beats in his chest .

[You have some time before I personally confer to you the “blessings”, which is necessary to “free yourself” and become a soldier of the righteous God of Curses . If you know something about the person who killed the Five Dragon Warriors... You will want to talk about it while we’re in the middle of conferring your “blessings” . All of those who received their “blessings” from me have been absolutely obedient of my words without any exceptions . What in the world you may have seen while you faced against the Five Dragon Warriors... Well, I would know about it in the midst of conferring your “blessings” . ]

Blessings .

Are they going to brainwash me with their drugs?

The Ashinto spread out even further into a fan-like formation .

A formation that’s trying to surround me .

[That arrow that has been aimed at you has been smeared with a paralyzing drug . Just a scratch from that arrow and your body wouldn’t be able to move . It looks like... the brothers don’t have to make a move this time, eh? No matter how strong you are... In front of our “curse” that induces abnormal state, everyone could only be helpless...]

Muaji takes one step forward .

[And with this... It’s checkmate, Seras Ashrain . ]

[..................... . . ]

[It’s because I’ve already anticipated this far, that I can confidently tell you all about it . And thus, while I’ve drawn you in by using my art of conversation and using the “truth” as bait, we’ve already completely cut off your path of retreat before you knew it... Now then, I guess it’s time for us to hand over the were-panther and that young girl to the Duke . Now, kneel before me . You should first beg me for our forgiveness . ]

Muaji opens both of his eyes .

[Seras Ashrain... I grant you the honor of birthing my child someday . You should feel honored...]

The moon had been concealed behind the clouds again .

Depriving everything with light .


Cold sweat drip along my cheeks .

(Almost everything was exactly just how you’ve described it...)

“Will you keep their attention to you as much as possible until I give the signal? Whichever way you do it, I’ll leave it to you . ”

That’s right...

“If possible, I want to get rid of all Ashinto who has been following us this time . ”

Just like them, we’re also trying to earn some time .

[———————Connection complete——————-]

The King’s “signal” finally came out of the darkness .

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