I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

We finally left the sewers .

Seras who had advanced first earlier, ran towards us after we got out .

[There seems to be no presence of anyone around the area . If we were to go through the forest, we could hide ourselves for the time being . ]

[...Do you think the horses are safe?]

[I think they should be alright . ]

We already anticipated that we would need to travel fast and prepared some horses to ride on .

However, they were currently unguarded and were leashed inside the forest .

I can’t help but feel like they would be stolen .

We have prepared two horses .

It seems that we could have a carriage as long as we had the money to buy one .

However, we may have to leave them before going inside the Demon Zone .

Considering that they may end up being disposed of, it would be too wasteful to buy it .

Most of all, horses were less noticeable and could easily adapt in situations .

I turned towards my back .

[Did you explain those two about our situation?]

[I briefly explained to them before you arrived earlier . ]

Seras gave a quick explanation of the information she had disclosed towards them .

It seems that there were no problems in sorting out the information that could be given .

Seras is also excellent in situations like this .

I spoke towards the two people following behind us .

[We have already prepared horses in the forest . One of them would be ridden by the both of you, Eve and Liz . ]

[Understood . I’m sorry... I guess you originally planned to use one horse for each of you?]

[No, you’re mistaken . ]


One of those horses were really prepared for Eve even at the start .

We’ve already prepared them assuming that Eve will follow us .

[I don’t have any horse riding skills at all . That’s why, I’ll be riding behind Seras . ]

If there were two people sitting on a horse, it can’t be helped that the speed would drop .

Well, it’s still better than walking .

The forest spreads outside the wall providing as a natural barrier for the royal capital .

We were walking through the forest .

We proceed with care while making sure we make as little noise as possible .

Currently, Eve was dressed in the cloak I had bought before .

Her eye-catching leopard head is covered with the hood .

The were-leopards were a rare race .

They were not someone that you could be usually seen .

In short, Eve stands out .

She needs to hide her body until we enter the Demon Zone .

[I wish she could transform her into a human form but...]

Seras’ power of altering appearance can only be used for herself...

[Could I have a sec?]

Eve spoke .

It looks like Liz is talking with Seras behind us .

They seem to be getting to know each other .

[Were there things you want to hear about?]

[Umu . ]

[And, what do you want to hear first?]

[I’m still going to tell you the whereabouts of the Witch of Taboos is . However, I still have something I want to know . ]

I remembered Eve’s words before .

“In exchange for some conditions, I would tell you the whereabouts of the witch . ”

Is she talking about that aforementioned conditions?

[I want to ask you why you want to meet the Witch of Taboos . ]

[I have a spellbook written in ancient characters that I couldn’t decipher... I’m looking for someone that could read these characters . And, I thought that the Witch of Taboos may be able to read what’s written here . ]

I heard that the Witch of Taboos is “someone who knew too much” .

Spells that were forbidden by the goddess .

Those who knows about these information .

They may have become risks for that f*cking goddess .

Therefore, the witch hid in the Demon Zone to escape from the grasps of the goddess’ hands... .

I guess that should be enough for me to think that it’s quite possible .

[You don’t intend to catch the witch, huh? It seems that she doesn’t plan to hurt her too . ]

[Well, that’s as long as she doesn’t try to harm us first . ]

I could see the night sky through the gaps between the leaves and branches .

The moon that had been shining our path became concealed behind the clouds .

The clouds began blocking the moonlight .

Thereupon, the forest increasingly enclosed in darkness .

We also didn’t use any kind of illumination .

However, Eve’s steps remained steady .

There were no hesitation in her steps .

I believed I was already used to the darkness .

However, I could see from Eve’s way of walking that she could probably “see” more than me .

[Do you have night vision?]

[To some extent, yes . ]

Great hearing .

Night vision .

Eve’s abilities would be really useful hereafter .

[Even you step into the darkness without any hesitation . Most humans are afraid of darkness . ]

[Various things happened, so I got used to the darkness . ]

[What about you, Seras Ashrain?]

[Well, I could make a light source but...]

From where we were walking, the light may be seen from the outer walls .

I want for us to slip into the darkness .

I still don’t know when the news that Eve left the royal capital would be found out .

If they were to find out, they would probably send pursuers after us .

At that time, we want to eliminate as much tracks we made as possible .

That’s why, I also couldn’t use the illumination from my leather bag .

It was at that time...

[I’m just a simple-minded woman . ]

Still looking at the front, Eve suddenly said so .

[I can’t see a couple of steps ahead like you do . I’m not good at thinking too deeply... Because of my simplicity, my field of view is quite narrow and I almost always end up with the foolish choices . That’s why I was well used by Duke Zuan . I also couldn’t see through the true nature of that proprietress . ]

[It’s not like I can see everything myself . Besides, isn’t it good enough that you could analyze yourself?]

After some pause, Eve said .

[I’m going to leave myself in your care . ]


[Hereafter, I want you to tell me what movements I must do . I’ll be doing as you ordered . ]

[You give me too much credit . ]

[I’ve thought of this after looking at your interaction with Ashrain . It would be better if I were to follow according to your instructions . ]

Eve stops walking .

[Most of all... I have no choice but to believe in you . To be honest, I don’t really know how far I could trust others . However—]

Eve looks back towards me .

[I think I could trust you . ]

[Well, I’m thankful that you said so but... why do you think so?]

[You could have taken more inhuman measures to get the information about the Witch of Taboos from me . ]

Eve turns to look back from Liz towards me .

[You could have carried me off to somewhere while I’m paralyzed and tortured the information out of me . You could also have threatened me about that child . And yet, you didn’t do it . ]

[.................. . . ]

I’m not really as smart as she thinks I am though .

After a brief silence, Eve spoke again .

[Liz would just become a burden . ]

[............... . ]

[You should have already known about it yourself . We will be going into that Golden Demon Zone . ]

Liz is a non-combatant .

Furthermore, she’s still a child .

We might break our own bodies if we were to fight in the Demon Zone while guarding that child .

It is necessary for at least one person to defend her .

There were indeed some truth within her words .

[However, you still acknowledged that Liz may accompany us . I understand that you were sympathizing with her feelings... and that’s one of the reasons why I trust you . ]

At any rate, Liz can’t survive in the Demon Zone .

If we could get the information we want from Eve first, it’s possible that would also be the end of our duty for Liz .

If Liz were to be killed by monsters in the Demon Zone, Eve won’t have any choice but to accept it .

We were just taking her with us with the assumption that she may die .

Just so we could make Eve cooperative...


Did Eve never thought about that?

Of course, I intend to protect Liz with all of my might .

That girl had the willpower to survive .

[I think you are a good person . ]

[There were some people who would do good deeds for their own self-interest, you know?]

[Fufu, that’s quite a strange answer...]

Eve smiled a bit .

[Even if it were just for your own self-interest, I think I could still trust you . ]

[However, didn’t you say that you couldn’t easily trust someone you’ve just met yesterday?]

[Well... I can’t really measure whether I could trust a person just by the length of time we’ve spent together... That’s what I’ve learned from the previous situation I experienced . ]

Eve suddenly look quite uneasy .

I hastened my pace a bit and peep inside her hood .

[Isn’t this situation too convenient...?]

[Back then, you said that I’m a soft-hearted person . ]

I remembered what Eve said to me in the tavern .

“You’re a softhearted person huh...”

I snorted .

[I think you’re talking about yourself instead . You’re very softhearted . ]

We finally arrived at the place where the horses were leashed .

Fortunately, the horses were safe .

We quickly fastened our luggages on the horses .

Eve, who was already mounted on the horse, held out her hand towards Liz .

She placed Liz in front of her body .

I am also currently standing beside the horse .

[Please take my hand . ]

The mounted Seras held out her hand from above the horse .

I held onto her hand with my own .

[Umm, would you please firmly grasp my hand?]

[...Yeah . ]

And like that, she helped me ride the horse .

It’s because I have no experience in riding horses at all .

This is the first time I’ve ridden one .

............... . .

So this is how it feels riding a horse, huh?

It feels kind of... weird .

Seras called out to me who was riding behind her .

[Please hold me tightly from behind so that you won’t be shaken off . ]

[Is it really alright?]

Seras looks at the front .

[It’s necessary . Besides, it’s you that’s holding me . ]

[I understand . ]

I put both of my arms around her slender waist .

And thus, I am holding her tightly below her breasts .


Seras suddenly flinched .

[Am I too close?]

[............... . ]


[No, there’s no problem . ]


[Are you alright?]

I could feel something aside from the scent I’ve been smelling from Seras .

It’s an increase in body temperature .

[Umm, you look a bit sweaty...]

[—–Let’s go . ]

Seras began making the horse walk without answering my query .

It seems that she’s relatively used to handling horses .

She doesn’t look like she’s nervous in handling the horse even though she had some time where she haven’t ridden on one .


Well, there must have been some thoughts in her mind, especially when you’re attached with the opposite gender like this .

It’s no wonder .

[I don’t know why you’re so nervous, but please be patient . I’ll also try to be as unconscious of it as possible . ]

[U- Understood . ]

Suddenly, Seras clapped both of her cheeks .

It seems that she’s trying to pour some motivation for herself .

Seras turned to Eve and shouted .

[Well then, let’s go . ]

[Umu . ]

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