I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 106

Chapter 106

I finally came beside the inner wall near the large front gate .

If we pass through beyond this wall, we would be outside the royal capital .

I started walking towards the entrance of the underground sewers .

Silently, I arrived at my destination .

While keeping vigilance around the area, I carefully removed the grid .

As I stepped into the sewers, I also make sure that I put the grid back .

If Eve hadn’t come through here, she may have come out through the large front gate .

However, I’m going to use this place so that we wouldn’t stand out .


Seras’ voice .

Taking off the mask on my face, I started walking towards her direction .

Turning to a corner, I found Seras .

I could also see Eve and that girl’s figure .

I picked up my luggage that Seras had been looking after .

[My bad, I made you all wait . ]

[No problem . ]

[Hati . ]

Eve called out .

I held out my hand and stopped her .

[Let’s talk while walking . ]

After walking for a while, Eve spoke again .

[I’m sorry about earlier . I suddenly lost my mind due to anger...]

[You’re more short-tempered than I thought . ]

[...I’m quite ashamed of that . ]

After a brief moment, Eve asked .

[And the shopkeeper lady?]

[I’ve done what I need to do . ]

[...Is that so . ]

It seems that she had understood what I meant .

[I must look pretty naive...]

[It’s possible . ]

[............ . . ]

[Putting that aside, is that girl alright?]

[Ah, yeah . ]

Eve stroked the head of the girl walking beside her .

[Liz, introduce yourself . ]

[Y- Yes...]

Timidly, the young girl looked towards me and Seras .

[I- I’m Lizbeth... I’m sorry, that’s the only name I’ve known of . Ahh... It’s a bit long, so you can just call me Liz . ]

[I’m Touka . ]

Liz had an expression on her face that she found something strange .

Eve also had the same expression .

Until now, they were under the impression that my pseudonym was my real name after all .

[Hati is just a pseudonym . My real name is Touka Mimori . ]

[So that’s how it is . You’re pretty cautious, aren’t you?]

[Well, yeah... Anyway, this swordswoman beside me is Seras Ashrain . She currently had changed her appearance through the power of the spirit . ]

[I’m in your care, both of you . ]

Seras greeted in the end .

Eve already knows the identity of Seras .

It seems that Liz doesn’t really know that she introduced herself with the name of the former leader of the Holy Knights .

After Seras introduced herself again to them, Liz came next to me .

[Touka-sama . ]

Bowing her head, Liz spoke .

[I- I will do anything so... Please let me and my sister go with you... I beg of you . ]

[...I will be going into a dangerous place after this . It’s possible that you may lose your life there . If you’re fine with that, then I’ll bring you with me . ]

[I don’t mind... Even if it’s towards a dangerous place, as long as I’m with my Big Sister...]

[I understand . That’s good . ]

Liz sniffs .

[Thank you very much...]

Well, I really intended to take her along with me though...


Liz raised her head and peeked at me .

[Are you worried about something?]

Liz looked uneasy ever since she joined our group .

I’ve noticed it since earlier .

[Ah, umm... It’s just that... I felt like your voice is a bit different than when you were wearing that King of Flies mask... I’m sorry if I bothered you...]

[Ahhh, that headgear had some tweaks included with it . That’s why the voice you heard would be distorted . ]

A magic stone that changes the voice— “Gem of Voice Alteration” .

It’s one of the magic tools listed in the “Encyclopedia on the Forbidden Arts” .

At the time when we were shopping, we luckily found some materials that we needed to make this at the shop in Monroy .

I’ve made this in the room at the inn while Seras was sleeping with .

Now, it is attached to the mouth section of the fly mask .

It seems that the effect lasts for about a day if I were to inject about 100 points of magic energy in it .

Initially, I had made it so that it could help Seras change her voice .

It could also help in hiding her identity .

If the quality of the material also improves, it seems that I could alter the voice even further .

Standing behind me, Eve approached .

[I also have something to ask . ]

I turn my head towards her .

[What is it?]

[I could hear some kind of strange sound from your body . It sounds kind of watery . ]

[Ah, that’s another one of our friends . ]

[A friend?]

[I’m just going to inform you beforehand, but he’s not dangerous . Therefore, don’t just suddenly swing your sword towards him, okay?]

I stopped walking .

[Seras, go ahead and look around for the exit . I’ll be introducing Pigimaru towards the two of them . ]

[Understood . ]

Alone, Seras went ahead .

I turned towards Eve and Liz .

[Introduce yourself, Pigimaru . ]

[Pii . ]

Coming out of my robe, Pigimaru hops down near my feet .

Pyon~ pyon~

Liz shouted “Ah!” after she saw him .

[Mhmm...? A slime huh?]


Pigimaru looked towards me .

[These two are our new friends, Eve and Lizbeth . ]

Eve crouched down .

[I’m Eve Speed . Take care of me, Pigimaru . ]


Pigimaru holds out his protrusion .

Eve gently grasps the tip of the protrusion with her hand .

[Pigii . ]

[Umu... This guy looks like he’s quite fond of you, huh?]

[He’s my important partner after all . ]


[U- Umm...]


Liz is kneeling down .

She looks quite nervous .

[I’m Lizbeth . Please take care of me... Pi- Pigimaru-san?]

[Pigii . ]


Liz stiffened .

I smiled a bit at her .

[Your way of calling him is too stiff . ]

[Pigimaru... chan?]


[It seems that he likes it now . ]

His color changed into a light pink, Pigimaru extends his protrusion towards Liz .

[It seems he wants to shake hands with you too . ]


With a hint of embarrassment on her face, Liz held Pigimaru’s protrusion with both of her hands .

[Please take care of me... Pigimaru-chan . ]


[...Ehehe . ]

Though, she still feels some awkwardness, Liz happily smiles .

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