I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 67: Demon Worshippers (3)

Chapter 67: Demon Worshippers (3)

Count Kaelm was a small old man with slightly furrowed brows and unremarkable features.

The count grabbed Dales hand and vigorously shook it.

Dale wanted to pull it right away. However, he restrained himself as he had a soft spot for the elderly.

Youve arrived at last! Good to see you!

Dale asked him.

Do you know me?

Of course! Who wouldnt recognize the duelist Dale?


Dale expressed his confusion which caused Rebecca to clue him in.

Didnt you know? Its one of the new nicknames you got after the duel.

I didnt know So there are other nicknames?

The Slayer of Knights, Apostle of the Night, Protector of Royalty, the Suspiciously Competent Undead. Want to hear more?

I suppose Duelist is the lesser evil.

Dale was neither pleased with these nicknames nor the realization of their widespread fame.

I never thought the rumors would spread this far.

And the reason Dale was skeptical was because he was ignorant about the news of the outside world.

Irene had become not only the heart of the empire but also a symbol of humanitys resistance against demons.

Every remaining city and nation on the continent kept a watchful eye on Irene.

They were all keen to know what took place within its walls.

A duel between two knights over the punishment of a princess was naturally a topic of great interest.

It was no surprise that the news had reached even this far.

The count was still holding onto Dales hand and expressed his admiration.

To stand up and enter a duel to protect a fragile princess, it reminds me of my own youthful dreams of chivalry. Though our faiths may differ, you embody the true spirit of chivalry!

Thank you for the compliment.

Ah! A knights duty is to protect the weak, you understand? To protect the weak, thats what Im saying!

Whats the point of repeating yourself twice?

As Dale looked annoyed, the Count looked around with trembling pupils.

He looked like a herbivore paralyzed by fear.

I trust youve already heard. My castle is now infested with vile demon worshippers. Theyve horrendously murdered my people and my niece!

Im sorry to hear that.

The counts hands quivered.

They will come for me next, Im certain of it! I am old and frail. As a true knight, shouldnt you be protecting me?

Was this why he talked about chivalry and such from the beginning?

Dale scanned the room while the count continued to act like a person suffering from anxiety disorder.

He noted a couple of knights in the counts service, several soldiers, and even an inquisitor.

The force seemed excessive for just one persons protection.

It seems youre well-guarded without my help.

What are you saying! These men are useless. Even the inquisitors are all talk and no action. If they were competent, my niece would still be alive. They couldnt even bring me the head of one worshipper!

The count thought he was whispering only to Dale but his voice was quite loud.

Everyone in the room was displeased.

The face of the inquisitor who was treated even worse than Dale contorted with humiliation.

This meant the count was so mentally overwhelmed that he couldnt consider the repercussions of his actions.

When the atmosphere turned awkward, Rebecca who had been merely watching intervened.

Ahem. It seems youve forgotten about me.

Hmm? Oh, Lady Rebecca

The count responded indifferently.

His demeanor showed he had little interest in council members or anything of the sort.

Though her pride was hurt by his reaction, Rebecca patiently replied,

Ive heard about the situation. Im sorry to say, but Sir Dale is already in charge of my protection.

I-Is that so?

But dont worry. Since well be staying in this mansion together, we can handle any situation that arises.

I see

The count nodded weakly.

Afterward, Rebecca brought up the topic of the caravan waiting outside the castle walls but the counts response was lukewarm.

His concerns were solely focused on his own safety and the demon worshippers hiding within the castle walls.

Following the fruitless conversation,

Dale and Rebecca exited the room.

Rebecca sighed deeply.

This is serious.

Has he always been like this?

He was always somewhat frail, but he used to be wise and attentive to those around him. Now, however hes completely lost it.

Their plan to persuade the count to allow the caravan into the city was a failure.

Now, there was only one option left.

Shall we just wait until the demon worshipper is caught?

Theres also the option of catching the demon worshipper ourselves.

No, no. Theres no need for us to take such a risk Wait. Sir Dale, are you considering doing just that?

Dale responded with silence.

Rebecca looked at him with a curious expression.

Why on earth? First intervening in the princesss affairs, and now this Is it the same reason? The chivalry stuff?

Im involved because theres something in it for me.


Rebecca who had been eyeing Dale with a curious gaze shrugged her shoulders.

Lets leave it at that.

They continued to explore various places afterward.

They sought out the inquisitor to discuss Lapin and the demonic weapon he had used.

Upon examining the remains of the relic cannon, Talos nodded his head.

Indeed. This weapon is certainly imbued with demonic power.

It might even be related to the demon worshipper whos said to be hiding here.

Thats a possibility. Well look into it.

Hold on a moment.

Rebecca caught hold of Talos as he was about to leave with only the cannon in tow.

Why not share with us what you know about the demon worshipper? It might help us be more cautious, or perhaps even stumble upon the worshipper by chance.

Talos gave Rebecca and Dale a chilling glare.

His eyes contained an unreadable message.

Then, he firmly shook his head.

This matter is ours to handle. I would appreciate it if you both stayed indoors and avoided wandering into danger.

He was clearly not open to further discussion.

When Talos turned to leave, Dale called out to his retreating figure.



Was that demon worshiper wearing a white mask?

Talos spun around and his already glaring eyes widened more in surprise.

He asked doubtfully.

How did you come to know about that?

We found a white mask lying next to the relic cannon.

Where is this mask now?

We destroyed it. It seemed ominous.

In truth, Dale had gleaned the information from peering into Lapins memories, but he brazenly lied. His cold expressionless face proved most effective when telling falsehoods.

Talos responded with an icy tone.

Let me offer a piece of advice. Its wise not to destroy items that could serve as crucial evidence. That is unless you wish to invite unnecessary suspicion.

Despite the veiled threat, Dale was not one to be intimidated.

Ill give you some advice in return. If youve failed to find the demon worshipper, just admit it and seek help. The more stubborn you are, the greater the damage will be.

The inquisitors had been at Kaelum Castle for quite some time now.

If they hadnt found the demon worshippers base during this period of time, it was time to change tactics.

Talos flinched at Dales sharp words. And wrinkles appeared on his forehead.

Sometimes, a truth that hits the mark can hurt more than any insult.

With a slight tremor in his eyes, Talos retorted.

You speak as if you could find them yourself.

I will.

Confidence with no doubt.

After all, Dale already had an idea of what demon this demon worshiper served.

Though not entirely certain

Chances are, my guess is right.

Knowing the capabilities of the enemy made them easier to counter and to find.

It was akin to starting a puzzle with the edges already in place.

Talos who was unaware of this assumed Dale was merely boasting.

Hah, you seem to take this matter lightly. Very well, search to your hearts content. If you manage to find them before us, then I will concede our oversight. Ill even bow my head if thats what you want.

Taloss lips curled in a sneer as he added,

That will never happen, though.

Dale simply nodded his head.

It seemed like the other party didnt know much about this world.

He didnt realize that in this world, there are no absolutes.


It had already grown too late to wander around the castle in earnest.

After the recent surge of demon worshippers, a curfew had been imposed within the castle walls.

Venturing outside ones home after sunset has been forbidden.

Even if it werent forbidden, no fool would choose to wander around in such an atmosphere.

Count Kaelm had organized a banquet in honor of Rebecca and Dales visit to the castle, as well as for the priests and the inquisitors who had accompanied them.

Ironically, the count himself was paralyzed by fear and chose not to attend.

Really, a banquet in times like these. I often find the thoughts of the nobility hard to comprehend.

Esther remarked with a lukewarm expression as she surveyed her surroundings.

Musicians playing stringed instruments and flutes. Alcohol and food piled up to excess.

Amidst it all, the counts vassals and family were laughing and chatting.

To her, the banquet seemed like an extravagant affair.

Esther was uncomfortable with this luxury.

Though the other priests seemed to be used to this type of setting and were enjoying the drinks and food.

Dale offered Esther a glass of wine and asked.

Arent you going to drink?

I dont drink. Alcohol clouds the mind.

Esther replied firmly.

If Harkin heard that, he wouldve told her she was speaking from a place of privilege.

By now, Harkin would be grumbling while camping outside the castle.

Had he seen Esther, he surely wouldve had a word or two for her.

The two stood in a corner of the banquet and looked at the others blankly. Neither had any desire to mingle and drink merrily with the crowd.

Then someone approached them. It was a young man with a stern and upright demeanor.

Esther recognized the young man and her face lit up with joy.

Brother Pale!

Its been a while, both of you.

He was the priest Dale had encountered when he delivered the body of a priestess named Maria to the church.

He looked at Dale and extended his hand in greeting with a smile on his face.

I rushed over as soon as I heard Sir Dale was here.

Its been a while. Whats with the attire?

Dale gestured towards Pales clothing.

A bright red robe. It was proof of being an inquisitor.

Pale responded with a sheepish smile.

Im undergoing the initiation process to become an inquisitor. Its an honor I hardly deserve.

I see.

It appeared that this young priest was faithfully following his chosen path.

During their long-overdue reunion, Pale shared various stories.

The first topic to emerge was about Dales duel.

I was truly surprised. Didnt Sir Dale use the ring Maria gave you in the duel against Sir Kristen?

Thats right. Im sorry about breaking the ring.

Pale waved his hands dismissively.

No, Im not reproaching you. On the contrary, Maria would have been pleased that it was used for a righteous cause. Its just that theres something thats been troubling me.

Something troubling?

Yes. The ring of faith housed the spirit of a hero from our order. Originally, it was a relic meant to temporarily bestow great strength upon those whom the hero favored.

Dale nodded his head in understanding.

Indeed, in the fight with Christine, Dale had exhibited a power beyond what he was ordinarily capable of.

Though he had since returned to his normal state.

After a moment of careful thought, Pale continued.

However, Sir Dale, you used a somewhat forceful method to extract and use that power, didnt you?

Thats true.

Thats whats strange. The hero would naturally have resisted, trying in some way to withdraw the divinity.

And the divinity of light was opposite to Dale.

Common sense would tell us that Sir Dale should have literally melted at that moment. Yet, you managed to withstand it and assimilate that power as your own.

Esther added in agreement.

Ive always found it strange too. I tried to discuss it, but Sir Dale just wouldnt listen.

Pale nodded his head and then with a markedly serious face he said,

In my view, there seems to be something unique about Sir Dale. Perhaps its something special within his soul Could that be why he can act differently from other dark knights?

Something special.

There were a few suspicions that Dale had.

When Dale, as a dark knight, first set foot in the churchs cathedral.

The Goddess of Light had revealed herself to him if only for a brief moment.

He hadnt spoken of it to anyone, but he knew this was no ordinary occurrence.

After all, Dale was a follower of the Goddess of Night.

Moreover, when he had encountered the demon servant Hasina, he had heard similar remarks.

My, what an unusual soul. You what are you? How did you come to be in such a form

After muttering that to himself, Hasina wore a delighted expression as she rambled about killing Dale and offering him to the demon she served.

Could there be some profound secret hidden within Dale himself?

It was a problem he had never contemplated before.

That being said, I still melt upon contact with holy water. Its puzzling.

Before inhabiting this cold body, Dale was just an ordinary young man who enjoyed conversing with his grandfather and was good at caring for children.

There was nothing special about him.

It was at this moment as Dale was deep in thought over the new mystery Pale had introduced,

That the doors to the banquet hall swung open and a line of servants carrying trays entered.

The drunken revelers paid them little mind.

They didnt even notice the ominous white masks covering the servants faces.

Ha! That time I flattened that fellows nose Argh!

One of the fat nobles collided with one of these servants.

Wine spilled from his hand and ruined his attire.

The noble immediately hurled coarse curses.

You damned bastard! Cant you watch where youre going?

Yet the servants response was calm. He didnt look the least bit embarrassed.

Oh dear, your clothes are ruined. But its okay.


Red suits you better, after all.

Just as the noble was about to explode in anger at the incomprehensible comment,

A gust of wind passed through the trail. It was a refreshing breeze that shouldnt appear in summer. The nobles greasy hair fluttered once.


In the next moment,

A thin red line appeared on the nobles neck and his head fell to the ground.

The spurt of blood came next.

The fountain of blood stained the servants white mask red, and the nobles attire turned a deep crimson.

The servant shrugged his shoulders and said.

See? I was right, wasnt I?

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