I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 66: Demon Worshippers (2)

Chapter 66: Demon Worshippers (2)

Heresy Inquisitors.

With a fervent belief in the faith of light, they consider it their destiny to hunt down and eliminate apostates.

The apostates of the past were the believers of the night.

The inquisitors would travel across the continent to kill every last heretic left on the land.

However, times have changed.

The forces of light and night have reconciled.

And now, even more terrifying and formidable heretics have emerged, known as worshippers and servants of demons.

The inquisitors now saw it as their destiny to capture and kill these demons and their followers.

And they never compromise in this regard.

The reason most people shunned and feared the heresy inquisitors was well known.

Even the always arrogant and disrespectful Harkin straightened his back and cast his eyes to the ground.

He then urgently spoke to Dale.

What are you doing, Sir Dale? Havent you heard never to make eye contact with the inquisitors? Its especially dangerous for you!

Esther shook her head in disapproval.

Harkin, stop making such a fuss. Contrary to the exaggerated rumors that spread among the people, all the inquisitors are good people.

Harkin furrowed his brow.

Oh, really? Defending your own kind, are you? Dont you know the story about how an inquisitor burned down an entire village suspected of being demon worshipers?

Thats nothing but a rumor. Maybe in the past, but now, inquisitors cant carry out executions without clear evidence. Thats what the churchs rules say.

Frustrated by Esthers rebuttal, Harkin thumped his chest in exasperation.

Oh, you nave soul. If only the world lived strictly by the rules.

Dale ignored the arguing pair.

And he fixed his gaze intently on the inquisitor.

The inquisitor was a middle-aged man with a neat appearance and cropped hair. However, what truly captured attention were his eyes.

Pale blue eyes with pale whites. Pupils as clear as a lake which didnt suit him.

These two things combined created an eerie atmosphere.

Perhaps sensing Dales gaze,

The inquisitor turned his attention towards him.

He showed no change in expression upon seeing Dale.

There was no hostility or disdain.

But that absence of emotion was somehow more unsettling.

He must be skilled at controlling his feelings.

The inquisitor turned his head away from Dale and then addressed Rebecca.

Pleased to meet you. I am inquisitor Talos.

Thank you for your hard work. Im Rebecca.

The two of them shook hands.

However, there was not the slightest hint of warmth in their gazes toward each other.

Rebecca spoke up.

Ive heard that an inquisitor has been dispatched to this area. Theres talk of a demon worshipper, correct?

That is correct.

I actually wanted to discuss something related to that demon worshipper. It seems that the band of thieves we fought is connected to him.

Ah, that sounds intriguing. I would appreciate a detailed account of this later.

Then may we pass for now?

Rebecca gestured towards the city gate.

However, Talos flatly refused without a hint of change in his expression.

That wont be possible. The city is currently under lockdown on the suspicion that a demon worshipper is hiding within. Both entry and exit are restricted. Only those proven innocent may pass.

A lockdown

Rebecca furrowed her brows. This was no small village.

Imposing a lockdown on such a huge castle was no easy feat.

It was quite an extreme measure. The lord of Kaelum Castle would not have allowed it under normal circumstances.

Rebecca asked.

There must have been some serious incident, right?

Talos replied with a stern face.

The counts niece was murdered by a demon worshipper.


It happened precisely two days ago. She was found with her limbs twisted and spitting blood out of her mouth. There have been a few cases of townsfolk found in such a state recently, but this was the first time a member of the counts family was affected.

The count must have been furious.

Talos nodded his head in agreement.

Yes. Fortunately, he instructed us to spare no effort or means in capturing the demon worshipper.


Rebecca was feeling a headache coming on.

The battle with the bandits had already left everyone exhausted.

Just when they thought they could rest in the city, this troublesome situation arose.

Rebecca rubbed her temples and asked.

So, what needs to be done for you to let us in?

You would need to prove your innocence, wouldnt you?

And how would we do that?

Hmm. In the old days, a few special tools would have made this simple. Haha.

The special tools he referred to were instruments of torture. Inquisitors were experts in the art of interrogation.

Even the most stubborn individuals could be made to divulge every truth.

Talos laughed as if he had made a particularly amusing joke.

But it was even more creepy because his eyes werent smiling.

Haha. Hahahaha. Haha.

Please, stop laughing.

Oh, did my joke not amuse you?

I would advise against making such jokes elsewhere.

People who are under stress tend to be stingy with their laughter But, Ill take your advice to heart.

Rebecca shot Talos a sharp look as she retorted.

Everyone Ive brought with me is trustworthy. I can vouch for them.

Demon worshippers are skilled in deception. They may appear harmless on the outside, but what they harbor within is another matter entirely.

You do realize, dont you? Were on an important mission.

Theres nothing more important than this.

I didnt want to bring this up, but do you have any idea how much I contribute to the church of light?

Im always grateful for your contributions. However, this is a separate matter.

Rebecca tried to persuade from all angles but it was futile.

It seemed unlikely that Talos would easily let them through.

It seems I have no choice but to prove our innocence.

The problem is, proving that they werent demon worshippers was no easy task.

Demons had only recently appeared on this continent.

Techniques for reliably detecting them have yet to be developed.

There are methods based on intuition, but relying solely on that could lead to too many innocent deaths.

Just like in the past.

Rebecca sighed inwardly.

It seems words alone wont suffice.

Persuasion was out of the question.

Nor could she force her way through. Being a follower herself, she couldnt possibly draw her sword against the church.

Then, the only option left is to convince the count directly.

Securing permission from the count for entry into the castle was the only way.

Rebecca stated,

Then, at the very least, please allow those who are vouched to enter. Im allowed through, right?

Of course. It would be impossible to doubt a council member.

Next, please allow the churchs priests to enter as well.

That too is a given. The ability to perform miracles is, in itself, beyond doubt.

Lastly, Rebecca pondered.

Continuing this way, she would end up entering the castle alone and without any guards.

There were heretic inquisitors and soldiers inside the castle, but they couldnt be trusted.

Wasnt the counts niece herself murdered just recently?

Then a brilliant idea flashed through Rebeccas mind.

She boldly declared,

Lastly, I will have Sir Dale accompany me.

Who is Sir Dale Ah.

Talos turned his gaze towards Dale, then widened his eyes even more.

You do say quite the interesting things, Lady Rebecca. Why didnt you laugh at my joke earlier if you can make such funny ones?

This is no joke.

Rebecca gestured for Dale to come over.

And Dale did just that.

He walked up to Talos before standing face to face with him.

Rebecca explained,

He is a knight who serves the goddess of the night. To our church, he is akin to a paladin. If the priests are allowed entry, then Sir Dale should be granted access as well.

That is indeed an interesting take.

Esther, who had followed to avoid any potential conflict, also spoke up in defense of Dale.

Brother Talos, I vouch for Sir Dale. He has personally vanquished the demon servant Hasina. There is no clearer evidence than that.


Talos looked down at Esther with a disapproving expression on his face before he turned his gaze back to Dale.

The two men stared intently at each other.

Despite the nominal reconciliation between light and night, the deep-seated emotional rift had not been fully bridged.

As in the past, Talos still regarded Dale with the eyes of a hunter.

Dale met his gaze defiantly.

If you have a problem, draw your weapon.

After a moment, Talos snorted sharply through his nose and said,

Do as you please. We are not in a position to quarrel over such matters at this time.

Thank you.

Having received permission, Rebecca issued instructions to the merchants guild employees and then led the priests and Dale into the castle.

With Esthers back to him, Talos spoke,

Sister Esther, I hope you realize your position. Consider carefully who you associate with. You are not a child, after all.

Esther who had stopped abruptly nodded her head stiffly.

Thank you for the advice, Brother Talos.

The group passed by Talos and entered the castle, where a guard led them.

I will take you to the count immediately.

The inside of the castle was even quieter than it appeared from the outside. The lords niece had just died after all.

The residents didnt want to inadvertently catch trouble, so they went inside their homes and locked their doors.

Dale walked through the silent streets. The old city of Kaelum Castle had its own kind of antique beauty.

As Dale admired the architectural styles of the buildings around him, he suddenly looked down at the ground and tilted his head slightly in curiosity.

When Dale stopped abruptly, Rebecca asked him,

Why did you stop, Sir Dale?

Is there an underground waterway beneath us?

It wouldnt be odd for such a thing to exist in an old city. But why do you ask?

No. Its nothing.

When Dale shook his head, Rebecca glanced around and whispered softly,

Sir, youre the only one I can trust here. Ill be counting on you.

After a moment of contemplation, Dale responded,

But wasnt my request already over the moment we arrived at the castle?

The request was strictly for an escort to Kaelum Castle.

Rebeccas lips twitched slightly.

To negotiate in such a situation You do have the talent of a merchant, Sir Dale.

I merely spoke the truth.

My request isnt a difficult one. Just if anything happens, please prioritize my safety. Naturally, I will compensate you.

Dale nodded his head.

Ill keep that in mind.

It wouldnt be a hard task, especially if more money was involved.

Dale planned to hunt down and eliminate the demon worshippers, so it was uncertain if he would have the time to look after Rebecca

But he made a mental note of her request nonetheless.

The soldier led them through the quiet streets and straight to the lords castle.

The castle was guarded by another set of inquisitors, who nodded after hearing the full story.

Please go in. And please refrain from going out as much as possible.

The stern inquisitor allowed the group inside.

Upon entering the castle, a vast garden came into view.

The gardeners skill was evident as the flowers and trees were harmoniously maintained.

However, due to the gloomy and quiet atmosphere surrounding it, it didnt look so good.

The presence of patrolling soldiers in the garden only intensified this sensation.

The group was led across the garden to an old-fashioned mansion, which was shaped like a square with one side open.

The butler of the mansion who took over from the soldier spoke up.

We will provide rooms for the priests. Lady Rebecca has requested to see the count immediately. Ah, and Sir Dale as well.

Do you know of me?

The butler smiled happily at Dales question.

Indeed, I do. Now, please, follow me.

The location where the lord resided was on the top floor of the mansion. The knight guarding the door said to Dale,

Leave all your weapons behind.

Dale hesitated as he held his cursed sword in his hand. Since it was a precious item, he hesitated to take it off his body.

But he soon made a decision.

No one else but me can use it anyway.

Unless one was a pure non-believer like Dale, they couldnt wield the blasphemer.

Moreover, being without a weapon didnt mean Dale couldnt fight.

His very body was akin to a weapon in itself.

The knight took all of his weapons from Dale and was slightly surprised by their weight.

The sword and other weapons were heavier than he had anticipated.

He surely doesnt fight with all these, right?

The knight quickly composed himself and opened the door.

Enter. The count is expecting you.

Rebecca and Dale entered the lords office. And the door naturally closed behind them.

Suddenly, someone charged toward Dale.

Dale reflexively stopped himself from swinging his fist.

In hindsight, it was the right decision.

Had he followed through with the punch Dale would have undoubtedly ended up in jail.

Been waiting! Been waiting for you! Why have you only just arrived?

The short old man who had abruptly approached began to vigorously shake Dales hand.

This very frightened old man was the lord of the castle and for some reason, he was extremely pleased to see Dale.

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