I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 589 Royal Spar (2)

Chapter 589  Royal Spar (2)

The grand hall of the Orion Empire's royal palace was ablaze with vibrant colours and lively music as the royal festivities reached their peak.

Nobles from across the galaxy had gathered, each vying for attention and influence in the illustrious court. Thus it was the perfect opportunity for Ashton and Anna to forge connections to ensure they had allies when the tides of battle grew treacherous.

Ashton stood tall, his dark cloak billowing behind him, engaged in conversation with an influential military general. While Anna, her enchanting form concealed beneath a mask, mingled with the courtiers, her eyes gleaming with curiosity and caution.

She wasn't afraid to use her charms when and where necessary, so it wasn't a surprise she had garnered a lot of attention. More so because she was a succubus, everyone wanted to know more about their origins.

Across the hall, Lord Callan, a noble from the Orion Empire, observed the festivities with a haughty gaze. He was a man of wealth and privilege, one who had never been denied anything in his life.

His eyes fell upon Anna, her graceful movements captivating him instantly. The succubus exuded an aura of mystery and allure, and Lord Callan, 123rd in line for the throne, was smitten.

However, his guard, surprisingly a human, sensed what was happening inside his master's head and warned him about the complications.

"Your Lordship, I would suggest you not antagonise-"

Reaper and Bella were talented combatants and the Emperor's special guests, which meant upsetting them, was akin to upsetting the Emperor.

"Shut it, Keron. I'd ask for your opinion when I need it!" Callan retorted, fixing his grand suit.

Unfortunately, Callan didn't care about it since he wanted to have a taste of Bella and add her to his 'exotic collection'.

Unable to resist the pull, Lord Callan approached Anna, a smile playing upon his lips. He believed no woman could resist his charms, and his position in the Orion Empire only added to his arrogance. Anna, sensing his intentions, tensed under her cloak but remained polite.

"Ah, fair lady," Lord Callan began, his voice dripping with false charm. "I could not help but notice your radiant beauty. Pray, allow me to accompany you for the evening and show you the wonders of the cosmos in... private."

Anna's eyes narrowed, and she looked towards Ashton, hoping for his support, but he was engrossed in conversation, unaware of the unfolding situation.

She knew she had to handle it herself. She responded calmly but firmly, "Thank you for your kind words, my lord, but I am already betrothed to another, and I must decline your offer."

Saying so, she returned to the conversation she was having with a countess in the empire, not caring about a lowly man's temper. However, her actions led to Lord Callan's face flushing with anger, his entitlement shattered by Bella's rejection.

His voice dripped with venom as he hissed, "Betrothed to a lowly mercenary? A woman of your beauty deserves better, my dear. Reaper is a mere speck in the grand tapestry of the Orion Empire."

Anna's patience wore thin, and her proper form began to emerge, her succubus wings and horns becoming visible. She held her head high, meeting Lord Callan's gaze with unyielding strength.

"Reaper is more of a man than you could ever hope to be, my lord. His honour and loyalty outweigh the wealth and titles that define you." Anna Replied with a smile. "Now, if you don't mind, you should seek another woman in the crowd. I assure you there are plenty of beautiful ones for you."

Lord Callan's face twisted into a mask of fury, his entitlement fueling his rage. Without warning, he reached out and grabbed Anna's hand, his grip tight and possessive.

"You will learn your place, succubus! I will not be denied!"

"You man-child..."

Anna's eyes blazed with a dangerous fire, and her patience was finally extinguished. In a swift motion, she broke free from Lord Callan's grip and unleashed a powerful kick, sending him hurtling backwards.

The force of her blow was so great that Lord Callan crashed through the grand hall's ornate wall, leaving a gaping hole in his wake.

Silence fell over the hall as courtiers and nobles alike turned to witness the spectacle. Lord Callan lay sprawled amidst the rubble; his arrogance shattered along with the wall. Anna, her form returning to its deceptive guise, stood tall, her voice commanding and resolute.

"No man, noble or otherwise, has the right to lay a hand on me without my consent. I am not a possession to be claimed but a person who chooses her own path. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more deserving company to keep."

With a final glance towards Ashton, who turned his attention towards the commotion, Anna walked away, leaving Lord Callan and the shattered remnants of his entitlement behind.

The courtiers whispered among themselves, their admiration for the succubus growing with each passing moment. Most of them viewed Lord Callan as a nuisance and were glad someone taught the pervert a lesson.

Ashton, his eyes filled with concern and pride, approached Anna. He wrapped his arm around her, offering silent support as her rage slowly simmered.

"That was one hell of a kick, Anna." He slowly whispered into her ears.

"Of course it was. The moron couldn't take any hints-"

Just as they were about to head towards the Emperor to sort the mess out, Keron stopped them. His plasma blade was merely inches away from Anna's throat.

"Although I'm aware my master was at fault for the situation, as his knight, I must avenge his honour-"

Before the man could finish, Ashton appeared behind the man in a blur, calmly placing a hand on the man's shoulder.

"I'm intrigued as to what honour such a man possesses?" Ashton whispered before walking past Keron. "Do yourself a favour and stand down while you still have legs to stand on. This will be your first and final warning."


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