I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 588 Royal Spar (1)

With a warm smile and an air of authority, the Minister led Reaper and Bella through the vast and prosperous halls of the Orion Palace. As they walked, the crowd's murmurings followed in their wake, whispers of intrigue and awe filling the air.

Amidst the palace's grandeur, the trio moved with class, drawing attention from the guests who watched in curiosity and admiration. Conversations hushed as eyes followed the Ghosts and their entourage, their grand entrance still fresh in everyone's minds.

"Reaper and Bella, what a sight to behold!" murmured one attendee, their voice tinged with envy and fascination. "They certainly know how to make an entrance. Don't you think so?"

Another guest leaned in closer to their companion, their voices hushed as they shared their thoughts. "I wonder if I could join them... I should get in their good graces and form a good relationship with them."

As the Minister guided the Ghosts through the labyrinthine corridors, the whispers grew louder, speculations and theories intertwining like a delicate dance. Some marvelled at the display of power and elegance, while others questioned the reasoning behind such a flamboyant arrival.

"Such extravagance," commented a dignitary, their voice laced with a hint of envy. "They have certainly made their mark. But is it necessary? I mean, the Drakonian could have accidentally killed someone, and would the Ghosts take responsibility for that?"

A group of Orion nobles observed the scene with curiosity and scepticism. 

"I wonder what the Emperor thinks of their arrival," one noble pondered, their voice carrying a note of intrigue. "Such boldness surely demands his attention."

A few steps behind, a group of scholars engaged in a hushed discussion, their voices filled with scholarly curiosity. 

"Do you think the Ghosts' arrival signifies a shift in power dynamics?" one scholar mused. "Their actions and reputation have certainly set the galaxy abuzz."

"Well, it certainly has not gone unnoticed, has it?"

The murmurs grew in volume and intensity as the trio passed through each corridor, echoing off the intricately adorned walls. The whispers followed them like a subtle symphony of intrigue and fascination.

Amidst the curiosity and speculation, some marvelled at the Ghosts' audacity and admired their commanding presence. The Ghosts had become a topic of conversation, their every move scrutinised and analysed by the attendees.

"Have you laid eyes on their pet Drakonian? It's unlike anything I've ever witnessed before. The Ghosts truly live up to their renowned reputation," one guest whispered in awe.

"Reputation? They are nothing more than a group of arrogant show-offs," another guest retorted dismissively.

Ashton couldn't help but smile upon hearing the man's critical remark. It was as expected, considering the man's affiliation with a certain evolved race of humans known for their blunt opinions. 

Nevertheless, Ashton knew that confronting the man would serve no purpose and would be beneath his own character.

He resisted the urge to retort and instead focused on maintaining his composure, reminding himself of the importance of diplomacy and restraint in his position as the leader of the Ghosts.

"We're here!" the Minister cheerfully exclaimed.

The grand doors swung open, revealing the opulent interior of the inner chamber. A hushed silence fell over the room as the esteemed guests took in the sight before them.

The palace guards directed the rest of the Ghosts to remain outside while Ashton and Anna, the esteemed guests of honour, were granted access to the inner chamber.

The outer chamber, where most attendees were gathered, was an impressive sight. Lavish decorations adorned the walls, and laughter and conversation filled the air. The atmosphere was lively, with beings from various corners of the galaxy mingling and exchanging pleasantries.

However, the inner chamber held an air of exclusivity and intrigue. It was reserved for guests who had achieved a certain level of accomplishment, a select few who had earned the respect and admiration of the Orion Empire. 

As Reaper and Bella stepped through the ornate doors, all eyes turned towards them. The tension in the air inside was palpable. Whispers circulated among the guests as they studied the couple, assessing their presence and judging their worth.

The Ghosts had garnered a reputation as formidable warriors and skilled operatives. Still, now they stood amidst the elite of the Orion Empire, where accomplishments were scrutinised, and respect had to be earned.

However, a moment later, everyone went silent. All conversations quieted, and all eyes turned toward the imposing figure of the Emperor sitting on the throne at the centre of the room.

He was a tall and regal being, his form draped in elegant robes of shimmering gold and crimson. His presence commanded attention, and his aura exuded authority.

The Minister stepped forward, addressing the Emperor with the utmost respect. "Your Majesty, may I present to you the esteemed guests of honour, Reaper and Bella, leaders of the renowned mercenary organisation, the Ghosts."

As the Minister concluded his introduction, a hush fell over the chamber. All eyes turned towards the Emperor, awaiting their response to the presence of the Ghosts' leaders. 

The Emperor's piercing gaze shifted from the Minister to Reaper and Bella, studying them intently. His dark, piercing eyes filled with curiosity and wisdom. 

His skin was a deep, obsidian black, contrasting sharply with the vibrant colours of his attire. His features were sharp and defined, displaying a regal countenance befitting his position.

"Your Majesty," Ashton began, his voice steady and respectful. "We are deeply honoured to be in your presence. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Empire for extending this invitation and the support you have provided us throughout our endeavours."

With a nod of acknowledgement, the Emperor spoke, his voice resonating through the chamber. 

"Reaper and Bella, I have heard tales of your valour and accomplishments, the legends that precede you. Your exploits have reached even the farthest corners of our Empire, and I am honoured to finally meet you in person."

Reaper and Bella inclined their heads respectfully, acknowledging the Emperor's words with a deep sense of honour. They understood the significance of this moment, as they were being recognised by the highest authority in the Orion Empire.

The Emperor continued, "Let the festivities begin!"

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