I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 541 Xylopian Trouble (2)

The next day, Vimur, Laihud, and the rest of the crew stepped off the shuttle onto the rocky terrain of the alien planet. The air was thick with mist, and the sky was filled with strange clouds that glowed with a greenish hue.

The locals wished them the best and performed a ritual to ensure their safety, but otherwise did not help them in any manner.

The crew could hear the sound of rushing water in the distance, and the scent of the local flora filled their noses.

Laihud looked around, his eyes scanning the rocky forest. "This is definitely not like any other planet we've been to."

"Agreed," Vimur replied. "But we're not here to sightsee. We have a mission to accomplish. Let's scan the area and locate some Zoraxes. You got the other scanner, right?"

Laihud nodded while tapping the gadget strapped to his shoulder. Apart from capturing Zorax and taming them, the crew had been given another mission from the Tower.

A mission to gather information about the planet's resources, particularly a rare mineral that was said to be found in abundance in the area.

The crew's job was to gather as much information as possible without disturbing the planet's delicate ecosystem or angering the natives. Finding an energy-rich mineral was one thing, but to extract it, they would need help from locals.

However, if they knew the crew had alternate motives as well, they wouldn't have been welcoming to them. The Xylopians revered nature and would not take kindly to digging holes into nature's half of the planet.

Mining on the other side of the planet would be seen as the mercenaries trying to desecrate nature and might attack the crew without asking for explanations.

As such, Vimur and Laihud were the only ones who knew about the second part of their mission, as they were afraid the big-mouth newbies might leak the information to the Xylopians.

They began walking through the rocky forest, the sound of their boots echoing off the rocks. The terrain was treacherous, with sharp rocks jutting out of the ground and thick underbrush, making it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead.

As they continued on their journey, they came across a small stream. Laihud knelt down and scooped up some water in his hand, examining it closely.

"The water seems clean," he said. "We could refill our water supplies here."

Even though they had enough supplies to last them months, it was a good idea to scavenge some resources from nature, if possible.

Vimur nodded in agreement. "Good idea. We'll set up camp here for the night."

They knew they would be spending a lot of time in the rocky forest as the Zoraxes were not easy to spot, despite their size. Moreover, they often lived underground and only appeared when they needed something, like food or water.

The crew set to work, setting up their tents and starting a fire. As the night fell, they gathered around the campfire, eating a meal of ration bars and discussing their mission.

"I'm worried about the local wildlife," said Laihud. "We don't know what kind of creatures live on this planet or how dangerous they might be."

They had been provided with a detailed report that listed every known lifeform on the planet. But on a planet whose other side was rarely explored, anything could happen, and any creature could appear out of nowhere.

Vimur nodded. "We'll have to be cautious. But we can't let that stop us from completing our mission. Besides, if any creature dares to show up, we can always cook it-"

Suddenly, they heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. Everyone tensed, reaching for their weapons. Moments passed as Vimur slowly headed towards the bush to check it out.

As soon as he got there, a group of small, furry creatures jumped on him before cautiously approaching the campfire. They looked up at the crew with big, curious eyes and then began sniffing around the camp's perimeter.

They were about the size of a housecat, with wide, curious eyes and large ears that perked up at the slightest sound. The creatures made chirping noises as they observed the crew's movements.

"Ratacules, herbivorous creatures that Xylopians also keep as pets," Laihud smiled. "Completely harmless. They're just curious about us."

Vimur was the first to approach one of the creatures, crouching down and holding out a hand. The creature sniffed at his fingers before nuzzling its head into his palm. Vimur laughed in delight and scratched behind the creature's ear.

"They seem friendly enough," he said, looking up at Laihud and the rest of the crew. "Maybe we should try to communicate with them?"

Laihud nodded in agreement, and they approached the rest of the furry creatures, trying to make friendly gestures. The animals seemed to respond well, chirping and trilling in excitement as the crew continued making arrangements for the night.

Vimur laughed. "I think we have some new friends on this planet."

"This is incredible," Jay said, looking around in awe. "I've never seen anything like this before."

Alina nodded a small smile on her face. "It's moments like these that make this job worth it."

As they continued working, the ratacules became more and more comfortable with their presence. They even started playing around the crew's feet, jumping and rolling in the grass.

The crew relaxed, watching the little creatures as they explored the camp. Ratacules proved to be genuinely lovable creatures, and they immediately took a liking to them. After all, who could possibly hate the snuggly animals?

As they settled in for the night, the ratacules kept them company by the fire. As they relaxed, the crew could hear the sounds of the alien forest around them, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the beauty of this strange new world.

Unbeknownst to them, there was a reason why the ratacules had joined them. They were seeking refuge from a predator, one who was pissed because of the mercenaries invading its territory.

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