I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 540 Xylopian Trouble (1)

While Malekith worked his magic to corrupt the prison's systems, Ashton and the rest of the team focused on making money. Why? Because they had too much time on their hands and they also wanted to test the recruits.

That said, Ashton and Anna couldn't accept jobs recklessly as they both were the targets of the Cult, and they also had to prepare for the prison break. As such, the responsibility fell on Laihud's and Vimur's shoulders to guide the newbies.

Laihud's nurturing nature and Vimur's strictness were the perfect combinations to teach the newbies everything they needed to know. Meanwhile, Inhumans and Metahumans joined them in their quest, hoping to earn some quick buck.

"It's a shame Viper wasn't cleared to participate in this mission," Alina whispered as the inhumans got ready in the hall.

Jay being the reserved, enigmatic guy, only nodded. He was more interested in the mission. After all, it was their first mission as mercenaries, and he wanted to ensure he performed exceptionally.

Alina knew what was going on inside the dumbass's head. So she decided to distract him by giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Can you relax?" She joked. "It's a run-of-the-mill mission! Moreover, we have two of the best Lieutenants to carry us! Be bold and smile, moron."

Jay finally gave in and smiled. After all, she was correct. The monster subjugation mission shouldn't be difficult, especially with the calibre of machinery they were carrying.

Just then, everyone's communications pinged. It was a message from Laihud with an attachment. Jay immediately clicked on it, and all the information they'd need to complete the mission was inside the file.

Alina and Jay stood in the small briefing room, reviewing the data they had received about their upcoming mission. The planet they were going to, Verdantia, was known for its harsh terrain and dangerous wildlife, making it difficult to operate in.

"Okay, so we're looking for a creature called the Zorax," Alina said, pointing at a holographic display. "It's known for its extremely potent venom, and we need it for the cure Tower's pharma company is developing."

"I thought it was a mission to kill the beasts, not kidnap them?" Nicols, one of the Metahumans, shrugged. "Might as well kidnap some big tiddy-"

However, before he could finish expressing his carnal desires, Laihud and Vimur entered the room, all geared up for an adventure.

"Good to see you all so energetic this morning!" Vimur barked. "I hope you all received a message from Lieutenant Laihud?"

The crowd of four hundred mercenaries nodded simultaneously.

"Good, because you should know about your enemies before striking them! Lieutenant Laihud would give you the rest of the debriefing as well."

With that, Laihud tapped the centre table twice, and a holographic map materialised out of thin air. It was a map of a section of Verdantia.

"Not a lot is known about Zorax as they mostly keep to themselves. But recent reports have shown the peace-loving Zorax attack anyone and anything that comes their way."

Vimur continued, "It's our job to get things under control, and while we are at it, trap some of them and bring them back to the Tower for further examination."

Laihud tapped the table again, and the terrain map was replaced by one that depicted the cave system.

"We have reason to believe that the Zorax is located in a cave system on the other side of the planet."

"Which means we'll have to trek through some pretty rough terrain," Alina said, checking her equipment list.

"Exactly," Laihud nodded. "However, don't worry about the equipment. Vice-president Mazton has been kind enough to lend us everything we'd need."

With that, Laihud and Vimur exit the room, leaving the recruits to do their thing before boarding the ship. However, as they were going, Vimur couldn't help but show his dumb side.

"Do we really have everything?" He asked. "I mean... that cave system is extensive, and Zorax is not the type of creature anyone wants to be trapped within a close space."

"I think so," Laihud said, holding up a small device. "I've got this scanner to help us locate the Zorax once we're in the cave system. And we've got plenty of food and water for the journey, and whatever we lack would be taken care of by the locals."


Soon the Ghosts boarded three ships. The first two carried a hundred recruits, while the smaller ship belonged to Vimur and Laihud.

While the other two ships mainly served as cargo ships, the latter was equipped with all amenities, making the recruits feel a tinge of jealousy towards the lieutenants.

"You look excited about our first mission." Jay teased Alina.

Alina nodded, her eyes scanning over the maps again. "Okay, we need to be prepared for anything. We don't know what kind of creatures we might encounter on this planet."

Jay grinned, his eyes bright with excitement. "Sounds like my kind of mission."

Alina smiled in return. "Just remember, we're not here to have fun, and we're here to get the Zorax and get out. No heroics, got it?"

Jay's expression turned serious. "Got it. I'm here to do my job."


The entire ship was filled with excited chattering of the recruits. Most of them were already planning ways to spend their share after completing the mission.

Some wanted to upgrade their gear, and some desired to waste it on booze and girls. But one thing was common with all of them. They did not want to waste their youth away.

Even though all of them were strangers at this point in time, they had a sense of unity instilled in them when they saw the skull branded on their gear. The symbol reflected their allegiance to the Ghosts and, by default, to Reaper.


"Prepare for the descent." the captain's voice echoed inside the ships.

The ghosts got into action and double-checked their equipment before giving the captain the okay.

Before they landed and the ship's doors opened, they received another message from Laihud.

"Remember, we need to be cautious. We don't know what kind of conditions this planet is going through or what kind of hazards we might encounter." His voice echoed. "No matter what, you must abide by our orders or face the consequences. For this is not a trial. Good luck to you all."

"Yes, Sir!" The recruits bellowed, their eyes fixed on the airlock doors.

After a moment of silence, the doors opened with a hiss, and they stepped out into the unknown. As they descended to the planet's surface, Alina couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with apprehension.

Yes, they were on a mission. But it was Alina's first time stepping onto an alien world. But she wasn't alone, and Jay was by her side, holding onto her hands.

As they touched the surface, they immediately began scanning their surroundings with their helmets' built-in sensors. The terrain was rocky and uneven, with sharp cliffs jutting up from the ground. The sky was a strange shade of purple, with wispy clouds drifting lazily by.

However, that wasn't all.

They had been expecting to see a jungle world, but behind the rocky plains was a metropolitan city. Hundreds of towering structures could be seen from a distance. It was then the recruits realised the planet was divided into two halves.

One was populated by the natives and had well-developed cities. At the same time, the other half was ruled over by mother nature. It was quite a peculiar sight, but at the same time, it was beautiful to see such a balance between nature and modernisation.

The lieutenants had landed way before the recruits did and were already greeting the locals who had called for their help.

In the meantime, a few guides approached the recruits, guiding them into the city.


"Welcome, travellers," said the alien leader, a tall, slender creature with bright blue skin and long, spindly fingers. "We have called you here because we are in need of your assistance."

Vimur and Laihud exchanged a quick glance before Vimur spoke up.

"Yes, we have been notified about this issue of yours. However, much of your planet is still a mystery to us."

"It'll be helpful if you could give us more information about your world and the Zorax issue." Laihud chimed in.

"Our planet is home to a diverse array of animal species," explained the alien leader. "But in recent months, we have seen a dramatic increase in the population of Zorax species."

They are causing damage to our crops and homes, and we fear that if their numbers continue to grow, they will become a severe threat to our civilisation."

"We understand," said Laihud. "And you want us to help you bring their numbers under control."

The alien leader nodded. "Yes. We have heard of your reputation as skilled hunters and believe you can help us."

Vimur and Laihud exchanged another glance. They had indeed spent many years honing their hunting skills, but they had never before encountered the Zorax in their domain. Still, they were willing to try.

"We will do what we can," said Vimur. "For now, we'll need to gather more information about Zorax and its weakness."

The alien leader nodded and led them into the densely populated city, away from the region where the animals in question were said to be most prevalent.

As they walked, Vimur struck up a conversation with the alien leader.

"What can you tell us about these animals? Are they particularly dangerous?"

The alien leader shook his head. "If we ignore their poisonous fangs, then no, they are not dangerous, per se. But they are very skittish and difficult to approach. We have tried to hunt them ourselves, but we have had little success."

Vimur nodded thoughtfully. "I see. And what kind of weapons do you have?"

The alien leader looked at him quizzically. "Weapons?"

"Yeah, how were you hunting them without weapons?" Laihud smiled nervously.

"We don't use such constructs to vandalise nature." The leader replied. "We use nature and guide her to fulfil our desired result."

"You... pitted animals against each other?" Vimur asked.

"Yes. Just like we Xylopians take care of our own problems, nature should also solve her issues by herself." The leader remarked.

Vimur had to fight the urge to either smack the leader or himself for accepting this weirdo's job request.

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