I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 538 Uncharted Territory (1)

Despite not wanting to entertain Jack's request, it was the only shot Ashton had at tracking down the Cult. However, before that, he wanted some sort of guarantee that Jack knew something worthwhile.

Mazton conveyed Ashton's words to Jack, who gave him a couple of coordinates and dates. Ashton immediately knew what it was and dispatched ONI agents to verify his doubts, and they did.

Both of the coordinates were places with Cult's presence. Unfortunately, even those people were being used by the Cult, like countless others. Not a single cult executive was found in either of those places, but thanks to Jack's help, the Ghosts were able to evade two massive disasters.

Jack had proved his worth, and it was Ashton's turn to do the same. Even though it wasn't going to be easy.


Ashton leaned back in his chair, the glow of the holo-table casting a dim light on his face. He looked up at his team, who were gathered around the table, deep in discussion.

Mazton, Anna, Leon, and Otiga - the most resourceful individuals he knew, had all gathered to plan the prison break. The stakes were high, and the risks were enormous. But Ashton knew that if anyone could pull it off, it was this team.

As for Otiga, Ashton had to use the portal of Eastern Palace to get her to the Tower as fast as he could. Planning a prison break would require her knowledge and expertise. In front of them was a detailed map of the prison. It wasn't easy to get, but Mazton came through.

The prison was a massive, sprawling complex, even more, extensive than what Ashton had expected. It was heavily guarded and fortified with the latest technology, making it nearly impossible to penetrate. But that was precisely what they had to do.

"So, here's what we know," Mazton ran his fingers over the map, studying it intently. "The prison is located on the edge of the galaxy, far from any major trade routes. It's a high-security facility constructed by the Orion Empire, heavily guarded by their military personnel."

Leon nodded in agreement. "The facility is also equipped with some of the most advanced security systems in the galaxy. We're talking about biometric scanners, energy shields, and surveillance cameras that detect the slightest movements."

Ashton leaned forward in his seat, his eyes fixed on the map. "So, how are we going to get in?"

"Despite their defences, we have one advantage. The prison was built over a hundred years ago, and it hasn't undergone any significant upgrades since then." Otiga chimed in. "The security systems might be advanced, but they're still outdated compared to what we have today."

[No wonder that AI was pissed. No one wants to run on a bad circuit!]

Ashton ignored Astaroth's comment and continued with the discussion.

"If that's the case, why hasn't been a single escapee in decades?" Anna raised a valid question.

"The entire prison is one planet. One might escape the prison, but how will they escape the planet without transportation?" Otiga replied.

"That's good news. But we need more than just outdated security systems to pull this off." Ashton sighed. "We need to know the facility's defences, the guard rotations, and their weaknesses. Everything."

"Do you have any info regarding it?" Mazton immediately turned towards Otiga, who shook her head.

"The Orions are notoriously secretive about their military operations. We'll have to gather that information ourselves."

"We know the emperor, right? Why don't we get help from them?" Anna quizzed, but Ashton immediately shot down the proposal.

Just because they were on friendly terms did not mean Lord Testickles would help them. Moreover, they had no idea where the Cult could have their spies. Therefore calling for their help would be like broadcasting their plans for the entire galaxy.

"For now, let's try and keep this within ourselves," Ashton replied. "I'll think about asking them for their aid when there's no other way. What about the target?"

Otiga cleared her throat before speaking.

"I've managed to gather some intel on the prisoner we're breaking out. His name is Dr Tarek, a brilliant scientist who was wrongfully imprisoned for refusing to work with the Xyrans."

Alarm bells went off in Ashton's head.

'Xyrans? What the heck do they want from a scientist?'

[It beats me... we're too prideful to ask for someone's help even if we were in dire need of it.]

'Could Xyrans be behind the cult-'

[Don't be ridiculous. Why would we engage in something of that sort? If we wanted to dominate the lower civilisations, we'd have done so without much thinking.]

Ashton nodded understandingly. The Xyran were the overlords of the galaxy, and they were the last people to use underhanded tricks to achieve their goals. Unless they are dealing with Precursors...

Meanwhile, Otiga continued, "Tarek is being held in the highest-security cell, and the only way to access it is through a biometric scanner. We'd need the Warden alive and cooperative to pull Tarek out."

Ashton sighed. These complications were the reason he wanted no part in Jack's scheme. Unfortunately, it was too late to back down anymore. Mazton knew what was happening inside Ashton's head, so he continued the meeting instead.

"As for the infiltration, we have a few options. The first is to infiltrate the prison by posing as guards or officials. But that would require a lot of preparation and resources, and there's a high risk of being discovered."

"What's our second option?" Anna asked, her eyes bright with anticipation.

Mazton smiled. "The second option is more daring. We'll fly under their radar, land near the prison, and breach the walls with explosives. It'll be a high-risk operation, but it's our best chance."

Leon frowned. "It's not the time for jokes, sir. No amount of explosives would ever breach those walls."

"My bad," Mazton shrugged. "I have thought of something. Since the Prison AI is always frustrated, no one pays attention to it. The AI also happens to be the one controlling all of the prison's defence and surveillance."

"Which means if we could replace the AI, we'd be in control of the entire planet!"

"Exactly. Otiga can figure a way to get one of us inside to do the job." Mazton proposed, and Otiga readily agreed.

But Ashton knew that the most challenging part was yet to come. "Alright, we have the intel, and we have the tech. But how do we get in and out of prison without being detected?"

Mazton smirked. "That's where I come in. I've already made arrangements for a diversionary attack on a nearby Orion military outpost. It'll draw their attention away from the prison, giving us the window to get in and out undetected."

Ashton leaned forward, his eyes locked with Mazton's. "But what if something goes wrong? What if we're caught?"

Mazton's smile faded, "Then we're screwed. But we're not going to be caught. We're going to plan this meticulously every step of the way. We'll practice our infiltration and extraction methods until we can do it in our sleep. And when the time comes, we'll execute flawlessly."

Ashton nodded, feeling a sense of determination rising within him. "Alright, let's do this. We'll start gathering intel and training immediately."

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