I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 537 A Prisoner's Request

In the days that followed, the Ghosts continued their raids on Econium's cities. No corner was left unturned in their search for clues, but every raid proved fruitless.

The goons working for Diego were clueless about his whereabouts or his affiliation with the Cult. To them, they were still part of a liberation army fighting for the oppressed, and Diego had brainwashed them so much that they refused to see the blatant truth in front of them.

Ashton realised there was no point in interrogating them since they knew nothing useful. But one day, a surprise revelation came from one of the goons.

He claimed that right before the attack on the bank, Diego had met with a hooded figure who had given him a file of tablets. After consuming the pills, Diego's strength increased drastically.

Ashton now knew how Diego kept bouncing back even after receiving a severe beating; he was high on drugs.

The goon further revealed that the meeting with the hooded figure was why they had arrived at the bank way past their planned schedule. Unfortunately, that was all the goon knew.

Based on the goon's description, Ashton had no doubts that the hooded figure was a representative of the Cult. However, there was no way for him to determine the identity of the man Diego worked for.

"It wouldn't matter even if you had a crystal-clear photograph of him," Mazton mumbled through the comms. "The Cult is a secretive organisation that never sees the light of day. They always hire people like Diego to do their dirty work while reaping the rewards from the shadows."

Ashton nodded in agreement. Although the Metal Sharks and the Cult were colluding against him, he knew that the Cult was far more dangerous than a mere terrorist organisation. The Tower and ONI had some information about the Metal Sharks, but the Cult was a complete enigma.

After Mazton mentioned it, even Ashton realised a pattern in his interactions with the Cult. Despite constantly being in each other's way for god knows how long, Ashton had never had a direct confrontation with the Cult.

Whether it was the incident on Euphoria, Occuna, or Econium, the Cult had always hired run-of-the-mill mercenaries or gangsters to stop him, but they never came face to face with him.

While the Cult didn't have the numbers that the Mercenary Tower or the Metal Sharks possessed, their secretive nature was enough to topple any power bigger than their own.

Ashton felt a sense of unease as he contemplated the power of the Cult. He had been too focused on taking down the troubles on earth and the Xyrans, believing them to be the main threats.

But now he realised that the Cult was the true enemy he should have focused on all along.

He wondered how many other organisations had been destroyed by the Cult's shady tactics. How many other people, like Diego and his goons, had been manipulated and brainwashed into doing their bidding?

Ashton knew he needed to find a way to take down the Cult, but he had no idea where to start. The thought of facing an organisation that was so elusive and powerful made him feel small and powerless.

Ashton clenched his fists in frustration. He was tired of playing this cat-and-mouse game with the Cult. But what could he do against an enemy he couldn't even see?

Ashton sighed heavily, realising the gravity of the situation.

"So, we're pretty much screwed then?" he asked, a tinge of frustration in his voice.

Mazton paused for a moment before responding, "Not entirely. We still have a few leads we can follow up on. It's just that the Cult operates differently than the other organisations we've faced before. ONI and I will do our best to track down those sly cowards."

Ashton nodded, understanding that this was going to be a difficult task.

"I do have someone who could help us," Mazton spoke softly. "I'll send you the details in a while. Meet me there and come alone. Involving anyone else could put their lives in danger."


"A prison, really?" Ashton asked Mazton as the prison popped into view.

"Sometimes you got to see things from the other side," Mazton nonchalantly replied before turning towards the pilot. "Take us to docking port B12."

"Affirmative." The pilot replied before taking a sharp turn.

The intergalactic prison was a vast, sprawling complex, occupying an entire moon on the galaxy's outer rim. From a distance, it looked like a metallic monolith, its jagged edges glinting menacingly in the harsh light of the system's sun.

As their ship approached, Ashton could see the intricate web of security systems that guarded the prison's perimeter. A ring of energy shields, powerful turrets, and swarms of automated drones created an impenetrable barrier that would deter even the most daring of escape attempts.

The ship docked at the designated bay, and Ashton stepped out, his heart racing with a mix of anxiety and excitement.

He had never set foot inside an intergalactic prison before, and the thought of facing some of the most dangerous criminals in the galaxy made him want to turn them into summons.

[Hm.. they would be great foot soldiers if you could get them on a leash.]

"It's an honour to meet you, sir!" The prison warden awaited their arrival and immediately jumped to greet Mazton.

"Likewise," Mazton smiled before introducing Ashton. "I don't think I need to tell you who this young man is?"

"Of course not. Who wouldn't know the Tower's successor?" The warden replied and shook Ashton's hand. "Shall we proceed?"

Mazton nodded, and they headed inside. The entrance to the prison was a massive, reinforced gate guarded by a team of heavily armed soldiers in sleek, black armour.

They scrutinised Ashton's credentials before allowing him to pass, thanks to his background as a mercenary, warning him that any attempt to cause trouble would be met with deadly force.

The warden could only look at the guests as the prison's AI kept warning them over and over.

The prison was a maze of narrow corridors, dimly lit cells, and the constant hum of machinery. The air was thick with the smell of disinfectant, and the sound of clanging metal echoed throughout the complex.

The cells were tiny, cramped spaces, barely large enough for a single occupant. The walls were made of dull, grey metal, and a small, barred window offered a glimpse of the desolate landscape outside. Each cell was equipped with a simple cot, a sink, a toilet, and nothing else.

Ashton walked past row after row of cells, each containing a lone criminal. Some were sitting quietly, staring at the walls with vacant expressions, while others were yelling and screaming, their voices echoing down the hallways.

Despite the bleakness of the surroundings, Ashton could sense a quiet tension in the air, a feeling of suppressed violence that hung over the prison like a dark cloud. He knew that the slightest provocation could ignite a riot at any moment, and they would be caught in the middle of it.

They made their way through the corridors of the high-security prison, their footsteps echoing off the walls. He was here to visit an old friend who could help him take down the Cult.

"We're here," The warden announced before opening the cell. "Remember, you only got ten minutes."

Mazton nodded before entering the cell. Ashton followed suit.

"Mazton, my man! Long time no see," the prisoner said, looking up to see who had come to visit him.

"Hey, Jack," Mazton said, smiling at his friend. "How have you been holding up?"

"I'm doing okay," Jack replied, shrugging his shoulders. "Same old routine, but it's better than the alternative."

Mazton nodded sympathetically before introducing Ashton.

Apparently, Jack had been a skilled hacker who had run afoul of the law when he had gotten involved in some illegal activities. Mazton met him while working on a case years ago, and they had become good friends.

He then convinced Jack to turn his life around and use his skills for good, and he helped him get a reduced sentence in return for his cooperation.

Once Mazton was done, Ashton explained the situation to Jack and asked for his help in tracking down the Cult. Jack listened intently, nodding every once in a while.

"I can definitely help you with that," Jack said after Ashton had finished. "I have some contacts in the underground hacking community who might be able to get me some information on the Cult."

Ashton smiled, relieved. "That would be great, Jack."

Jack grinned. "Anything for you, Mazy man. But, there's a catch."

Mazton raised an eyebrow. "What kind of catch?"

"I need you to do me a favour first." Jack hesitated before replying.

Ashton frowned. "What kind of favour?"

"It's... complicated," Jack said, his expression turning serious. "I need you to break someone out of this prison."

"What? Jack, that's crazy! We can't do that!" Ashton's eyes widened in surprise.

"I know it's a big ask," Jack said, holding up a hand. "But this guy needs to get out of here, and I can't do it on my own. He's a good man, Ashton, and he doesn't deserve to be locked up in here."

Ashton thought for a moment, weighing his options. On the one hand, he needed Jack's help to take down the Cult. On the other hand, he couldn't risk his freedom and reputation by breaking someone out of prison.

"It would have been one thing to get you out of here. But if it's someone else, I need to think about it," Mazton said finally. "I'll get back to you."

Jack nodded, understanding. "Take your time, man. Just remember, I'm here to help you. And I know you won't forget about me."

Mazton nodded, smiling slightly. "Of course, Jack. You're my friend, and I appreciate everything you've done for me."

Ashton turned to leave, feeling conflicted. He knew he needed Jack's help to take down the Cult, but Ashton didn't want to risk everything he had worked for just to help a stranger escape prison.

"You're seriously considering his proposal?" Ashton exploded as soon as they were alone.

"Look, if I go through with it, and that's a big if, it would not be for your sake but for everyone," Mazton replied. "The Cult is getting out of hand, and I don't want rogue organisations like them to cause chaos in the galaxy. Let's just leave..."

As he walked through the corridors of the prison, Ashton's thoughts were consumed with the dilemma he faced. He needed to find a way to take down the Cult without compromising his values or putting himself in danger. No matter how tough it might be.

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