I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 533 Ganbare!

Anna sat across from Ashton as they discussed the possible recruitment of Shian. Anna had reservations about bringing him on board, but Ashton seemed convinced he would be a valuable asset.

After all, Malekith had handpicked him also after seeing what Shian or, well, what his second personality was capable of, Ashton knew he couldn't let him go.

However, the Ghosts wouldn't be pleased with his decision, especially after what Shian did to Vimur. His unpredictable and explosive nature would cause unease among the faction and might get in the way of their missions.

"I'm telling you, Anna, this guy is exactly what we need," Ashton said, leaning forward in his seat. "He's skilled, resourceful, and not afraid to get his hands dirty, well, at least his alternate self isn't. We need people like him on our team if we're going to survive in this business."

Anna shook her head, her brow furrowed in concern.

"I don't know, Ashton," she said. "There's something off about him. I don't trust him, and I don't think he's a good fit for our group. On top of that, he can't even control his other self!"

Ashton sighed, clearly frustrated with Anna's reluctance. Even then, he knew Anna wasn't being adamant for her sake but for everyone's well-being.

Also, what she said about Shian not being in control of his strength was entirely true. But with Astaroth's help, Ashton was confident he could tame Shain's rogue side.

Another reason Ashton was adamant about including him was his selfishness. In a way, Ashton saw himself in Shian when he first discovered Astaroth and wanted to help him reconcile with his other half like he and Astaroth did before it was too late.

"I understand your concerns, but we can't afford to be picky," he said. "We need all the help we can get, and who knows, this guy could be the difference between success and failure on our next mission!?"

Anna crossed her arms, still unconvinced. Indeed they need to recruit strong individuals for the team, especially with the Cult and Metal sharks on their tail. But Shian was like a double-edged sword, and his involvement could become a curse at any moment.

"But what if he turns on us?" she asked. "What if he's working for someone else, or he has his own agenda that doesn't align with ours? What is the second persona is an act?"

Ashton shrugged, a determined look on his face. He had already confirmed Shian's words through [Heartbeat Sense] and [Detection]. However, he couldn't explicitly tell Anna about it.

"We'll keep an eye on him, of course," he said. "But we can't let fear control our decisions. We need to take risks if we're going to stay ahead of our enemies."

Anna sighed, knowing that Ashton had a point. They were always in danger, always one step away from disaster. They needed every advantage they could get, even if it meant taking a chance on someone who might not be entirely trustworthy.

"Trust me, will you?"

"Fine," she said reluctantly. "But if anything goes wrong, it's on your head, not mine."

Ashton smiled, standing up from the table.

"Don't worry, Anna, I've got this," he said. "Love you!"

"...Love you too, buffoon."

Anna watched him go, feeling a sense of unease in the pit of her stomach. She knew that this decision could come back to haunt them, but she also knew that there was no turning back now. They would just have to hope that their new recruit was as valuable as Ashton believed him to be.


The next day...

Ashton knew that he had a big task ahead of him. Shian was still struggling to control his powers, and Ashton knew that if he didn't intervene soon, the consequences could be catastrophic. He had seen what Shian was capable of when his powers were unleashed, and it was frightening.

Ashton called Shian to his training room, an ample space filled with all kinds of equipment and weapons. Shian walked in nervously, knowing that Ashton had something important to discuss with him.

"As you know, Shian, your powers are getting out of control," Ashton began. "If we don't do something about it soon, there's no telling what kind of damage you could cause."

Shian nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He had been struggling to control his powers and knew he needed help.

"That's why I'm going to help you," Ashton continued. "We're going to work on your control, focus, and discipline until you're able to use your powers without them taking over."

[It's funny you're lecturing someone about losing control.]

'...let me focus, could you?'

[Right, sensei! Ganbare!]

Ashton knew that teaching Shian to control his powers would be slow and challenging, but he was determined. They started with basic breathing exercises and visualization techniques to help Shian focus his mind.

Ashton was no yoga expert, but he kept following Astaroth's advice, hoping the bastard wouldn't make a fool out of him. Ashton noticed the doubt on Shian's face and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Trust me," he said. "We'll start slow, and we'll work our way up. You'll get there, I promise."

Shian took a deep breath and focused his mind. He reached out with his powers, which was easier than expected. However, the archer did not expect to see a familiar face inside his head.


The same man who had kissed his hand before Vimur dragged him for a spar. It also meant everything that happened with Rodrick was inside his head.

"Hellos, junior," Rodrick bowed once again, "have you made a decision yet?"


"Yes, to give up your desires and submit to me!" Rodrick snarled, "I'm confident you'll love the experience-"

Shian's vision got clouded, and despite trying his best, he couldn't control himself. Rodrick was once again in control of his body, but the moment Ashton sensed things did not go as planned, he knocked Shian out.

"It's going to take a while, isn't it?" Ashton sighed, staring at the unconscious Shian.

[You didn't expect to achieve your goal in a day, did you?]

"Would it be too much to ask for?"

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