I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 532 Something Sinister (2)

Vimur watched warily as Shian miraculously got up on his own. It shouldn't have been possible from the level of beating he had taken. But what surprised him even more, was Shian threw away his bow and brought his fists up to his face.

Shian stared at him like a man possessed. Bloodlust dripped from his eyes... the Shian in front wasn't anything like the one Vimur had put down mere moments ago.

"Guess I was right after all," Vimur scoffed, "I don't know what going on, but even a dumbass like me knows you're not the same as before."

Vimur got tensed and ready for the fight that was about to come. He knew that Shian wasn't a skilled martial artist, but he had never seen him fight like one before, and as such, he was unsure of what to expect.

The two men circled each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally, Shian struck first, his fist lashing out with lightning speed.

"What the hell?" Laihud mumbled under his breath while the rest cheered for Shian.

Vimur barely managed to dodge the blow, but before he could counterattack, Shian was on him again, moving with a fluid grace that seemed almost supernatural. Despite his years of training, Vimur needed help to achieve the level of skill Shian displayed.

Vimur fought back as best he could but soon realised he was hopelessly outmatched. Shian's movements were too quick and precise, and his blows were too powerful to withstand.

Vimur was struggling hard as Laihud watched on from the sidelines. However, it didn't take a genius to figure out something was amiss. That said, Laihud couldn't sit idle.

"Vimur, keep him busy!"

"Doesn't look like I have any other choice, Lai!" Vimur yelled back before covering his face with his forearms to block the strike.

Despite his best efforts, Vimur found himself slowly being pushed back, step by step, as Shian continued to dominate the fight. He was forced to retreat, dodging and weaving as Shian's fists and feet came at him from all angles.

As the fight wore on, Vimur began to feel a sense of unease. There was something different about Shian, something that he couldn't quite put his finger on. His movements were becoming more erratic, and his eyes began glowing with an eerie light. But nothing seemed weirder than his crooked smile.

It was then that Vimur realised that Shian had been possessed by some dark force, something that was using him as a vessel for its own twisted purposes.

Despite this, Shian continued to attack relentlessly, his possessed form becoming more powerful and devastating with each passing moment.

Vimur struggled to keep up, trying desperately to defend himself against the flurry of blows that Shian unleashed upon him. But it was all for nought. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Shian delivered one final, crushing blow that sent Vimur crashing to the ground, defeated and broken.

By now, even the spectators realised the fight had turned into a battle for life, with Vimur trying his best not to die. But alas, they could do nothing due to the shield separating the spectators from the fighters.

"Fuck, someone get the lieutenants!" Someone yelled.

"I'll go try to get the barrier down." Yet someone else chimed in.

The arena broke into havoc with the mercenaries trying their best to get the situation under control.

As he lay there, battered and bruised, Vimur realised that he had never faced an opponent like Shian before. He knew he'd been lucky to escape with his life and wondered what would become of Shian now that he was under the control of something so dark and sinister.

'Fuck, I'm on the verge of dying, and I'm wondering about my murderer's well-being? What the hell is wrong with me?'

Shian's second personality had taken complete control over their body, and it was clear that he would not give up without a fight, even if his opponent was already down. Vimur lay on the ground, battered and bruised, as the possessed Shian approached him again.

The second personality was different from Shian's usual demeanour; he was ruthless and merciless. It seemed to relish in the pain he was causing Vimur, striking him with powerful blows that sent him reeling.

Vimur could feel himself losing consciousness, the world around him growing dim and fuzzy. He knew he was no match for this otherworldly force and was about to meet his end.

"Kekeke, go to sleep!"

But just as the second personality was about to deliver the final, crushing blow, a figure appeared out of nowhere. It was Ashton, and behind him was Laihud, who had rushed to call him for help.

Ashton had seen the possessed Shian manhandle Vimur and knew that he had to act fast to stop the madness before it was too late. He charged forward, moving with a speed and precision that outmatched Shian's own.

Thanks to his training with Mazton, Ashton's moves were on a whole different level. For the first time, Shian dropped his smile with a look of a grimace.

"You have nothing to do with us! Leave and let me enjoy my prey!" Shian snarled, but his voice was nothing like his usual self.

"Your prey?" Ashton scoffed, "I think you're mistaken, fucker. That's my ally, and you're the prey."

The two clashed in a flurry of blows, each trying to gain the upper hand. But Ashton was different from Vimur. He had the experience that only a few achieved, and he knew how to read his opponent's movements.

The skill didn't make Ashton invincible, as many predictions were involved, which wasn't always on point. However, the talent was more than enough against an opponent like Shian.

Shian had been fighting for a long time, and slowly his movements got sloppier. Capitalising on it, Ashton landed a powerful punch that sent Shian's second personality reeling.

The punch was like a trigger. As if a switch had been flipped, and Shian was back in control of his body once more.

He stumbled back, looking around in confusion as if trying to figure out what had just happened. Vimur lay on the ground, gasping for breath, as Ashton approached.

"You okay?" Ashton asked, extending a hand to help Vimur up.

Vimur nodded, still dazed from the beating he had taken. He looked over at Shian, who was now standing there, looking shell-shocked and bewildered.

"What happened?" Shian asked, his voice trembling.

Ashton sighed, wanting to punch Shian some more.

[That kid's back to being himself.]

'Tsk, such a shame.'


'Yeah, yeah, I'm not doing anything.'

Shian noticed everyone's hostile gaze. Vimur groaned in pain; it was then he saw Vimur's pathetic state.


"You have a split personality disorder," Ashton said. "And your other personality just tried to kill Vimur. But don't worry, you're not in trouble, and I'll get you the help you need... hopefully."

Shian looked down, his face twisted in pain and confusion.

"I don't understand," he said softly, staring at his bloodied fists, "Something like this has never happened before!"

Ashton looked at him with a mixture of sympathy and concern, unlike before.

"It's okay," he said. "We'll get through this together. Alright?"

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