Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8118: Different paths to the same destination

Chapter 8118: Different paths to the same destination

But this time, the Starfall Instant Kill Formation followed the Star Law and integrated into it, and with the blessing of Star Leap, it gave him a new understanding!

It turns out that the Starfall clone can also exist for a long time in a certain special state.

It turns out that the Star Leap can also be performed between his own clones. At that time, he himself is like a bright star.

This effect may also come from the special constitution of the Star Sword Body, and naturally cannot escape the help of the Star Law.

This kind of discovery brought him an inexplicable surprise, just like the feeling he had when he first traveled across the galaxy.

As for the law of time, that shocked him even more!

This law has not yet reached the supreme level since its birth.

But at this time, he came into contact with the power of eternity!

The power of the blue light to imprison time and space gave him many indescribable insights, which may not be clear, may not be fully implemented, and may not be directly realized into tangible benefits.

But he believes that this is like a seed, a sprout that will turn into a tangible harvest at a certain appropriate time.

The transformation of the law of time itself also needs time to support, and the seeds and sprouts of time also need time to cultivate.

Jiang Tian suppressed all his thoughts and looked at the five-planet field in the distance while making continuous star leaps.

Within half a day, he will arrive in that unfamiliar star field.

The Five Planet Domain, as its name suggests, is famous for the power of the Five Elements.

According to what the old man surnamed Sohun Mo knew, almost all the warriors there majored in the power of the five elements, and countless people had the innate blood of the five elements.

The strong ones practice the Five Elements Law. As for the eternal realm power... it must be even more incredible!

Judging from the Qingshan Eternity he came into contact with today, Jiang Tian was deeply aware of the horror of the Eternity Realm.

As for Qing Shi Eternal, it seems that he has not shown too obvious bloodline methods.

Of course, to deal with a junior like him, there may be no need to use bloodline methods at all.

But he still has great curiosity and desire for the eternal realm power that grew up in the five-planet domain.

The power of the five elements is the most common and basic power in the world.

It seems that because it is too dazzling, it seems less dazzling.

But this is really a huge misunderstanding!

Is the power of the five elements weak?

Perhaps not as dazzling as the forces of wind, thunder, stars, space, and time.

But the wind, thunder, stars and other powers also originate from the five elements.

And any kind of power in the world, if it can be cultivated to the extreme, will be enough for people to look up to!

Is it unusual for a strong person who is born with the blood of the Five Elements and continues to cultivate the power of the Five Elements throughout his entire cultivation career?

A powerful person with the power of the Five Elements in the Eternal Realm, his methods will never be inferior to those of Qing Shi Eternal, and he can even imagine all kinds of power.

But with his current strength and condition, it's best not to encounter him, let alone become his enemy.

Otherwise, if he falls into a desperate situation, two starry beasts will not cross planes to "send warmth" to him.

"Existences that are as powerful as star beasts and can easily cross planes and project star power clones through plane barriers have also been repeatedly crushed by the eternal realm. How mysterious is the power of eternity?"

Jiang Tian's thoughts were racing, and he wished he could enter the eternal realm now and feel the vastness and breadth of that power.

But before that, he must first overcome eternal calamity.

And that pass itself is a chasm, a chasm that is enough to make countless strong people in the Origin Realm and countless geniuses in the world despair!

Fortunately, he has felt such power more than once.

First, it is the prelude of the giant earth monster's attack on the eternal catastrophe, and then it is the life-and-death catastrophe that faces Qing Shi's eternal catastrophe.

Two opportunities, step by step, allowed him to come into contact with this magnificent power early at the source level, and he had an intuitive feeling and personal experience.

And this will surely become a valuable experience for his subsequent cultivation, helping him to take the most determined steps, break through the fog, and move forward steadily when the eternal calamity comes!


Jiang Tian activated the body of law and silently understood the law of time.

After this battle, the law of time has undergone some subtle changes, which is a subtle reaction caused by the imprisonment and impact of the eternal power.

The last moment to activate the Purple Gold Lotus Platform and the Original Heavenly Holy Bell also brought about some unspeakable changes.

Although it has not yet reached the supreme level, it has made some subtle improvements to this law.

His thoughts turned around, and Jiang Tian thought about the eternal origin of Qingshan.

Before this, he had been exposed to only a handful of eternal realms, none more than the power of the Jade Star Palace and the Zhenkong Palace. In the action of suppressing the star storm, he showed methods beyond ordinary people, which attracted some special attention - such as the old man surnamed Mo, the woman in blue robe, and several other half-step eternal realm powerhouses. leave star

Chen Baoku later took action against him.

But all this seems to be just a prelude, the real threat is Qing Shi Eternal.

The other party is a powerful person in the eternal realm, and he has traveled across the starry sky so far away to pursue him. What is his purpose?

In other words, who is the initiator behind this and which force is it?

Jiang Tian's thoughts were rolling, and he could only think of the few he had recently come into contact with - Jade Star Palace, Zhenkong Palace, and Star Treasure House.

And these are all the forces of the plane.

The Star Treasure House is under the jurisdiction of the Jade Star Palace, and the foundation of Zhenkong Town lies in the Jade Star Palace.

There are powerful people from the eternal realm sitting in both halls.

Things gradually became clear, and the force that made Qing Shi Yong take action naturally also existed in the Eternal Realm.

So is it the Yuxing Palace or the Zhenkong Palace?

In fact, there is no need to worry about this issue.

Because the Jade Star Palace and the Zhenkong Palace are not two separate forces, but have an extremely close connection.

Neither the former nor the latter can escape the suspicion of coveting him.

Therefore, no matter which side you start from, the result will be the same!

Jiang Tian's thoughts quickly became clear and he had some kind of concentration.

After the trip to the five-planet realm, he will cross the starry sky again and visit the Plane Fairy again.

Go to the two halls where the Eternal Realm's powerful people are sitting and ask for an answer!

In the starry sky at the edge of the plane fair.

A ray of blue light suddenly came out and disappeared into a dark place in a flash.

"what is that?"

Several warriors who had traveled here were immediately curious when they saw this scene.

The green light came suddenly and disappeared even more strangely. It was definitely not accidental or accidental. It obviously had a clear direction and an unknown purpose.

There seemed to be nothing there, and even when they just passed by there, they didn't notice anything strange.

But this is obviously extremely unusual!

"Is it possible that a strange treasure has appeared?"

"It may not be impossible! It is said that there are many strong people hiding near the Plane Fair. Maybe this is the place where a strong person hides his treasure!"

"Go over and have a look!"

rumble! These half-step eternal realm experts immediately rushed over there, preparing to find out.

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