Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8117: Star Gate, Hua Pao, Sanqiao Mountain

Chapter 8117: Star Gate, Hua Pao, Sanqiao Mountain

And at the front end of the flying boat, where the dragon's head and the phoenix's head meet, there is a door-like object embedded in it.

If Jiang Tian or Empress Fuyao saw this flying boat, they would definitely be attracted to it!

It's not its magnificence, nor its exquisiteness, but the door-like object inlaid at the intersection of the dragon and phoenix at the front of the flying boat - very much like the Taichu Star Gate!

Once upon a time, Empress Fuyao and Jiang Tian took extraordinary risks to seize the Taichu Source Crystal from the hands of the Taichu Ancestral Spirit, the powerful Taichu Immortal Palace. The former relied on this rare treasure and its powerful foundation to build a Taichu Star Gate.

The same thing was actually embedded in such a flying boat and could not be used for other purposes.

And throughout the entire spaceship, the most valuable ones are not limited to this Taichu Star Gate?

Whether it is the complex and delicate patterns engraved on the dragon's body or the phoenix's body, or the materials that make up the flying boat itself, their value is not inferior to that of the Star Gate.

The value of a flying boat built at such a cost naturally far exceeds that of an Taichu Star Gate.

With such amazing craftsmanship, just to build a flying boat, who is its owner?

"Reporting to the young master, the 'Shaking Light Star Array' has just sensed violent fluctuations in the starry sky not far to the left!"

A woman in palace clothes wearing a blue robe walked into the huge and gorgeous cabin of the flying boat and said in a high voice.

"Go over and have a look."

On the throne above, a woman with eyes as bright as stars said calmly.


The flying boat turned around, and the star gate on the top of the boat projected a gate-shaped shadow in front of it.

It exudes the brilliant light of stars, which is much more gorgeous than the one of Empress Fuyao.


The flying boat escaped into the gorgeous star gate and disappeared in an instant, and the star gate also disappeared.

The next moment, an identical star gate flashed near the collapsed starry sky, and a gorgeous and huge spaceship jumped out of it.

A slender woman wearing a purple robe came to the head of the boat with gorgeous steps, and looked at the boat while stroking the railing.

Those star-like eyes faintly scanned the collapsed starry sky, and there seemed to be a hint of surprise on his face.

"There are powerful people in the Eternal Realm who fell in this star explosion. Those two star beasts are really not simple."

The woman in gorgeous robes murmured to herself, her star-like eyes twinkling, and she could see through a lot in an instant.

"Hey, is there another exception?"

Her beautiful eyes blinked slightly, as if there was a hint of surprise.

In addition to the remaining aura of the fallen Eternal Realm powerhouse and the two star beasts, there was actually another aura remaining.

Although extremely weak, she couldn't escape her feeling.

That person did not enter eternity, but he was able to escape from such a starburst, which made her curious.

"There," she pointed to a patch of chaotic starry sky in front of her to the right, "there is something."

The woman in palace clothes who followed him nodded slowly and reached out to grab it.


A blue light flashed in the starry sky for a moment, then returned to calm.

The woman in blue robe opened her palm, and a strange stone appeared in her palm.

It looks like a small pen holder, but its weight is quite amazing, and it is quite heavy to hold in the palm of your hand.

The woman in blue robe handed over this small stone like a shelf with both hands.

The woman in disguise held it in her hand and looked at it for a moment, then suddenly said: "There are nine orifices in the mountain, and this is the third one."

"It turns out this is the legendary Jiuqiao Mountain!"

The tone of the woman in the gorgeous robe was very calm, but the woman in the blue robe had a look of surprise.

What surprised her was not whether the woman in the gorgeous robe was correct, because she had never doubted the young master.

What surprised her was that this small three-pointed stone was actually part of the legendary Jiuqiao Mountain!

"So, it is possible that the other six orifices are in the hands of that 'exception'?"

The woman in blue robe immediately thought of this possibility.

"Maybe." said the woman in gorgeous robes.

"Do you want to pursue it?" the woman in blue robe asked.

The woman in the gorgeous robe thought for a while, shook her head and said, "The time is coming and important matters are important."

"My subordinate understands!"

The woman in blue robe nodded and formed a seal, the Taichu Star Gate appeared in front of her.

With the escape speed of this airship and her tracking methods, it might only take a moment to find that person, and exploring the secrets of Jiuqiao Mountain would not be too laborious.

But this young master's behavior is so impeccable.

He has completely inherited the style of his old master. He is immovable in all directions and is even more composed than his old master. He has shown an incredible coach at a young age and is completely impeccable.

Being with her always makes people feel more confident. As long as they listen to her opinions on everything, they will not be confused.


The Taichu Star Gate opened in front, and the gorgeous flying boat only made a slight jump before disappearing together with the Star Gate.

Jiang Tian, who was heading to the Five Planets Domain at this time, naturally didn't know that Sanqiao Mountain, which he had been unable to find, was actually in the collapsed starry sky.

It's just "hidden" in some way that he doesn't understand yet and can't interfere with. It's a power that he can't feel due to his current cultivation level and martial arts experience.

The owner of the gorgeous flying boat noticed various signs as soon as he arrived, so he had someone fish it out and recognized its origin.

And with a thought of the woman in gorgeous robes, he was able to avoid an inevitable pursuit and was able to continue using Star Leap and rush towards the Five Planets Domain.

Sanqiao Mountain was lost, and the Purple Gold Lotus Platform and Yuantian Holy Bell were also consumed in the terrifying starburst.

Taiyi Lingmu and Taichu Demonic Vine were also seriously damaged, and they were completely exhausted due to their long-term recovery efforts.

This loss is unprecedented.

But he is lucky!

No matter how big the loss is, it is still better than losing your life.

As long as his life is still there, martial arts can continue, and he will still have time to become stronger and change everything with his own efforts.

Jiang Tiannei observes the sea of qi.

The Purple Gold Lotus Platform and the Original Heavenly Sacred Bell once hung there, as if they would never change.

Now it was empty, which undoubtedly made him sigh.

But this adventure was not without its rewards.

All his methods were pushed to their limits.

His understanding of his own cultivation and fighting has risen to an unprecedented level.

At the level of the Origin Realm, one has the experience of fighting against the pressure of the Eternal Realm. This is definitely an unimaginable opportunity.

I would like to ask other Origin Realm warriors, how many of them can survive a fight with a powerful Eternal Realm warrior?

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Tian escaped completely this time.

Although there are two star beasts with the help of them, there is no need to mention it. What if someone else has four or five?

During this battle, he was also excited by a series of discoveries about the Starfall Instant Kill Technique, the Law of Stars, and the Law of Time.

These several methods were originally relatively independent existences, but after being tempered by life and death, they have developed unprecedented connections.

After the emergence of the Star Killing Formation, the Star Meteor Instant Killing Technique had already taken a back seat and was about to become useless. The addition of Golden Fuzu only barely restored some vitality to it.

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