Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 815: The Carding of Evan's Magic

Chapter 815: The Carding of Evan's Magic

Over the next half month, he stayed at home with his parents, and arranged magic research by the way.

Unlike when he first started school and knew nothing, over the past few years, Evan had read many books on magic and conducted numerous experiments. However, he hadnt systematically organized his findings. This time at home was a rare opportunity for him.

In fact, he had reached a bottleneck in several aspects of magical research, but his achievements had been beyond imagination.

Evan planned to take the next half month to thoroughly organize his research and determine the focus of his future studies.

First of all, Dark magic, which was his strongest means of fighting at present. Setting aside the few scattered spells he knew, his systematic research on Dark Magic began with obtaining Tom Riddles Diary. From it, Evan learned about the entire Dark Magic system and would now determine the direction to take.

In order to lure Evan into darkness, Voldemort, as Tom Riddle in his student days, shared with him a wealth of forbidden knowledge, almost everything he knew.

Voldemort himself mastered all the theories of Dark Arts, which was exhilarating to even think about.

From any perspective, this knowledge was extremely valuable, equivalent to Voldemorts early years of research on Dark Arts. Many Death Eaters sought Voldemorts allegiance to gain access to these Dark powers, but they failed despite their best efforts.

Evans impulsive communication with Tom Riddles diary, though reckless and highly dangerous in retrospect, allowed him to obtain the coveted magic sought by these Dark wizards and find a shortcut to quickly enhance his abilities, laying the foundation for his future endeavors.

Subsequently, the Dark Arts books that Evan found in the Black familys ancestral home were a powerful supplement to the knowledge imparted by Tom Riddle.

Those magic books systematically and completely explained the theory of the Dark Arts, so that Evan knew many profound and obscure aspects of Dark magic.

Until now, he had not fully absorbed and digested all these knowledge, and he had only a rough understanding. On the one hand they were too esoteric, and the main reason was the lack of practice.

Evan couldnt use the corpses, blood or soul of some creatures to carry out all those miscellaneous magic experiments like a real Dark wizard. His heart couldnt fall to those evil and cruel thoughts and couldnt abandon his conscience, which doomed him to have limited achievements in Dark magic.

Evan could know a lot of theories about Dark magic, but it was not as effective for him as it was for those wizards who were evil by nature.

For example, Peter Pettigrew once used a spell to blow up an entire street, which was a typical Dark magic, powerful, simple to use, without so many restrictions

But Evan would not dare use it. Dark magic had the same impact on his mind. The whole process was similar to the whispers of the evil god. Frequent use of such magic could make a person evil and insane.

Evan had been aware of this long ago. Besides the relatively neutral Dark magic such as Fiendfyre and the Corrosion Curse, he couldnt use most of the remaining Dark magic at all. Otherwise, he would feel, every time, a strong sense of guilt and sully his soul.

It could be said that he currently mastered the Dark Arts theories so far as great wizards and even most Death Eaters, but he was essentially different from real Dark wizards.

His research in this area had also entered a bottleneck, and there would not be much breakthrough in the short term.

Evans progress had also been limited in the Patronus Charm and White magic.

Siriuss previous warning made him realize that he should focus on White magic. That was the right path.

However, self-studying in this area was challenging without systematic guidance like that provided by Tom Riddles Diary. The schools curriculum was only superficial, and Hogwarts advocated the Defense Against the Dark Arts.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts could be regarded as a combination of White magic, the Patronus Charm and a considerable number of other branches of magic.

Learning how to deal with Dark magic and Dark creatures could quickly improve the ability of the wizard to fight against Dark wizards, but doing so would not help to understand the essence of magic and further become a great White wizard like Dumbledore.

Dumbledore might teach Evan some knowledge, but not too much. It was mainly up to him to explore by himself.

The result of self-study was that, as seen with Evan now, the knowledge he had was very complex, scattered, unsystematic, and many of them were useless. If he didnt meet a wizard who used that kind of Dark magic, the methods and spells he had mastered would be meaningless.

Evan decided to go back to the Black Family Library and have a look again. If he still didnt find any records of previous systematic research experience, he could only go to Dumbledore and learn from the greatest contemporary White wizard

Apart from that, what he was best at now was Transfiguration. This was the largest branch of magic independent of the system of the Dark Magic and Defensive Magic systems, and it had a wide range of applications.

Evan was quite talented in Transfiguration, and Professor McGonagall was willing to privately impart more knowledge to him.

With the help of the Philosophers Stone, he could display Transfiguration abilities beyond ordinary imagination.

All he needed to do now was to speed up his progress in Transfiguration and better apply it to combat.

The same was true for Potions, which were of great help in improving strength.

As a rare Potions Master, Snape was willing to share his research experience with the students, although his attitude was a bit harsh. Even Evan, if he approached Snape with questions about potion-making, he would sarcastically teach him after all.

As long as Professor McGonagall and Snape were there, there shouldnt be any major problem with Transfiguration and Potions.

As for Charms, Professor Flitwick would also teach Evan some special casting skills. If he encountered difficulties, he just had to ask them for advice.

It was a pity that Evan was not interested in Herbology. Otherwise Professor Sprout would also like to teach him how to take care of those exotic plants and fungi, and how to deal with those poisonous and dangerous plants.

After sorting out his own magical knowledge, Evan decided to focus his future research on Alchemy.

This was rather a very profound branch of magic that required deep knowledge and skills of Charms, potions, Dark magic, and ancient runes as support, and was often only involved in the seventh year class.

With the help of Nicolas Flamel, Evan believed that there would be some progress and breakthroughs in Alchemy after their trip to Egypt.

That would help him to better use the power of the Philosophers Stone, and it was also the basis for further research on The Book of Abraham and piercing the secrets of evil gods.

While studying Alchemy, he was also ready to devote some energy to Demonology.

There was a demon altar under Hogwarts kitchens that looked like a house-elf awaiting him. Evan speculated that this might be related to the treasure key left by Hufflepuff, but previous experience had taught him to be careful when dealing with the devil.

Besides, after getting the Time-Turner from the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic, he still needed to master Time Magic knowledge for a certain period of time.

Only then could he use the Time-Turner

Following this train of thought, Evan also had to spend energy and time to understand the mysterious shamanism and vampire magic.

Not to mention the powerful ancient magic that was on the horizon but still out of touch!

Upon careful consideration, although his strength had improved a lot, there was no less to learn, but it had become more challenging.

He sighed, realizing that he still had a considerable distance to go before becoming a powerful wizard and understanding the essence of magic.

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