Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 814: Family and Affection

Chapter 814: Family and Affection

Compared with the spooky old mansion of the Black family, Evans house was much warmer and more reassuring.

Accompanied by a slight bang, he Apparated in his room. The last time he had returned here was the summer vacation a year ago.

At that time, Evan had just ended his adventures in the Albanian forests with Dumbledore and Sirius, merging the two parts of the Philosophers Stone left by Gryffindor into one to release the curse that Voldemort had left on him. However, he had been brought back while still unconscious.

Evan remembered that the first thing hed seen when he opened his eyes was Hermione, whod been waiting by his bedside for a long time. At that time, overcome by excitement, he tightly embraced her. As soon as he saw the comfortable and soft big bed in the middle of his room, he remembered Hermione

Although less than a year had passed, it felt like a long time ago!

For some reason, Evan was suddenly looking forward to his trip to Egypt with Hermione, and he quickly shifted his gaze elsewhere.

Everything here was exactly the same as before. His mother must have come here every day to tidy up, and there was hardly any trace of magic in the room.

Evan used to pile up a lot of magic books and all kinds of materials he didnt need in the corner, but after learning the Undetectable Extension Charm last year, he had taken all those things with him or stored them in the bedside table in his Hogwarts dormitory.

Instead, there were many Muggle books neatly arranged on the desk facing the window.

A few years ago, Evan was there to receive his Hogwarts admission letter from an owl, marking the beginning of his own legend.

At this moment, the most eye-catching thing on the desk was Evans trunk.

Dobby, the house-elf, had packed his things and sent them to him, and there were several letters written to Evan on top of the trunk.

He walked over and picked them up. On the top was an envelope with Hogwarts school coat of arms on it. It was from Hermione. This was the letter she wrote overnight after she knew the news of Evans return last night. The font was clear and familiar handwriting to Evan.

He opened it and scanned it briefly. Hermione, besides expressing her concern for him and asking about the situation in the past few months, also wrote her home address at the end of the letter. She and Evan had an appointment to meet in her home on the third day of the holidays.

Under Dumbledores coordination, Hermiones parents had given her permission to travel with Evan to Egypt. However, she had told them that Sirius would also be going with them and concealed the fact that they were actually going alone

In order to avoid being tracked by the Ministry of Magic, Evan decided to follow Dumbledores advice and take Hermione to Egypt by plane, using Muggles means.

Lupin had taken care of all the formalities for them, and once they arrived in Cairo, Bill would be there to receive them.

Rons brothers Bill and Charlie had also joined the Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore hoped to recruit as many foreign wizards as possible into the Order of the Phoenix. This was necessary to resist Voldemort and stop the evil gods.

Although the main battlefield was in Britain, the actual size and number of the Order of the Phoenix far exceeded Evans expectations.

Lupin told him that despite their small number, the members of the Order were spread across the world, and even mysterious Oriental wizards had joined.

Unlike the last Wizarding War, due to the intervention of the evil gods, Dumbledore intended to build the Order of the Phoenix into a wider alliance, attracting more wizards to join this secret society and resist the impending evil.

Below Hermiones letter was Gabrielles letter. She and her sister Fleur had set off two days ago to return to Beauxbatons.

In her letter, Gabrielle told Evan that they would also be traveling to Egypt during the summer vacation and had arranged to meet up then.

Fleur had graduated this year. She had not yet figured out what to do, and planned to go around the world first. This trip was an opportunity, and she seemed very interested in working as a Curse-Breaker in Gringotts. It was worth mentioning that she had also joined the Order of the Phoenix.

As for the last letter, which was not signed, the words on the green envelope were red. The font was crooked, not very neat, but at first glance it was a girls handwriting. A small bat with two fangs exposed was drawn at the top of the right corner, with a pink straw hat on its head.

Evan sighed. Seeing the bat and the straw hat, he knew it was a letter from Elaine.

He unfolded the letter, and it was indeed from Elaine. Because it was confidential, it was very brief. She just told Evan that the man agreed to help them and that she and her uncle Caresius had left England and would not be returning in the short term.

She also told Evan that she would definitely come back to find him and proposed a secret code.

The secret code was the bat on the envelope. If Evan received a letter with the bat drawn, he would go to Hogsmeade to find her

Its really that girls style!

After Evan finished reading the last letter, the envelope in his hand began to burn quietly and soon turned into ashes.

It was a Secrecy Charm. If Evan hadnt opened the envelope himself, the letter might have exploded directly!

As for what Elaine said about the man who agreed to help them, was it related to Voldemort plans?!

Evan walked out of the room with the letters from Hermione and Gabrielle to the living room. Because it was too early, his parents had not yet got up. He poured himself a cup of tea, took out parchment and a quill, and wrote replies to both of them..

An hour later, when Evans parents came out of the bedroom in pajamas and saw their son sitting on the sofa in the living room, they looked very surprised as he expected. They froze for a moment, and then quickly became very happy.

Evan, youre back! His mother screamed and hurried over to hug him.

Yeah, Im back. Evan also hugged his mother tightly and didnt know what to say. He seemed to have a thousand words, but at this moment he could not say anything. He just silently felt the warmth of his mothers arms. This was the warmth that only family affection could afford. Strange emotions spread within him, and he almost couldnt help crying like his mother.

Alright, you two, its like you havent seen your son before, why are you crying? His father also came over and said, slightly confused, Evan, I remember your school will not be on vacation until half a month. I was planning to pick you up at the station.

I came back early because of something, said Evan. He briefly explained the situation to his parents, of course not mentioning Voldemorts return and the dangers he had faced.

The wizarding world and the Muggle world intermingled, but they were different from each other. There was no need to make his parents worried about these things. They didnt know much about magic and knew even less about who Voldemort was. All they needed to know was that Evan was safe.

In any case, Evans early return allowed him to relax for a while, spend more time with his parents. He hadnt had much time with them over the past few years.

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