Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 625: New Measures of the Ministry of Magic

Chapter 625: New Measures of the Ministry of Magic

After the song ended, Evan and Hermione did not continue dancing and decided to return to their seats and rest for a while.

“It’s really hot, isn’t it?” Hermione said with a smile, fanning herself with her palms. Because of the dance, her cheeks were slightly reddish.

“You just danced too much,” said Evan, “By the way, what would you like to drink?”

“Fruit juice, butterbeer will be good, too!”

“Oh, I’ll get it. Wait for me.” Evan responded.

“Wait a minute!” said Hermione, who saw the sweat on Evan’s forehead and subconsciously reached out and wiped it.

Hermione’s hand was soft, smooth and tender, and the feeling of her touch was very comforting.

She had just rubbed Evan’s forehead twice before she realized what she was doing. She blushed and hurriedly lowered her head.

Evan held her sweating hand and looked at her stupefied.

Looking at Hermione’s shy look, Evan couldn’t help wondering if it was time to lead her to the woods.

The third dance had just been played, and some couples had already left the dance floor hand in hand and went out into the garden.

“Evan…” Hermione whispered.

Evan was sure that nothing he could do to Hermione now would be rejected.

Now that they had finished dancing, they should need some private space for them to get along.

Evan had not had time to act, and Harry and Ginny came over, and Colin and Gabrielle also went to their side.

Eventually, Evan, Harry, and Colin went to get drinks, while Hermione, Ginny, and Gabrielle went back to wait.

They went to Ron and Lavender’s table and said hello.

Ron ignored them and did not even turn his head to look at the three of them. Instead, he whispered something to Lavender.

Hermione, Ginny, and Gabrielle looked at them strangely and couldn’t understand what was going on.

Lavender suddenly laughed, stood up and followed Ron to the floor dance, ready to dance.

Ron didn’t look at them in the end, as though they were invisible.

“Have you noticed that Ron is a bit strange tonight?”

“Maybe he’s finally found a girlfriend. I think Lavender is a perfect match for him…” Ginny said.

Evan and the others came back with a drink, just in time to see Ron and Lavender leaving.

He didn’t have time to think of Ron. Evan was thinking about how to ask Hermione out alone.

As soon as Evan sat down, Gabrielle badgered him to take her to dance, as he had promised her before.

The girl did not even dance with Colin and had been waiting for Evan.

In this case, Evan was naturally embarrassed to refuse. After getting Hermione’s consent, he led Gabrielle to the dance floor.

Harry sat down for a while and left, wanting to invite Cho.

Colin went to dance with Ginny, leaving Hermione alone at the table.

“Herm-My-oh-nee, can I ask you to dance?” Just then, a voice suddenly said.

Unexpectedly, Krum came up and invited Hermione to dance.

“I want to take a break… you know… I just finished dancing. I’m a little tired!” Hermione hesitated for a moment and refused.

She also recalled the scene when she had just taken the initiative to wipe Evan’s sweat, and the sweat on the palm of her hand…

“Vell, I vill come back later!” He said listlessly, glanced at Hermione again and turned to leave.

Behind him were a lot of girls who followed him to the other side of the stage.

As they passed Hermione, they all threw her looks of deepest loathing.

They were members of Krum’s fan club and were jealous because of Krum’s initiative to invite Hermione.

“So you’ve made friends with Viktor Krum and that little girl from Beauxbatons, Hermione?!” Percy had bustled over, rubbing his hands together and looking extremely pompous. “Excellent! That’s the whole point to hold the Triwizard Tournament, you know… international magical cooperation!”

Percy sat next to Hermione, endlessly talking about things inside the Ministry.

Anyone else might have been bored, but Hermione was very interested in the work experience of the Ministry of Magic.

She asked Percy about many things, and even planned to ask him to join S.P.E.W. The top table was now empty; Professor Dumbledore was dancing with Professor Sprout, Ludo Bagman with Professor McGonagall; Madame Maxime and Hagrid were cutting a wide path around the dance floor as they waltzed through the students, and Karkaroff and Snape were nowhere to be seen.

Harry did not succeed in inviting Cho, but instead was with Luna.

Harry and Luna, Evan and Gabrielle, Colin and Ginny, Ron and Lavender were all dancing slowly to the music on the edge of the floor dance, and Evan was quietly guiding Gabrielle.

When the next song ended, everybody applauded once more, and Evan saw Ludo Bagman kiss Professor McGonagall’s hand and make his way back through the crowds, at which point Fred and George accosted him.

“What are these two guys doing, annoying senior Ministry members?” Percy hissed, watching Fred and George suspiciously. “No respect … no, I have to stop them…” said Percy. He got up and walked towards them.

Ludo Bagman shook off Fred and George fairly quickly, however, and, spotting Evan and Harry, waved to them. 

Percy took the initiative to walk towards the main table with them to meet him.

“I hope my brothers weren’t bothering you, Mr. Bagman?” said Percy at once.

“No, no!” said Bagman. “They were just telling me a bit more about those fake wands of theirs, wondering if I could advise them on the marketing. I’ve promised to put them in touch with a couple of contacts of mine at Zonko’s Joke Shop…”

Percy didn’t look happy about this at all. He definitely planned to tell Mrs. Weasley about this the moment he got home.

Evan looked at him disdainfully. In order to avoid talking about his debts, this fellow Ludo Bagman could really talk nonsense.

The prank products made by Fred and George were all sold in his and professor Lupin’s store. Their popularity was far beyond everyone’s imagination. Often, they were ordered out as soon as they reached the stores. Fred and George did not need Ludo Bagman’s help at all.

“By the way, Mr. Bagman, how do you feel the tournament is going? As you know, due to the hitch with the Goblet of Fire and the accident in the first task, our department has proposed corresponding solutions and new measures, which will be used in the second task…”

“Oh, yes!” Bagman said cheerfully. He didn’t care about the new measures Percy told about. “Old Barty is too careful. I think a small accident is more fun, isn’t it? Today is Christmas. Is old Barty still working in the Department? It’s really regrettable he couldn’t come.”


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