Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Chapter 624: The Stage Belongs to Evan and Hermione!

Chapter 624: The Stage Belongs to Evan and Hermione!

Colin took out the camera and took this rare picture.

Soon, many people began to come onto the dance floor, and the champions were no longer the center of attention.

“Ready, Hermione?” Evan asked, reaching out and inviting her to dance.

“Yes!” Hermione nodded; her cheeks slightly red.

Her right hand was gently held by Evan, and she acquiescently followed him onto the center of the dance floor.

They danced slowly in a soothing rhythm, looking slightly astringent.

Every night during the previous period, Evan and Hermione had been practicing in an empty classroom. It was the first time they were dancing in front of so many people.

In fact, Evan was a little nervous. He held Hermione’s soft, small hand in one hand and placed his other hand around her thin waist, and his brain was blank.

All he felt was a moment of softness in front of him, and his heart was beating fast and uncontrollably.

The world in front of him was gradually disappearing, with only Hermione being left in his eyes.

The same was true for Hermione. There was only Evan in her eyes.

Under the influence of music, their bodies danced subconsciously.

Like most of the students around them, they started with basic footwork and occasionally took one or two moves.

But the effect of the practice quickly became apparent, and Evan felt more and more adept at his movements.

He was getting better and better with Hermione in his arms, from his heels to his fingertips, twisting and moving like a fish in water.

Sometimes, they looked like a stream flowing down through the waterfall, and sometimes like floating, swaying clouds.

With the progress of the dance, Evan and Hermione’s movements were becoming more and more natural, and their coordination was getting better and better.

Often, with just a move or a look from one of them, the other knew what he or she meant to do. Without even gesturing, they could feel each other’s new ideas and connect with one another.

Evan looked at the smiling Hermione and gradually melted into that smile, as though to merge with Hermione…

Hermione in his arms was so beautiful, with an irresistible charm.

Evan’s heart was moved, and at this moment, they were the center of the dance floor, the focus of the Yule Ball.

Under his traction, they danced from the edge to the center of the dance floor.

A strange sensation rose and spread in Hermione’s body, spreading with warmth to the tips of her fingers and toes. She gave her body to Evan and relaxed completely.

She looked into Evan’s eyes as he looked back to hers. Her heels were gently positioned, the tips of her shoes propped up the ground, and she drew arcs right and left.

The people who passed by Evan and Hermione stopped one after another to look at both of them, with complicated eyes.

Whether they were willing to admit it or not, the two of them danced so well that they could only admire them.

That was not to say that the two of them were very skilled; they were just extremely harmonious, to a charming point.

Unlike the free, fast-paced dancing, which is more freestyle, the most important thing in a ballroom dance is tacit understanding and cooperation.

If technique is good, but you don’t have a tacit understanding with your partner, you can’t really end up performing a wonderful dance.

This tacit understanding can’t be practiced overnight, to trust each other completely unreservedly, and to be telepathic. Evan and Hermione were entering this wonderful state, and at Hogwarts it was almost impossible to find another couple like them.

Everyone stopped, even the champions, standing aside and watching enviously Evan and Hermione. Most of the girls were watching Evan, and the boys were staring at Hermione.

They only saw Hermione’s skirt whirling and dancing in the air, bringing out a pair of mysterious and suffocating blue shadows in the dim light.

Fleur and Cho looked at Evan with a complicated look, while Krum and Ron stared at Hermione in a daze.

Beside Evan and Hermione, only Dumbledore was waltzing with Madame Maxime. He was so dwarfed by her that the top of his pointed hat barely tickled her chin; however, she moved very gracefully for a woman so large.

The two of them also saw Evan and Hermione. They stopped, smiling to one another and left the dance floor to the young couple.

By this time, no one was dancing on the dance floor. Everyone stood back and watched the performance of the two of them.

The stage was theirs; the others at this moment had become the backdrop.

When the bagpipe played the final, quavering note, the Weird Sisters stopped playing.

Evan and Hermione also stopped, and there was a burst of applause in the Great Hall. Everyone was cheering for them.

They all talked about the dance moves of Evan and Hermione, impressed by their performances.

Colin also quickly pressed the shutter with excitement. He just did not dance, but kept taking pictures.

At first, they were pictures of the champions, and then they were all Evan and Hermione’s.

Intuition told him that the effect of publishing these photos in the newspaper was definitely much better than that of the four champions’.

“That’s great. I didn’t expect Evan and Hermione to dance so well!” said Harry enviously.

When he was dancing with Ginny, he accidentally stepped on her feet. Then they stopped to watch Evan and Hermione dancing. 

They were sitting at the table drinking butterbeer, and Ron and Lavender were beside them.

Ron also stared at Evan and Hermione in the center of the dance floor, never expecting this to happen.

The two of them were really dazzling, and if light was used for comparison, Evan and Hermione had just completely shone so that people couldn’t open their eyes.

“Evan and Hermione are so good. They’re a perfect couple!” Lavender sighed. “Are we dancing again, Ron?”

“Take a break first!” Ron replied, not in the mood to dance, and Lavender’s words made him a little uncomfortable.

At this time, the Weird Sisters struck up a new song, which was much faster.

Harry and Ginny went dancing, and Evan and Hermione followed. The opening dance was just a little overwhelming.

The music this time was totally different from the one just played. Perhaps the performances of Evan and Hermione set off the whole audience, making everyone let go. Everyone enjoyed the dance, especially Fred and Angelina.

In fact, they were dancing so exuberantly that people around them were backing away in fear of injury.

For this style of dance, Fred and Angelina were the center of focus.

Correspondingly, Evan and Hermione were a little inseparable, not as conspicuous as before, but they were still very happy to be mixed in the crowd.

Evan saw that the teachers also began to enter onto the floor dance. Caresius disguised in Mad-Eye Moody was doing an extremely ungainly two-step with Professor Sinistra, who was nervously avoiding his wooden leg. Not far away, Ludo Bagman and Professor McGonagall were also dancing.


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