Grocery Store No.514

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

In a coffee shop in the city on December 14, 2020, the waiter came to Ling Huaan and Yan Yus table with the menu. What would these two gentlemen like to drink?

Yan Yu replied, One cup of coffee, one cup of black tea, thank you.

Okay, you two wait a minute.

Ling Huaan looked at Yan Yu and asked, What time is it now? 

Yang Yu looked at the time and said, Ten more minutes  until 5 oclock.

Ling Huaan nodded, Yan Yu, how many times have you seen him? How was your impression of him?

Hes cold, not sociable, and has a similar personality like me, except Yan Yu frowned, and continued, It seems to have changed a lot now. According to the people from Lingmei Plastic Surgery Hospital, he is so gentle and considerate. His relationship with the patient is also good.

Once a persons temperament is formed, it is very difficult to change, especially when the change is drastic. When did this transformation begin?

Probably after marriage. The last time I met him was at his wedding. At that time, he looked at the bride with gentle eyes, which was completely different from his usual indifference.

Ling Huaan said thoughtfully, After marriage? No wonder

The door of the store was pushed open, and a gust of chill wind blew in. Ling Huaan looked towards the door. A few months old baby with a hideous face floating in mid-air. It seemed to be clinging to something, with red blood eyes and sharp fangs. The skin was blue-purple, and the whole body was wrapped in thick resentment.

The bell in his pocket vibrated suddenly, and Shen Xins cold and quiet voice came into Ling Huaans ear, ChildMr. Ling, is that my child?

Mother and son are connected. If he is your child, you should sense a special bond. Ling Huaan replied in a low voice.

What sense? Why cant I sense anything?

Cant sense it? Ling Huaan frowned slightly and said softly, Dont worry, just wait.

Ling Huaan looked at Yan Yu and asked, is that Wu Zheng that just came in?

Yan Yu was startled, and then replied, Yes, is there something wrong with him?

Ling Huaan nodded and kept his eyes on the ghost baby.

Wu Zheng, this way. Yan Yu got up and waved at Wu Zheng.

Wu Zheng paused before turning around and walking toward Yan Yu. He smiled and said, Yan Yu, its been a long time.

Yan Yu smiled lightly and said, Long time no see. Let me introduce to you, this is Ling Huaan, my good friend.

Hello, Mr. Wu. Ling Huaan got up and stretched out his right hand.

Wu Zheng politely reached out and shook hands with him, Hello, Mr. Ling.

Yin energy followed, stronger than what Ling Huaan saw. The ghost baby lying on Wu Zhengs head looked at Ling Huaan with red blood eyes as if he had sensed a threat.

Sit down.

Seeing that the three of them were seated, the waiter took the initiative to greet him, What would this gentleman like to drink?

A latte, thank you.

Wu Zheng looked at Yan Yu and asked curiously, Yan Yu, whats the matter with your appointment with me this time?

Yan Yu smiled and said, Grandpa and uncle worked together before, but because of my grandfathers death, the two slowly cut off contact. Our company happened to have a project and wanted to cooperate with uncle. But if I rashly come to the door to disturb, I am afraid it will be impolite, so I want you to help me say a greeting to uncle.

Wu Zheng said with some difficulty, Yan Yu, you should also know that I have always stayed out of business matters.

I know, I have no other intentions. I just dont want to cut off the relationship between the two families because of the death of my grandfather, it doesnt matter whether the cooperation is successful or not.

I see. Wu Zheng nodded, Then, tell me the time you want to meet, I will tell my dad in advance.

Im a junior, and the time is still up to my uncle. I can visit at any time.

Sure, when I go back, I will ask.

While the two were talking, the waitress came over. Just before he reached the table, Yan Yu suddenly stood up makes his arm hit the waitresss tray.

Aiya, be careful! The waitress only had time to exclaim, and two cups of coffee and one cup of black tea were all poured onto Wu Zheng.

Wu Zheng hurriedly took off his coat and took out a tissue to wipe the stains on his body.

Yan Yu asked with concern, Wu Zheng, are you okay, did you burn yourself?

The waitress also drew tissues and came forward to help nervously saying, Sorry, sorry, Sir, its all my fault, its all my fault

Looking at the mess on his body, Wu Zhengs brow wrinkled to the point that it could kill a fly. He pushed the waiter away and got up, Im going to the restroom.

Yan Yu also stood up and said, Ill take you there.

Wu Zheng nodded and followed Yan Yu to the restroom. The store manager heard the commotion over here and hurried over, asking in a low voice, Sun Ling, whats going on?

Store manager, Im sorry, I was careless. Although Sun Ling said that, Ling Huaan could hear the grievance in her tone.

Youve been here for a month, why are you still so sloppy in doing things! The store manager whispered a few words, then looked at Ling Huaan, Im sorry about today, Sir. Is your friend okay?

Ling Huaan naturally knew what was going on. He shook his head and said, Its okay. I dont blame her for what happened just now. It was my friend who was careless. Just give us a drink, we will count it together when we pay the bill.

Okay, thank you, Sir. The store manager changed his voice and said, What are you still doing here? Quickly and clean up.

After cleaning up, Sun Ling looked at Ling Huaan and said gratefully, Sir, thank you for explaining it for me

Ling Huaan nodded lightly and looked in the direction of the restroom. Just for a moment, Yan Yu was also stained with resentment. It seemed that the ghost baby was aware of the danger, which was a warning to him.

Yan Yu, Mr. Ling Im really in a mess here, so Ill go back first. Well talk next time.

Seeing Wu Zheng leaving, Shen Xin said anxiously, Mr. Ling,  I cant feel it maybe Im in the bell. Let me out and Ill try again.

Ling Huaan tapped the bell and the vibrating bell calmed down, he stood up and said with a smile, Mr. Wu, since you are Yan Yus friend, there is a word I want to give you as a gift for our meeting.

Words? Wu Zheng looked at Yan Yu, then at Ling Huaan, please speak.

Being good causes good results, and doing evil causes evil results. Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. I also hope Mr. Wu can let go of your obsession.

Wu Zhengs eyes changed, and he frowned and asked, What does Mr. Ling mean?

Mr. Wu has already understood, so why bother to ask again.

Seeing that Wu Zheng was displeased, Yan Yu explained, Wu Zheng, my friend, believes in ghosts and Gods. He can communicate with spirits.

Wu Zhengs complexion changed but soon returned back to normal, Yan Yu, you need to be cautious when making friends. Dont trust others too easily, especially those who are used to dressing up as God.1

Yan Yu frowned when he heard the words, but just as he was about to speak, Ling Huaan stopped him, when words get sour, adding words is useless2. Then, I wont delay Mr. Wus time. Just treat what I said as if I never say it.

Wu Zheng looked at Ling Huaan seriously and found that when he spoke, he didnt look at himself. He lowered his eyes slightly and asked strangely, your eyes

Im blind.

Oh, I see. Wu Zhengs tone was slightly scornful.

Ling Huaan raised his eyebrows, not intending to be bothered with Wu Zheng, Yan Yu, go to the cashier. Its time for me to go to the store.

Then wait a while, Ill be right back.

Upon seeing this, Wu Zheng followed up, leaving Ling Huaan standing alone. But the ghost baby on Wu Zhengs head turned around, looking straight at Ling Huaan with red blood eyes, threatening by open his black hole mouth, making a sharp cry that only Ling Huaan could hear.

Ling Huaan looked at the ghost baby indifferently, not paying any attention to his threat.

Wu Zheng caught up with Yan Yu and asked softly, Yan Yu, what does that person do? How did you know him?

Has a store. He helped my grandfather before. Now were business partners.

Partner? Yan Yu, dont blame me for being superficial. I always think something is wrong with him. Its better for you to watch him carefully. There are many liars nowadays.

Hearing Wu Zheng slandering Ling Huaan, Yan Yu felt displeased. Thinking of what he needed to do later, he suppressed his emotions and said lightly, He is richer than me.

A surprised look appeared in Wu Zhengs eyes, and he frowned and asked, Are you sure?

He is indeed richer than me, and it is true that he is a psychic. I have seen it with my own eyes.

Hesitation flashed in Wu Zhengs eyes, then he asked, you have seen it with your own eyes?

Yes, after Grandpa died.

After the old man died You had seen him? Seeing Yan Yu nodding, Wu Zheng fell silent.

Yan Yu looked at the waiter and said, the bill.

The waiter said with difficulty, Sir, the coffee that was ordered by that gentleman is not yet served.

No need to serve it. Count it with the spilled drink

Okay, sir. The waiter looked at the price displayed on the screen and said, A total of 280 yuan, Ill give you a 20% discount. Just pay 240 yuan.

Yan Yu directly scanned the QR code to pay, I paid 300 yuan, and the rest will be used as compensation.

The waiter quickly thanked, Thank you, sir.

Wu Zheng frowned slightly but said nothing. He greeted bye and left.

Yan Yu returned to his seat and asked with concern, Huaan, did it burn you too?

Im sat so far, how could I get burnt, dont worry. Ling Huaan took out a paper talisman from his pocket and handed it to Yan Yu. You are tainted with the resentment of the ghost baby, you must carry this paper talisman with you to avoid the Yin energy entering your body.

Okay. Yan Yu took the paper talisman and  put it in the pocket of his shirt, Are you sure its him?

Lets go, lets talk about it in the car.

The two left the cafe, Yan Yu helped Ling Huaan get into the car. After that, Ling Huaan took out the bell from his pocket and  released his control over Shen Xin, Shen Xin, when was the last time you had your period, and when is your due date?

Shen Xin was startled and then replied, the expected date of birth is January 20th, and the last menstrual period should be in April. I forgot the exact time. My period has always been irregular.

Have you ever sensed anything about that ghost baby?

Mr. Ling, although I dont know what sense you are talking about. Now I think he shouldnt be my child.

Then how do you feel when you see Wu Zheng?

I feel a little familiar, and I feel a little uncomfortable.

Ling Huaan nodded, he put the bell back in his pocket and then looked at Yan Yu. He asked, Yanyu, how is Wu Zhengs look?

Yan Yu thought for a while and said, His face is not good. He is a little pale, and his lips are faintly blue.

There is a ghost baby lingers on his head, which is already sucking his yang energy. If its not stopped, he wont be able to live for long.

Yan Yu frowned and asked, So, Wu Zheng is the murderer of Shen Xin?


  1. Dressing up as God means playing tricks, a scammer
  2. When words get sour, adding words is useless means the conversation cannot continue because the speakers hold different opinions and share nothing in common.

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