Grocery Store No.514

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

In the evening, Ling Huaan had just arrived at the store when Wang Lei came back.

Sun Ming, go to the warehouse and see if its time to restock the instant noodles.

Sun Ming put down the rag in his hand and responded, Okay, Ill go now.

After sending Sun Ming away, Ling Huaan looked at Wang Lei and said, How, did you find anything?

Laoban, yesterday the police department took away all the useful things, but I didnt find nothing, hehe. Wang Lei smiled proudly, then he continued I found a USB flash drive in the pocket of one of the bear puppets in the baby room arranged by Shen Xin, but I havent seen whats inside. She put it so hidden, it must be something very important.

USB? Where did you put it? Wang Lei is a ghost, he couldnt bring things out, thats why Ling Huaan asked this question.

I turned off monitoring the villa while the housekeeper was not paying attention, and then went out through the gate. Before turning back, I put the USB flash drive in the mailbox outside the Yan Yu family villa.

Ling Huaan praised without hesitation, Wang Lei, this mission has been completed well.

Hehe, being with Laoban for so long has made me somewhat smarter.

Ling Huaan took out his mobile phone and called Yan Yu, asking him to bring the USB flash drive when he came over.

Laoban, what am I going to do next? Wang Leis eyes were bright, and he was eager to work.

Look at the USB disk first.

About an hour later, Yan Yu pushed the store door open,  he walked in with a laptop in his hand. He approached Ling Huaan, Huaan, Ive brought the stuff.

Ling Huaan nodded, Sun Min, come to the cashier.

Sun Ming responded and replaced Ling Huaan to take the cash register spot, while Yan Yu helped Ling Huaan went to sit in front of the glass window. After inserting the USB disk into the computer, Yan Yu opened the files inside and said, Huaan, there are several photos inside. It seems that Shen Xin took them secretly.

Photo? What photo?

Its a photo of Shen Xin and a man. The man is sleeping.

Man? Look at his wrist, is there a red spider lily tattoo on it?

Yan Yu zoomed in on one of the photos and said, There is indeed a tattoo. Red, but it is blocked and I cannot see it clearly.

Shen Xin forgot all her memories during her lifetime. The only thing she remembered was a pair of hands holding a scalpel with red spider lily flowers tattooed on the wrist. This shows that this person is either very important to her or the murderer. To combine with her state after her death and the baby being removed, I prefer the second possibility for the identity of that man.

You mean that the man in this photo is the murderer of Shen Xin.

Whether it is the murderer or not, I can know as long as I meet him.

Yan Yu asked curiously, Why do you know if he is the murderer when you meet him?

An eight-month-old baby already has his own consciousness. Once they die, the resentment is ten times more than an adult. He will quickly turn into a resentful spirit, haunt the murderer until the person who killed them dies.

Dont people who die in vain lose their memory?

Their lost memories will slowly recover with the passage of time, and their resentment will increase with the recovery of memory. If they do not get enlightened in time, they will be controlled by resentment. If the child is killed before he is born, his resentment will be deeper and more difficult to deal with.

After my investigation for the past two days, Shen Xins relationship is very simple. The doctors who have had interactions with her are the obstetrician who did the examination for her, and the doctor who performed the plastic surgery for her at Lingmei Plastic Surgery Hospital. The doctor who performed the obstetric examination for her was a female, which can be ruled out. So only the doctor in the plastic surgery doctor left.

Have you found the plastic surgeon who performed the surgery for Shen Xin?

His name is Wu Zheng, 33 years old this year. He is a top student at Huacheng Medical University. He is married and now become the director of Lingmei Plastic Surgery Hospital, which is the man in the photo.

Do you know him?

Sort of. His father had a business relationship with grandfather, and they met once or twice.

Then you can find an excuse to make an appointment with him tomorrow.


You can send the photos on this USB disk to Chengyans mailbox anonymously.


I dont think youve eaten at this hour.

Yan Yu responded softly and said, Ill just go out to eat later.

Ling Huaan turned to look at Sun Ming, and said, Sun Ming, bring the blue thermos bucket under the cashier here.

Sun Ming responded, took the bucket, and said, Laoban, the thermos bucket is on the table.

En. Go back to work. Ling Huaan pushed the thermos bucket towards Yanyu and said, I made braised lion head today, eat it.

Looking at the thermos bucket in front of him, Yan Yus eyes were sour, and said, isnt this for Captain Jiang?

Although Yan Yu hid it very well, Ling Huaan still detected the difference in his emotions. He helplessly sighed and said, I made some more. This is for you, eat it quickly.

Huaan Yan Yus voice trembles slightly, took a deep breath, thank you.

Yan Yu, if you need time, you dont need to participate in Shen Xins business.

No. Huaan, Im fine.

Yan Yu, even though Im blind, my heart is not. I can feel the discomfort in your heart. Go out and take a break, come back when you calm down. We are still the same as before.

But I dont want to leave you. Yan Yu couldnt say what he wanted to say. He took a deep breath, and said as calmly as possible, Okay, when Shen Xins business is done, I will go on a trip to take a break.

Ling Huaan didnt insist anymore, eat now, it will get cold later. By the way, Lu Hao is about to go on a winter vacation. If you go out to travel, take him with you. He yelled to go out to travel very early, but I have limited mobility and have never had a chance to accompany him. If he follows you, I can rest assured.

Okay, I will discuss the travel with Lu Hao when I have a chance.

Dng lng lng

The bell on the door ran when the store door was pushed open. Seeing the person coming, Sun Ming greeted him with a smile, Captain Jiang, you are really on time!

Jiang Chengyan smiled uncomfortably and looked at the two people in front of the glass window. When he saw the thermos bucket next to Yan Yu, his eyes flashed. Yan Yu, you are also here.

Yan Yu responded faintly, picked up his chopsticks and ate quietly.

Seeing it, Jiang Chengyan feels awkward, that, Im going to make noodles.

Ling Huaan felt amused and said, are you not going to ask me whether I brought you something to eat?

Its okay, I havent eaten noodles for many days and I kinda miss them, so Ill just have them today.

For Jiang Chengyans slowness, Ling Huaan suddenly felt a little tired. He didnt know what to do to force him to express his feelings. He responded in a sullen mood, En. Okay, then you can do it yourself.

Jiang Chengyan was stunned. He sensed noticed that Ling Huaans tone was not right, but he couldnt understand why Ling Huaan was unhappy. He could only walk to the shelf in a daze. Looking at the instant noodles in front of him, his heart became more and more uncomfortable. He picked up the braised beef noodles, put them back, and end up taking a box of spicy beef noodles in anger.

Wang Lei walked across the shelf, and came to Ling Huaan, he whispered, Laoban, that idiot took the spicy beef noodles.

Ling Huaan didnt speak. Yan Yu was eating quietly, and the store seemed extremely quiet.

After pouring the water and soaking in the noodles, Jiang Chengyan stood beside the cashier counter, his eyes glancing in Ling Huaans direction from time to time.

Sun Ming looked amused and said, Captain Jiang, there are stools over there, why dont you go there to sit and eat?

Jiang Chengyan hesitated for a moment and said, No, the team still has things to do. Ill finish eating quickly and hurried back.

Sun Ming was speechless about Jiang Chengyans emotional intelligence. He shook his head helplessly and said no more.

The silence in the store was a little strange, and even Wang Lei noticed Ling Huaans displeasure, so he closed his mouth and stopped talking.

After Yan Yu finished eating, he got up and said, Huaan, Im going to wash it.


Seeing Yan Yu leave, Jiang Chengyan struggled for a moment and walked over with the noodles. But when he reached the glass window, Ling Huaan stood up, Sun Ming, you see if there are any goods to be restocked, Ill collect the cash.

Sun Ming looked at Ling Huaan and Jiang Chengyan before answering, okay, Laoban.

Jiang Chengyan opened his mouth and wanted to stop Ling Huaan, but he didnt know what to say, so he could only let him go to the cashier counter. Jiang Chengyan stood there awkwardly with an indescribable feeling in his heart. He picked up his chopsticks and finished eating the noodles in hurry, and said, Huaan, there are still things to do in the team, Ill leave first.

Ling Huaan responded lightly. Seeing that he had no intention of speaking, Jiang Chengyan pushed open the store door angrily and walked out.

Ling Huaan took out another thermos bucket from under the cashier and then handed it to Sun Ming, You can eat this, dont waste it.

Sun Ming took the thermos bucket then looked at Jiang Chengyan who was standing outside the door, Thank you, Laoban.

Outside the door, Jiang Chengyan stared at the thermos bucket in Sun Mings hand. Theres a pang in his heart. Ling Huaan clearly reminded him, but he only knew jealousy and didnt understand the meaning of his words at all.

Jiang Chengyan finally understood the reason for Ling Huaans anger.

He walks to the store door again intending to apologize to Ling Huaan until he sees Yan Yu walking up to Ling Huaan. Not knowing what he said, Ling Huaans cold face showed a gentle smile. Jiang Chengyan paused in his steps, he smiled bitterly before turning around and going back to the police station.

Yan Yu looked out the door, Huaan, he really left this time.

I know. Its getting late. Youve been tired all day. Go back and rest early.

Huaan, youwhy didnt you explain to him?

Ling Huaan said with a bitter smile, Ive done it so clearly, but he doesnt seem to be able to see it Yan Yu, go back and drive carefully on the road.

Okay, then Ill go back first, see you tomorrow.

En. See you tomorrow.

When he opened the door, the bell rang. Yan Yu walked out, he looked back to Ling Huaan in the direction of the police station, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Sun Ming looked at Ling Huaan. He hesitated for a moment,  Laoban, you are interested in Captain Jiang

En, I like him. Ling Huaan had no intention of hiding it. After all, he showed it so obviously everyone would notice it except Jiang Chengyan, that fool.

A disappointment flashed in Sun Mings eyes, but also breathed a sigh of relief, Laoban, I can see that Captain Jiang likes you too. Why dont you make it clear?

Am I not obvious enough?

Sun Ming choked. Obviously, Ling Huaan mobility is very limited, but he insisted on cooking for Jiang Chengyan every day. Anyone with a little emotional intelligence would understand Ling Huaans intentions, but the person involved was a fool.

Laoban, Captain Jiang, his EQ is worrisome.  I think you should make it clear, otherwise, you have to wait for him to understand. Are you going to wait until The Horse Month of the Monkey Year?1

A bitter smile appeared on Ling Huaan lips, you dont understand.


The author has something to say

Captain Jiang, this EQ

Cafes Memo :

Captain Jiang ( )

  1. The Horse Month of The Monkey Year meaning time that will never come

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