Gospel of Blood

Chapter 272: You're a Bloodborne!

Chapter 272: You're a Bloodborne!

“Father! What’s going on? I thought I heard the sound of an elemental explosion just now…”

Count Gaston stumbled out of the tavern, only to run into his eldest son, Otis, who was waiting outside with soldiers, ready to act at any moment.

“Retreat! The plan failed! We need to regroup with the army immediately, there might still be a chance to turn things around!”

Count Gaston hurriedly said.


Otis was momentarily stunned.

Under the protection of his guards, Count Gaston retreated while speaking grimly.

“Sebastian has mastered long-distance pinpoint teleportation spell. The teleportation method failed.”

“Long-distance pinpoint teleportation spell? Legendary?!”

Otis exclaimed.

“It’s not Legendary. If he were a Legendary mage, he would have seen through our plan the moment he entered the tavern. He must have some precious magical artifact! The ambush plan failed, but… Charlotte didn’t bring many troops. We still have a chance if we quickly regroup with the army and deploy the magic formation!”

Gaston commanded.

“Are we going to start a direct battle? Won’t that…”

Otis asked, but Gaston interrupted him.

“We can’t worry about that now. Use the magic formation to trap Sebastian and force Charlotte to stay. We can fix everything else later!”

Count Gaston ordered decisively.

“Oh? A magic formation? Does that mean you brought the entire Tulip garrison?”

A familiar and pleasant voice suddenly rang out from the front, startling Count Gaston.

He turned around and saw that, unbeknownst to him, Charlotte, who should have been guarded by Sebastian in the tavern, was now standing alone under a large tree by the roadside.

The shadows concealed her in the darkness, making her seem even more mysterious.

“Countess Castell?!”

Otis was momentarily stunned at the sight of Charlotte.

Count Gaston’s expression changed slightly as he scanned the surroundings for Sebastian but didn’t see him. He narrowed his eyes and asked.

“Lady Charlotte, did you leave Sebastian to fight and come after us alone?”

Charlotte nodded and replied with a smile.

“Yes, the luncheon hasn’t even started, and you’re already in such a hurry to leave. Keeping promises is a noble virtue. As your colleague, I must advise you to turn back.”

Count Gaston’s expression darkened.

As an experienced count, he knew that the opponent wouldn’t be foolish enough to intercept them alone without a chance of victory. Even as a seasoned Silver Moon, he hadn’t sensed when she had slipped in front of them.

But reason also told him that the opponent was just a sixteen-year-old girl whose extraordinary powers had only awakened last year. Even if her talents were exceptional, she couldn’t be that strong; at most, she had some powerful magical artifact.

In an instant, he made a decision and ordered the extraordinary guards by his side.

“Attack together! Take her down!”

At Count Gaston’s command, over a dozen extraordinaries charged at Charlotte. Most were zero-tier, and two were Silver Moons.

Otis also drew his sword to charge at Charlotte but was quickly pulled back by his father.

Charlotte’s gaze fell on the extraordinaries charging at her.

Feeling the surge of extraordinary energy from them, she became eager to fight, and her inner magic flowed, causing her bloodborne power to erupt.

At the same time, the blood divine power within her consciousness was quietly activated. Her hair instantly turned a splendid silver, cascading past her waist, and her blue eyes turned crimson gold.

At that moment, an ancient and indescribable aura spread over her. It wasn’t the full power of the True Ancestor’s Liberation but a partial use of its power.

Even at the Silver Moon tier, Charlotte didn’t hesitate to use her trump card power.

After stepping into Silver Moon, Charlotte had become more adept at using blood divine power, unlike the crude way she used it in the past. By now, using this partial method had become a habit for Charlotte.

Black-red magic surged from her hand, transforming into a black sword.

Dark Armament

This was a new mid-tier spell Charlotte had learned, capable of conjuring a dark elemental sword.

With the black sword in hand, she faced the two Silver Moon extraordinary guards charging at her.

There were no fancy techniques or flashy sword skills. When the weapons of the two extraordinary guards clashed with Charlotte’s black sword, they shattered instantly, like eggs hitting a rock.

The strength of “Dark Armament” was related to the wielder’s magic power.

The magic power of the bloodborne far exceeded that of humans of the same rank, especially with Charlotte borrowing the power of the divine power. Even if the two extraordinary guards wielded high-quality magical weapons, they couldn’t match the divine-powered “temporary artifact” in Charlotte’s hands.

The two extraordinary guards were stunned. Their expressions changed as they quickly drew their backup weapons, but Charlotte was faster.

Her figure instantly turned into black mist, passing through the two extraordinary guards like a specter.

When she reappeared, a burst of blood mist erupted from the two extraordinary guards, and they collapsed.

In the horrified gazes of the other extraordinary guards, the bodies of the two Silver Moon experts rapidly withered, turning into dried corpses.

At the same time, the black sword in Charlotte’s hand seemed to glow even more darkly.

“Blood… bloodborne!”

Seeing this, the remaining extraordinary guards screamed in fear, their faces filled with terror.

“Blood… bloodborne?!”

Count Gaston and his son were equally shocked.


Count Gaston grabbed his son and ran towards the forest without hesitation after seeing Charlotte effortlessly kill the two Silver Moon guards.

Behind them, the other extraordinary guards’ cries of alarm echoed.

Otis couldn’t help but look back, only to see that within a few seconds, all the extraordinary guards left behind had fallen.

Charlotte’s figure disappeared, leaving only drained corpses on the ground…

“Father… she’s gone!”

Otis shouted in fear.

An unprecedented sense of danger arose in Count Gaston’s heart. He instinctively drew his sword, but before he could raise it, a great force shattered it, leaving only the hilt.

Black mist gathered in front of him, and Charlotte’s figure reappeared.

Her melodic voice rang out again, this time more terrifying to Count Gaston.

“Where do you think you’re running, Count?”

Looking at Charlotte’s drastically changed appearance, Count Gaston’s expression turned serious.

“You’re… not Charlotte! You’re a bloodborne!”

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