Gospel of Blood

Chapter 271: Crushing Defeat

Chapter 271: Crushing Defeat

“Teleportation magic? Count Gaston, what do you mean by this?”

Charlotte’s gaze moved from the spot where Sebastian had disappeared to Count Gaston. She remained calm despite Sebastian’s sudden disappearance, which took Gaston by surprise.

“You truly live up to your reputation, Charlotte. Being able to inherit your territory under the watchful eyes of the Church and the Duke is no small feat. You are even more composed than I imagined.”

Count Gaston remarked approvingly.

He clapped his hands, and two rows of extraordinary individuals, previously hidden, entered the room and surrounded Charlotte.

“Charlotte, will you surrender quietly, or do you wish to struggle futilely?”

Count Gaston asked with a smile.

Charlotte did not answer his question. Instead, she looked at the clearly distinct armor worn by the extraordinaries and raised an eyebrow.

“Extraordinary mercenaries? Count Gaston, aren’t you afraid of being judged guilty by the Noble Council for hiring mercenaries to attack a fellow noble without cause?”

“Guilty? Oh, Charlotte, how could that be? You are merely a victim of a Blood Demon Cult ambush and kidnapping. What does that have to do with our Gaston family?”

Gaston replied, laughing.

With that, he signaled to the mercenaries, who then took out and donned the iconic demon eye masks of the Blood Demon Cult.

Seeing this, Charlotte’s expression grew even more curious.

“From your attire… you must be mercenaries from Eastern Yunette. What did Gaston promise you to make you pretend to be Blood Demon Cult members and attack a count?”

The mercenaries remained silent, advancing towards her.

Count Gaston continued.

“Don’t bother trying to bribe them. These are not your typical mercenaries. They are secret agents of the Gaston family in Eastern Yunette, loyal and steadfast.”

“Gaston family…?”

Charlotte’s eyes flickered with realization.

“Ah, I forgot. You Borde Gastons are just a branch of the Eastern Gaston Duchy. I’ve heard that some ancient noble families in the East have a habit of training extraordinary death soldiers. If I’m not mistaken, these are Gaston family death soldiers, correct? Count Gaston, you must have invested quite a bit for today’s ambush.”

She then looked at the “mercenaries” surrounding her.

“But you don’t think such a poorly concealed ruse will fool everyone in the North, do you?”

“Heh, that’s not your concern. Once we decide to act, we have ways to make everyone believe it.”

Count Gaston retorted.

“Also, don’t bother stalling. Sebastian is likely swimming a hundred kilometers away in the sea by now. To deal with him, I used a legendary teleportation scroll. If you’re hoping for his return, you’ll be greatly disappointed.”

Count Gaston signaled with a serious expression, and the extraordinary mercenaries moved to bind Charlotte. The foremost mercenary, a Second Tier Silver Moon, stepped forward with anti-magic chains.

However, just as he was about to touch Charlotte, a silver light burst beside her. Magic inscriptions illuminated the air, forming a glowing circle. A slender arm emerged from the circle, gripping the mercenary’s head.


A resonant incantation sounded, and scorching flames engulfed the mercenary, turning him into a fireball that exploded in a moment.


The dazzling light and heatwave sent the surrounding mercenaries flying. Even Count Gaston stepped back instinctively. When the light faded, the room’s ceiling was gone.

Charlotte stood unharmed, a pale blue magic shield around her. In front of her, Sebastian, in a wet tailcoat, bowed gracefully.

“Master, were you troubled by these insects?”

If it weren’t for the seaweed in his hair, he might have looked more dignified.

“Long-distance pinpoint teleportation? Legendary spell? This… this is impossible!”

Count Gaston exclaimed, wide-eyed with disbelief.

“Now that you’re back, let’s get to work.”

Charlotte said calmly, glancing at the extraordinary mercenaries around her.

“At your command.”

Sebastian replied, summoning a flaming sword. His peak Silver Moon aura erupted, causing the surrounding magic to boil.

“Stop him!”

Count Gaston shouted, retreating quickly with two Silver Moon guards.

The ensuing battle was fierce, but it was more of a one-sided slaughter. As Charlotte’s blood servant, Sebastian’s power far exceeded ordinary Silver Moon tier.

The mercenaries, though formidable, were no match for him. But thanks to their efforts, Sebastian held off by all the mercenaries, allowing Count Gaston to escape.

After incinerating another mercenary, Sebastian hesitated, looking in Count Gaston’s direction.

“You deal with these people. As for Count Gaston… I will deal with him.”

Charlotte’s voice echoed as a breeze passed.

When Sebastian turned back, Charlotte was already gone.

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