Gate of Immortality

Chapter 161: Teaching disciples

Chapter 161: Teaching disciples

" I greet all the disciples of Blacksmithing class. I will start my teaching in an incense stick of time. You can finish your works meanwhile and come to attend." Yang Shi said. The disciples nodded as they hastily left. " Eh? Why did you give them an incense stick of time?" Elder Lin asked. " Haha, just wait and see." Yang Shi smiled mysteriously. The disciples felt it was heaven sent opportunity as they scattered. " Haha, Thank god! I won't be going back. I will just apply for some mission or work for a time being." Some of them laughed.

Yang Shi waited, as time flew by. After more than an hour, finally, he saw someone coming. " One, two... nine? Not bad." Yang Shi chuckled inwardly. Only nine disciples came back. " Only you guys? What about others?" Yang Shi asked calmly. " Reporting to Teacher, they are..." One of them stammered as he couldn't say anything else. " Anyway, state your names." Yang Shi asked them.

" My name is Shi Kun."

" Xin Zhou."

" Li Gong."


" Well, since most people chose not to come, why you guys came here?" Yang Shi asked. Shi Kun thought and answered politely- " I wish to learn under teacher Yang." Yang Shi's brows raised as looked at the other eight, " Do you also think the same?" They suddenly stumbled as they nodded hastily. " Do you think I will accept this bullshit?" Yang Shi sneered. " You guys better tell me the reasons, else I will kick you out." Yang Shi chuckled coldly. The expression of Shi Kun and others changed.

Xin Zhou cleared his throat as he said,  "I don't have enough credit points to join the main classes of famed instructors. So, I mostly depend on the free classes."

" Me too."

" Me also.

Three others said the same reason. Yang Shi nodded as he looked at Shi Kun, " What about yours?"

" I... I feel its waste for me to go to the main classes to burn my credit points." Shi Kun hesitated as he said. " Oh? Why so?" Yang Shi's raised his brow. " Because...It has been almost been three years and I am still an apprentice blacksmith. I feel I don't have the talent to become a blacksmith, so..." Shi Kun said.

" I am here to hide from my enemy. I angered an adept blacksmith and now he has challenged me to have a duel with him." Li Gong said as he clenched his teeth. " So all of you have personal reasons to come here and not to learn blacksmithing from me?" Yang Shi laughed. The nine became embarrassed as they lowered their heads. " I am still saying, If someone wants to leave now, he can go. Don't worry, it won't harm your reputation." Yang Shi said again. Finally, after Yang Shi said, out of nine, three left.

" So you six chosen to stay. Are  you sure about this?" Yang Shi's eyes narrowed. " Heh, just a bunch of trash." Yang Shi sneered. The six of them trembled but didn't look at Yang Shi. No matter how young he is, he is still a Master grade Blacksmiths. One word from him and all of them could be expelled from Golden Fire Tower. " What? You guys feel you aren't trash? Do you think I am from some aristocratic family, using influence to become a Master grade Blacksmith?" Yang Shi laughed.

The six didn't say anything, but their silence confirmed Yang Shi. " If you guys feel unconvinced, why not take a little test of mine ." Yang Shi waved his hands as the Sky Breaking hammer appeared as he put it on the ground. " See this? It's my forging hammer. I have sealed its spirit diagram, so it's only pure weight. If you can budge a little bit, I will reward you with a Spirit grade weapon." Yang Shi casually took out three Spirit grade swords and threw them on the ground.

Shi Kun, Li Gong, and others looked at the swords with intense greed. Especially Li Gong, " Damn, only if I have this sword, I can ward off that bastard." He thought inwardly. " Try, try! I got plenty of time." Yang Shi snickered as he took out another of his cigar and began to smoke. " Eh? What's is he doing?" Others looked at Yang Shi with bewilderment. The smoke wasn't suffocating, moreover, it was mildly smelling good. But they didn't care about it as they circled around the hammer.

" Who is going first?" Xin Rou looked at others. " I will go first." Shi Kun said firmly. He grabbed the handle and tried to pull it. " Eh?" He saw the hammer didn't budge a bit. Shi Kun mustered all of his cultivation as he pulled it hard, but the hammer remained unmoved. Without Yang Shi's prediction, they all tried one by one and failed miserably. " You can all  try at once, no one stopping you." Yang Shi laughed from the side. " Hmph, I don't think we can't live a hammer?" Li Gong snorted. " Indeed." Everyone panted heavily as they used their strength at once.

Yang Shi smiled as he saw their performance. They are only Spiritual Ascension realm cultivators. The hammer alone weighed more than 1000kg. Unless they have an extraordinary physique like Yang Shi, they can forget about lifting the hammer. Moreover, Yang Shi already refined the hammer with his blood, so, without his permission, even the Primordial Spirit realm cultivator may not able to lift it.

" What the hell!" All of them sat down as they felt their arms became numb. " All of you guys satisfied?" Yang  Shi chuckled as he exhaled a mouthful of smoke. " Forgive me, Teacher." Shi Kun cupped his fist. " Forgive us, teacher!" All of them cupped their fists as they bowed down. " Not bad, things went smoother than I expected." YangShi laughed inwardly. " Since you, six chose to study under me, it must be our fate. I need you guys to vow that, Whatever you learned from here, without my permission, you won't divulge the knowledge to others." Yang Shi's tone became serious.

" We won't dare!" All of them shouted. Yang Shi nodded in satisfaction. " For blacksmithing, You need to master three things- strength, flame control, and measurement of ores. I will check your flame control now. With a suitable technique, controlling flame will be easier, so, Show me what you got." Yang Shi shouted. He produced a flame measuring crystal. It was the same crystal that Yang Shi had to use in his exam of Master grade Blacksmith. This crystal can measure the power of flame of the user. Yang Shi borrowed it from the treasure hall, for educational purposes only.

" You guys come and measure your power here." Yang Shi shouted.

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