Gate of Immortality

Chapter 160: Negotiation

Chapter 160: Negotiation

" Blazing Flame Hall? You mean the hall which made on the Fire vein?" Yang Shi became surprised. The Golden Fire Tower was built on a gigantic Fire vein, which was the source of fire for alchemy and blacksmithing chambers. Not anyone has the wealth or strength to have a Spirit Fire of their own. So, They use fire from the chambers, which were connected to the Fire vein or Flamecloud crystals, which are like special coals of this world.

This Fire Vein was more than ten thousand-year-olds. The Golden Fire Tower can only able to go deeper than the inner perimeter. The core region of the vein is so strong that, even Violet Palace Expansion Realm expert might die there. But the inner region ave the Golden Fire Tower unimaginable wealth. Every type of precious ores, metals, and Spirit Fires are found there, making it an unending treasure trove of Golden Fire Tower. Blazing Flame Hall is such a place, where, with the help of powerful formations, they draw out pure Fire qi from the Fire Vein and use it to raise the power of Spirit Fire. One can also use the Fire qi to temper their fleshly bodies, making them stronger.

" Indeed. We allow you to train in the Blazing Flame Hall. With that, Your second-grade Spirit Fire might evolve into third grade." Elder Lin said. " I appreciate the kindness of Elder Lin, but, I can hardly teach here for three days at most. I have to leave for Azure Wind City after that." Yang Shi laughed bitterly. " Three days?" Elder Lin frowned but he still smiled, " Don't worry about it. Teach them for three days for now. After you come back, you can teach them for a month. You will get your rewards then."

" Hmm." Yang Shi thought about the proposal of Elder Lin. " How about it? After teaching for three days, I will only spend twelve hours in Blazing Flame Hall. You can send some promising disciples of Golden Fire Tower to the Azure Wind City, or, Wait till I come back." Yang Shi smiled. He was very eager to visit the Blazing Flame Hall. Somehow, he smelt a good fortune from there. He wasn't interested in manuals of the third floor as he has memory fragments of Samsara Emperor. " This..." Elder Lin's face stiffed as he pondered. " I can assure you that I will teach diligently. Moreover, I can give a few Quasi True grade weapons to the Golden Fire Tower." Yang Shi added.

" Fine." Elder Lin sighed. If not knowing Yang Shi's unusual talent, he might not agree on this. But he knew Yang Shi is the one who solved many nearly impossible questions which troubled blacksmiths for a few decades. He also wanted to test him more, as he was a candidate in his mind to join the competition of Golden Fire Tower. " But, I hope you start fro now, I will inform all the disciples via servants." Elder Lin said. " Ok." Yang Shi nodded. Since he has nothing to do, he might as well do some virtuous tasks. He got up and returned to his manor. He saw the Hazy Dream Grass were dried completely. He took them out and crushed them into bits. Then he took a leaf of Pill Preserving Plant. Its the most common medicinal plant, which is used to wrap pills and ointments.

He made a roll and fill it with the dried Hazy Dream Grass. He also added another herb and lit it with his fire. "Phwaa." Yang Shi exhaled a mouthful of smoke as he sat down, with his eyes closed. " Fuck1 Its amazing." Yang Shi muttered as he smoked like a veteran. The Hazy Dream Grass had a mild astringent taste with a mellow sweetness. Yang Shi felt his mind became much relax after he started to smoke.

" Hey! What are you doing?" Jin Yu asked curiously. Yang Shi's actions were strange in her eyes. " I am smoking tobacco, but it's a little different." Yang Shi chuckled. Indeed, mortals here do use tobacco pipes, but Yang Shi was using a cigarette, which was new in this world. " Does it taste good? I want to try it."  Jin Yu muttered. " You are still a kid now, Wait to grow up a bit." Yang Shi scolded her. It's kinda immoral for him to teach a ten-year-old girl how to smoke.

" Bah1 Who are you calling a little girl? This aunt has lived ten times more than you." Jin Yu snorted. " So you admit that you are an old hag?" Yang Shi laughed. " You-you." Jin Yu angered as Yang Shi felt the golden egg in his dantian began to jump wildly. " "Ow ow ow. Stop." Yang Shi suddenly bent down as he felt the pain coming from his stomach. " Damn." Yang Shi cursed in his heart. But then,  he heard a knock on his door. " Master Yang, Elder Lin has called you to the hall." The servant said politely.

" Yes, I am coming." Yang Shi shouted. 

He hurriedly went and dressed up. He wore the red robe representing the Golden Fire Tower. " Quite handsome, ain't I?" YangShi chuckled as he looked at the mirror. Red robes with his purple eyes, he indeed looked good. He took out another of his Hazy Dream cigar and put it into his ring. Then he walked off to the hall.

The entrance examination of Golden Fire Tower is very strict. Lots of aspiring cultivator takes it, but only a third of them managed to get into the Golden Fire Tower. This place gives them minimum resources and teachings for a year, then the students have to take the examination again and at least become apprentice class blacksmiths or alchemists. Without this minimum qualification, they got kicked out from here. The apprentice cultivators can stay here for three years and try to become an Adept class. But only a fifth of them barely manages to become an Adept class. Most of the apprentices become servents of adept and master grade blacksmiths and alchemists.

For these apprentices and adepts, there are free classes. But most of the class needs credit points, as it's the common currency in the Golden Fire Tower. For these guys, earning credit points are very hard, so most of them depend upon the free classes. Most of them felt disheartened as they heard Elder Lao suddenly left the Golden Fire Tower. Three free classes are pitifully low, and now, there might be not even one in a month. But they soon got happy as they heard another Master grade blacksmith is going to teach them. But again, they felt crestfallen as they heard the new teacher is only 18 year old.

" The heck! How can a brat become a Master grade Blacksmith? A disciple murmured.

" He must be from some aristocratic family. Hmph, It seems Golden Fire Tower isn't impartial." Another one shouted.

" I am a bit scared. What will happen if he teaches us wrongly?"

" You can choose not to attend. Anyway, It's not like free classes are really worth our time." Someone else chuckled.

" Indeed. We will not join the class." Most of the disciples agreed.

Yang Shi reached the audience hall as he saw almost a hundred disciples standing. Elder Lin smiled as he saw Yang Shi. " Apprentice and Adept disciples of Blacksmithing section, from now on, Master Yang will take the place of Elder Lao and instruct you on your art of blacksmithing." Elder Lin informed. All of them cupped their fist before Yang Shi. Yang Shi smiled but he sighed in his heart. He could see the dissatisfaction of the masses. " Hah! Naive brats! Just wait till this daddy shows you what Blacksmithing looks like." Yang Shi cackled in his heart.

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