Foreigner’s Mistake

Book 7: Chapter 99: Magic Sword ~ 07

Book 7: Chapter 99: Magic Sword ~ 07

Sheryl Maylander's mornings come early. She has always woken up at the 1st bell, but since becoming head of the task force, she has been admonishing herself to get up even earlier, 1 hour (40 minutes) earlier.

She felt uncomfortable with the hard feeling of the bed, which was different from the soft bed she usually uses at Maylander's house, and she remembered that she was instructed by her grandfather to stay at the academy. No matter how hard the bed is, this is still luxurious enough for her, who has some military service experience and has spent the night in the open field.

The outside seen from the window is probably still before sunrise. Sheryl turned over with a wry smile at the fact that she had woken up at the usual time, though she didn't have to get up at the usual time because she didn't have to go to work.

She noticed that the bed next to hers was empty, and she jerked herself out of bed. The head of the Holy Sword Clan was supposed to be sleeping there, but she was nowhere to be seen. She must not have gone very far, since she left her backpack behind.

And then Sheryl noticed that there was a wind noise coming from outside. She quickly wrapped her cape over her short coat and rushed outside.

Fuhh!...... Swish!

Sheryl was relieved to see the head of the clan wielding her sword among the trees in the morning haze and then looked at her.


She is wielding a sword at a tremendous speed, but she is so fluent and supple that you don't feel it. It was hard to take Sheryl's eyes off of the head clan's every move, which was performed from her toned limbs. Sheryl also has a certain amount of ability as a swordswoman. That's why she can feel her lean movements, without a single gap.

Her flowing movements are like those of a top-notch dancer. Sheryl even feels that her soul has been stolen away by the beauty of what can only be described as a sword dance.

The overwhelming sword dance ended with a Kesagiri from the top step. Sheryl is still lost in the splendor of the dance, in which even the rest of her body looks like a painting. [Kesagiri: slashing a sword diagonally from the shoulder]


The head of the clan quietly takes the rest of her body and regulates her breathing. Her body is slightly steamy. Despite the sharpness of her movements, she was not breathing heavily. Sheathing her sword, she glanced at Sheryl, who was finally released from her spell.

Morning training? Head Clan.

Oh, good morning, Sheryl-dono. Well, sort of.

It is magnificent. I was in amazement.

It's a routine. Not so much.

Sheryl is half taken aback by the head of the clan's response, as if to say, "This is natural". The level of training is so different that Sheryl's usual training is tantamount to child's play if that is called a daily routine.

The head of the clan wipes her neck lightly and keeps her eyes on Sheryl. Sheryl wonders if it is rude to peek into the head of the clan's training, but the head of the clan turns to face her head-on with the Holy Sword at her waist.

Um, you know, Sheryl-dono.

Y-yes! What is it?

Slightly nervous, Sheryl replied. She was nervous that she might have done something wrong, but there was a tone in the head of the clan's voice that could neither be described as surprise nor dismay.

I am not that familiar with the customs of this region, but I think your attire is a bit too sensational.

When told, Sheryl recalled her own outfit. She was wearing a short, tank-top-like garment in place of a bra, short cotton trunks over her underwear, and a cape over that. Her navel was visible and her thighs were bare.

N-n-no, I mean, this is...

The head of the clan laughs with a funny smile. It is early in the morning, just as the sun is about to rise, and they are in the vicinity of the girls' dormitory. Fortunately, Sheryl didn't see any men, which was a good thing, but it would have been extremely indecent to go out dressed like this.

With a cough to cover up, Sheryl wrapped her cape around her body and turned to face the head of the clan. She can't help but squirm a little.

Head Clan, do you have a change of clothes?

I only have one outfit.

The head of the clan returned a little anticlimactically. She must have made the long journey from the beginning, where the Holy Sword Clan resides, to Ares with only two pieces of clothing. The most important thing on a long journey is to reduce the amount of baggage. There is not much room for a change of clothes.

The clothes she is wearing now are not the kind of clothes that the head of a dignified clan, the Holy Sword Clan, would wear. They are just ordinary clothes, and they are worn out in some places. It must have been soaked in sweat from the morning's training.

I'll get you a change of clothes. Would you like to take a bath while you are at it?

At Sheryl's offer, the head of the clan's shoulders twitched. She still wears the same rugged mask, so it is difficult to see her expression.

Oh. Is such luxury possible?

The dormitories at the academy are equipped with such facilities.

Hot bath facilities are a luxury normally reserved for nobles and the like. However, the Academy of the Wise is equipped with such facilities in both the men's and women's dormitories. This is because many sorcerers are so devoted to their research that they dress in sooty clothes, and on the other hand, the sorcerers who gather here to gain some dignity are regulated in their appearance to some extent, so they need facilities to cleanse themselves. The water is heated with the help of the Flaming Stone, a legacy from the time of the Ancient Magical Kingdoms, which radiates heat at all times.

You have my thanks

It's not my imagination that I think I'm a little pleased, Sheryl said with a small laugh. The comfort of a hot bath is quite good, and although it is considered a luxury, it is always nice to be refreshed and cleansed.

Sheryl led the head of the clan to the hot bathroom in the women's dormitory. Many of the sorcerers who gather at the Academy of the Wise are male. Although there is no difference in the soul between men and women, the number of women is only about 20% because this world is a rather male-dominated society. Therefore, the building itself and the bathing rooms are only half the size of the men's dormitory, but considering the ratio of men and women enrolled in the dormitory, the women's dormitory is blessed.

After seeing the head of the clan off as she entered the bathing room, Sheryl thought about a change of clothes for her. She doesn't seem to care much about what she wears. The clothes she was wearing were ordinary and did not seem to be designed for protection. If that is the case, then Sheryl's normal clothes would be fine, even though they might be a little big.

Sheryl shivered as she thought about this. Although it was still hot during the day in the autumn season, the temperature was much lower in the mornings. In such a situation, she went outside in half underwear and watched the sword dance of the head of the clan in a daze. Her body was also cold. Sheryl returned to the bathing room with a change of clothes, one for herself and one for the head of the clan.

Without hesitation, she quickly took off her own underwear and threw them into the basket. There is only one other outfit besides herself, and it seems that the head of the clan is the only one in there now. The two women are together, so there should be no hesitation.

Excuse me.

Sheryl opens the sliding door and enters the hot bathroom.


She saw a white back in the bathtub. A young woman there was looking back with a sword in her hand even though she was in the bathtub. Her dark brown hair was tied up in a knot, and there was a beautiful woman with a sharp impression Ah, the moment she realized that she was not wearing a mask.

An inexpressible feeling wells up in Sheryl's heart.

What is this? It's dangerous.

Why am I not carrying a weapon? The woman in the tub is dangerous. That thing is the enemy. Kill her.

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!!!

An intense, gushing desire to kill overtakes Sheryl's mind.

Sheryl heard the sound of water splashing, and she winced. Naked and with only a cotton cloth in her hands, she still has a good grasp of the art of fighting without weapons...

Don't look at my face

Suddenly Sheryl's vision faded. The head of the clan, who must have circled behind her with invisible agility, covered Sheryl's eyes with one hand. She tried to wriggle out of the way for a moment, but her other handheld her shoulder and she was unable to move. Even though Sheryl was physically superior to her, she was unable to move as if she were being held tightly.

I am in danger. I'm going to be killed...killed?By whom?

Quickly Sheryl's mind regains its composure. The black feelings that had been so prevalent are drained away, albeit somewhat stagnant, and she can feel her ego returning.

...... you must have got a murderous desire toward me.


A blur and a low female voice sounded in Sheryl's ear. The voice was muffled because it had been spoken behind a mask, but it was undoubtedly the voice of the head of the Holy Sword Clan. Something stirred in Sheryl's mind as if it was trying to take control of her, but she breathed heavily and chased it away.

Have you calmed down? It's not surprising that you feel that way. It's what happens when a living being sees my face. That is why I have been wearing that mask.


Sheryl was surprised. She had never imagined that the rugged mask had such a meaning. The hand that was holding her shoulder was released, but she did not intend to get out of control. She was a little nervous and trembling, but that was understandable.

.......The bearer of the Holy Sword is the object of hatred from all living things. This is because of the curse that the Demon King placed on the sword when he died.

What the ......

The head of the clan must have realized that Sheryl had regained her ego. The hand that was covering her eyes is removed. But Sheryl cannot look back. If what the head of the clan says is true, then the sight of her face will bring on feelings of hatred again.

The Holy Sword will never leave the ten feet or more of its master at any time. As long as you have the sword, you cannot escape its curse. Therefore, I am forced to hide my face.

Sheryl was at a loss for words as the head of the clan spun her lines rather calmly. It is too painful for her to expose her face to the public as long as she has the Holy Sword, even if it is the result of a curse placed on her by the Demon King that is probably why she wears that mask.

That mask was designed to keep the curse from showing. No matter how ugly you are, you should only remove it on limited occasions.

Although Sheryl only caught a glimpse of her face, the head of the Holy Sword Clan had a chillingly beautiful appearance. A too-sharp beauty, with a reticent, somewhat cold impression. Sheryl thinks she has the level of beauty that has been extolled in the legend. However, as long as she holds the Holy Sword, she will never be able to show her beauty in publicHow ironic. Her beauty is too good to hide behind her rugged facade...

There is no hint of blame in the head of the clan's voice. She does not seem to be angry. Her voice is rather calm as if she has given up on the situation.

Sheryl bit her lower lip. She slowly closed her eyes, blindfolded herself with the cloth in her hand, and turned around.

......Oi, Sheryl?

The voice of the head of the clan sounded surprised. The voice comes from directly in front of Sheryl. In other words, they should be facing each other, and her faces should be directly in front of Sheryl, but she doesn't feel the same black emotion as she did earlier. Her breasts and everything else are exposed, but they are the same sex. She's only a little embarrassed.

It seems that the curse will not be activated unless I see Head Clan's face.

No, you're right, but ......

Sheryl laughed encouragingly at the bewildered sound of the head of the clan. She's not sure if she was able to smile properly because her eyes were tightly closed and she was wearing a blindfold. Even so, she smiled awkwardly, hoping to cheer up the beautiful woman who had a difficult role to play.

It's a tough role, isn't it?


There was a sound of the head of the clan taking a breath. Sheryl reached out her hand, though blind, and explored the area where she would be and touched her. Sheryl's fingertips are on the glistening skin that is on fire from the hot water. The head of the clan reacted with a jolt but made no move to run away. Sheryl guessed that it was her arm, so she lowered her hand and took the head of the clan's hand. It may be disrespectful, but this is what she wanted to do, she thought.

I don't know much about the Holy Sword Clan. So I don't know how Head Clan lived, how she succeeded, or how she thinks. But ......

The head of the clan replied in a hesitating voice to Sheryl, who raised her voice in an endless stream of words.

Sheryl-dono ...... Um, are you not afraid of me?

That's ...... Not entirely zero, of course, but...

Not zero. Although they are both naked, the head of the clan has the Holy Sword in her hand and Sheryl was unarmed. Considering the head of the clan's morning training, Sheryl doesn't think she could win even if the head of the clan was unarmed and she was wielding a sword, and she doesn't fully trust the mysterious head of the Holy Sword Clan. Sheryl answered honestly.

Even if you kill me here, naked, there is nothing to be gained by Head Clan, is there not?

So there is no way the head of the clan would get rid of Sheryl. In this situation right now, it would be possible to take Sheryl's head off without even having to swing the Holy Sword. If she were to say that she would kill Sheryl because she saw Head Clan naked, she would be in over her head, but Sheryl felt that she was not that senseless. She had no choice but to trust her instincts.

Besides, even if we were to meet normally, I would not be able to even touch Head Clan. It is a miracle that we are able to touch each other like this.

There was a pause for a few counts. Sheryl wondered what kind of expression was on her faceSheryl is a little apprehensive. She is a little worried, but without her eyesight, it is hard to tell what she looks like. She was touching the head of the clan, and her hand was trembling. For a moment, Sheryl wondered if she was angry, but she soon realized that she was not. The Head Clan laughed out loud.

Kuh...... haha, hahaha! Well, well, well... Looks like Sheryl-dono has got one over on me.

It is the greatest honor of my life to get one from the head of the Holy Sword Clan.

Jokingly, Sheryl cuts her off. The head of the clan laughs even louder. She was happy to hear Sheryl's turn of phrase.

Eh ...... Kyaaa!

The Head Clan's hand was off, and suddenly Sheryl was being held like a princess, and she panicked. Even though she is bigger than Sheryl, the Head Clan is holding Sheryl with ease. It was a surprise to be carried up like this by the head of the clan herself. The Head Clan walked leisurely into the bathtub with Sheryl, leaving her bewildered.

Sheryl realized that her body was quite cold. The Head Clan must have been concerned about her downcast eyes. The warmth of the water was somewhat hot, and Sheryl let out a squeak. Finally released from the princess carry, Sheryl groped for the edge, only to find someone's back against her back. Someone there was only one other person in this place besides herself. Through her back, she can feel the touch of the Head Clan's skin. It is smooth, but with the appearance of having been trained to the utmost limit.



Sheryl's voice was puzzled at the sudden whisper of a person's name. The head of the clan laughed and splashed the hot water.

That's my name. I don't like to be called "Head Clan" by Sheryl-dono, who has just won one over from me. Call me by my name comfortably.

The warmth from the hot water was not the only thing that made Sheryl feel deep emotion. She had never thought that she, a mere soldier, would be told the name of the head of the Holy Sword Clan.

......Understood, Isolde-sama. Ah, of course, I'll call you by your name when it's just the two of us.

Mm. You should.

Satisfied, the head of the clan Isolde replied. This woman, who spoke in a somewhat old-fashioned manner, was probably not much older than herself, or perhaps a little younger, judging from her facial features. Sheryl doesn't know how much of her life she has spent in training, but she can tell from her sword dance that she must have been training hard every day, in a way that Sheryl can't even imagine.

To have such a woman, who is a genuine warrior, open her heart to her, Sheryl felt a faint sense of joy.

At the same time, she thought. She also thought that, aside from herself, Isolde must have been a pretty picture in this sacred and impenetrable place where men were not allowed to enter.

Sheryl does not have a high opinion of her own appearance.

Sheryl is a woman with flaxen, habitually rich hair, and a voluptuous body, whose eyes are hidden by a cloth. On the other hand, Isolde is a woman with dark brown hair that extends to her neck, slim, sharp, and beautiful.

If the men of the world were to see these two bathings, they would admire them for a while and then attack them, blowing away their own reason although if that were to happen, Isolde would probably cut them to pieces in an instant.

Sheryl's cold body was gradually warmed by the hot water, and at the same time, she felt a mysterious sensation as if her heart was being warmed as well. Her back feels comfortable as she is in contact with the head of the Holy Sword Clan, who calls herself Isolde.

Sheryl-dono has something that I don't have.

And that is?

Sheryl heard Isolde's voice, somewhat euphoric, and she asked back with interest. She had no idea what it was that she had that Isolde did not. Isolde giggled and pulled her back away from Sheryl. A little sad or so she thought for a moment. Sheryl was surprised and flustered. Her breasts were suddenly squeezed from behind.


It's a charm as a girl. You are many times more beautiful than I am. And your breasts are so ample.

Ah,ah-ah-ah, um-uhh?

A puzzled voice is raised. Sheryl's breasts are certainly larger than Isolde's. However, she had never expected to be praised for her feminine charms by this genuine warrior. Another surprise. Isolde was playing with Sheryl's breasts. Sheryl was puzzled by the feel of Isolde's fingers on her breasts.

I'm jealous.

Isolde's voice contains a note of amusement. Sheryl realized that she was probably being envious, but mostly she was teasing. Isolde's finger movements are not sensual, but still, the strange situation of having her breasts squeezed from behind in the bathtub by someone of the same sex is a perplexing one for Sheryl.

If you start talking about the size of b-breasts, what about the flying dragon girl called Minerva that our target, Satoru had with him?

Sheryl's mind recalled Minerva's naked body that she had seen at the inn after intercourse. She was lying on her stomach at the time, so she didn't know what she looked like, but her breasts, which were crushed on the bed, seemed too big for Sheryl to take notice of. The image projected by the heart stone also showed her in a dark indigo one-piece dress, the same color as her hair, but the rise of her breasts was outrageous.

That was amazing. However, it was a little vulgar if it was that huge, wasn't it?

Isolde's teasing voice made even Sheryl laugh out loud. There is a tendency to think that breasts that are too large are vulgar because they arouse men. In fact, Sheryl has felt the gaze of men on her own breasts in her time in the male-dominated society.

However, from Sheryl's point of view, Minerva's breasts were certainly too large, but they were not out of balance with her height, and she did not feel that they were vulgar.

Finally, Isolde stopped squeezing Sheryl's breasts, and half of Isolde's body touched Sheryl's back. It was strange if you think about it. The actuality is that the head of the Holy Sword Clan is naked in the bathtub, and their skin is in contact with each other.

...... I thought Isolde-sama was beautiful too. Your dignified, clear beauty is enviable. It's a shame that your face is hidden by a mask.

Although Sheryl only caught a glimpse of Isolde and was almost overcome by that black emotion the next moment, Isolde's look remained firmly in Sheryl's memory. Her clear, sharp good looks would be no match for the well-dressed and made-up daughter of any nobleman living in this land. And me, of course.

Although Sheryl's words were sincere, Isolde was astonished.

I am flattered by your praise, but I will not be able to take off my mask and walk around the streets until after the new head of the clan has taken over.

Will, it haunts you as long as you don't give up the Holy Sword? ...... It's a curse indeed

Sheryl shuddered as she caught a glimpse of why the Holy Sword Clan went into seclusion after defeating the Demon King. It was a curse left behind by an Ancient Demon King at the time of his death. It is not something that can be undone in such a short period. According to Isolde's words, when the head of the clan is replaced, the sword will also be handed over to the next head. Only then will she be able to escape from the Holy Sword's curse and finally show her face. But how old will Isolde be by the time this is accomplished? How valuable would it be for her to be able to reveal her face after she has reached the peak of her womanhood?

But Isolde is still aloof.

Well, that is fate, too. I've just become the head of a clan that has been in existence for hundreds of years.


Oh, I don't regret it. You don't have to look like that.

I just couldn't get the words back, but apparently, I gave myself a look of sympathy? Sheryl cannot tell, partly because she closes her eyes strongly.

........I wonder what I look like right now because I'm closing my eyes.

Even with your eyes open, you cannot see your own face unless you see it through a mirror

You can kind of understand, can't you? When I close my eyes, I can't even tell.

I see. That may be so.

Since her face is usually hidden by a mask, Isolde's usual expression is also difficult to discern. However, her personality seems to be a crisp one, as she laughs and smiles. Sheryl also likes Isolde for revealing so many things to her.

......I know you know this, so I'm just telling you, but of course, it's not something you can just talk about, all right?

That is, of course.

That would be just as well. The Holy Sword Clan is a clan of many mysteries that have existed since ancient times. There are many secrets, and this also makes the clan mysterious, creating an environment in which it is difficult to talk to them. It is not something that should be spoken of lightly, and Sheryl was aware of the dangers.


...... Just, Isolde-sama


I would like to talk to the Mentor of the academy if I can get permission from Isolde-sama. I don't think it will be easy to lift the curse, since it was placed by the Ancient Demon King, but I don't think it would be a waste of time to study it.

Sheryl's mind was filled with Mentor Areus, the youngest Mentor in the Mentor Association, who belongs to the Mentor Association. He is a member of the Mentor Association, which is the second-highest rank after the High Mentor, and his friendly personality is highly regarded by the few female sorcerers in the Academy of the Wise and other related people. Sheryl has spoken with him several times and respects his friendly personality and thoughtful nature. His specialty is in curses. Of course, it won't happen overnight, but it would be a good idea to talk to him.

After a short pause, Isolde made the splash of water. It seems she has gotten up.

.........I guess so. I believe in Sheryl-dono's judgment. If you are willing to speak, you may speak.

Thank you for your kind words.

The head of this Holy Sword Clan apparently trusted me. Sheryl's face broke into a smile when she realized this.

I'll go up first.

Sheryl's face finally relaxed when she heard the sound of the sliding door opening and closing, followed by the sound of a flopping walk in the bathhouse. She rubbed her stiffened eyelids and then removed the cloth that had blindfolded her.

She patted her arms, which were a little flushed from the hot water, and enjoyed the hot bath. Half-heartedly, she thought of taking a bath with her, but she never expected it to turn out this way.

I'm a little scared.

A very whispered murmur.

She's happy that they have a friendship, but Isolde's straightness is too dazzling for Sheryl, and that's why she's scared.

Whether it is her father, grandfather, or herself, she is both sleazy and dirty because she is in the midst of a dirty society swirling with power and intrigue.

Suddenly, Sheryl's mind swirled with the words that Satoru had said to her when he visited the Academy of the Wise.

I can smell the calculation in the air. I don't think I'm going to have a heart-to-heart talk with you.

It would be a lie to say that she did not have some calculation in forming a friendship with Isolde. But even so, Isolde believed Sheryl wholeheartedly and even told Sheryl her name, which was supposed to be kept secret. Of course, because of the complicated situation, she would not reveal Isolde's name or the various things she told her.

But that's also a calculation -She soaks in the hot water up to her mouth and exhales through her mouth. Bubbles float in front of her eyes, then pop and disappear.

Sheryl found herself in a complicated state of mind, and with a faltering heart, Sheryl dove into the bathtub.

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