Foreigner’s Mistake

Book 7: Chapter 98: Magic Sword ~ 06

Book 7: Chapter 98: Magic Sword ~ 06

A lineup of plates, bowls, and goblets. Minerva's hunting effort and the dishes were prepared by Rico and with the help of Solor and Liz, who had helped Rico with the ingredients they had bought. The amount of food was so large that Solor had to hastily make more plates and bowls with her sorcery. Of course, there was also Grepplo made by Liz, a masterpiece that took a little more than one koku (four hours).

The bread heaped on top is not the usual black bread, but soft white bread. The food was bought at Mugere's using the Group Transfer art. The vegetables, which are usually root vegetables that can be preserved well, were mixed with many green and leafy vegetables. The coloring was more gorgeous than usual, showing Rico's painstaking efforts.

After confirming that each of the guests had a goblet of wine in their hands, Leia stood up.

Then, let's celebrate our Lord's recovery and Liz and Solor's entry into the magical slavery.


It was not a simultaneous chant. Minerva, who was not familiar with this kind of custom, shifted the tempo or perhaps even said, "Kanpai?" The reason is that she raised her voice in a questioning manner, and the group laughed.

Rico gulped down a goblet of wine in one gulp, Liz rolled her eyes, and Satoru chuckled. Rico seemed to be quite the drinker. Satoru also took a sip of wine. Although it is a red wine, the acidity is not so strong and it is easy to drink. It was probably a good wine.

Liz also drank a little bit of wine. If it were true, he would have thought about putting alcohol in minors, but then again, so would Rico, and since the world's common sense is different, to begin with, it would be strange to make a big deal out of it. Liz takes a bite of her food and widened her eyes.

I thought so when you served me before, but you are a good cook, aren't you, Rico-san?

That's not true.

Rico's cheeks turn red and she smiles shyly. Rico still lacks confidence in herself. So, what she just said is not modesty but seriousness. However, the redness of her cheeks is not only due to embarrassment. She is pouring wine into a goblet with her hand.

Rico's cooking must be the best of the best because Liz, who was a third party until just now, says so. However, she does not recognize her talent. Although she has first-class abilities in sensing and searching, Rico has a tendency to look down on them. It's not good to be snobbish, but it's also not good to be too mean Satoru mutters in his mind. Well, I guess you can't change your nature overnight.

Here, Solor. Eating and drinking won't affect you, will it?

Eating and drinking are not a problem in themselves, but I am not sure about alcohol.

If you can drink, drink. For I cannot get drunk even if I wanted to.

At Leia's suggestion, muttering a little sadly. Solor had no choice but to sip her goblet. She drank quite a lot, too.


Minerva is swaying with a big smile on her face. In her hand is a goblet of wine, and in front of her is a plate of Grepplo, made especially for Minerva.

What, is Minerva drunk already?

Rico, half-empty of the wine she had just poured, chatted with Minerva, who was doing a strange dance. Rico's way of drinking wine is not the way to enjoy wine. Minerva looked a little strange.

What does "get drunk" mean? Minerva doesn't know what it is, but probably different. It's kind of fun.


Yep. It's fun to have dinner with a group of people like this. When Minerva was surrounded by males in the mountains, we didn't have meals together like this.

I see.

Life is anything but the same for flying dragons and humans. Minerva may have lived a life of being raised as a Lord of Flying Dragon, but there she was respected and only bore the male's children. There is no custom to sit in a circle and enjoy a meal together like this.

If they are enjoying themselves, that's fineSatoru smiled a little and reached for his food. Rico's cooking is as delicious as ever. She uses just the right amount of seasoning so as not to kill the flavor of the ingredients. With such a large quantity of food, there is bound to be a slight imbalance somewhere, but whatever he eats is delicious, and that's just one word for it. Satoru also enjoys the atmosphere while stuffing his mouth with steamed chicken filled with juices.

This small feast was held to celebrate Liz and Solor's becoming magical slaves and his own recovery.

Healing, huh?

Satoru stared at his palm. Satoru did not fully understand why he had to collapse. According to Leia, he had been diagnosed with a psychological shock caused by a combination of heartache and pain, but was that the only factor? Although it was good that he woke up safely, Leia, Rico, Minerva, and Liz were all in a great deal of emotional shock. I don't want to give them something like that again.

As Satoru was lost in his thoughts, someone leaned on his back with a thud. With a "nyuh", a supple brown-skinned arm entwined around Satoru's neckit was Rico.

Satoru, you really only drank a little bit!

Ialreadytoldyou, I'm not a strong drinker.

Rico, after a round of sighs at Satoru's blabbering, emptied the wine left in the goblet in one gulp. I'll say it again and again, that is not the way to drink wine. Rico exhaled a gasp of liquor and pressed her chest against Satoru's back.

I thought it was a lie. No one would believe you if you said you were weak when you look like that.

Looks ain't got nothing to do with how hard you drink!

Satoru involuntarily shouted louder, recalling the line that had been said so many times at work. Rico moved away from Satoru's back with a scream, but the main ingredient was a laugh.

Satoru was burly, stiff, and strong-looking. From the looks of him, no one would believe him if he said he was a weak drinker. It was the same at his former workplace, where he drank as much as he could, or how many bottles of sake he could open in a month. He used to be teased about it. Satoru does not drink at night, and as he had mentioned before, he is not very friendly to alcohol, having been traumatized by a year-end party at work where he was forced to drink so much that he threw up.

Satoru, while blurting out, "Good grief," laughs at Riko, who is dancing around and getting involved one after another, and at Liz, who is slowly munching on some green food.

Come on, Liz, don't hesitate to eat. If you don't eat, you won't grow up.

Grow up......

Liz froze her smile, looked down at her breasts with a sad look on her face, and touched her breasts with a flattened hand.

That ain't what I meant!

Satoru shouts without thinking. No, he realized after he shouted that it was irrelevant, but at least Satoru didn't mean it in that way.

Liz's breasts are about the same size as Leia's, estimated to be a B cup. Considering her age, this is probably normal. However, if you look around, aside from Rico, who is only slightly larger, there is Solor, who clearly has big breasts, and Minerva, who has very large breasts. That's a lot of stimulation.

Liz sighs while touching her own breast.

My mom was one of the bigger elves, but elves are not that fleshy to begin with. ......

Indeed, the elves he saw in the village were slender across the board. Even in the many tales of Satoru's original world, he doesn't hear much about fat, overweight elves.


Suddenly, Liz screamed. Rico crept up behind her and squeezed her breasts.

I think Liz is big enough considering her age!

Ya, uh, umm, Rico-san?

You're going to get over it eventually ...... Uhh

Liz's protests do not seem to have been heard at all. Rico is just rubbing Liz's breasts up and down and playing with them She seems to be very drunk. This would be true if you were to open a glass of wine as if it were a glass of juice.

Rico and Liz will grow up. What about me who doesn't!?

With a bitter smile and subtle anger in the other half of her voice, Leia raised her voice to Rico. Rico and Liz are normal living beings, while Leia is the Immortal King who is said to be immortal there is no growth.

That's it. This is this.

Leia is absolutely mortified by Rico's candid words. Finally satisfied, she moves away from behind Liz, this time wandering up behind Solor and grabbing her breasts as well. A drunken person who sexually harassed people the worst of the worst.

Minerva is the biggest, though. Solor is big too...

Rico rubs Solor's breasts while spouting nonsense. It seems that she has enough sense not to attack her nipples. Solor is letting Rico do as she pleases with a nonchalant look on her face.

...... Do you feel good touching my breasts?

It feels good! And I'm jealous!

Rico howled as he moved his ten fingers in a full, violent motion. Minerva and Solor's breasts are evenly matched in terms of big breasts, but Solor wins in terms of weight. Minerva's breasts are soft and fluffy for their size. Satoru thinks it is the difference between a down comforter and a cotton comforter. Which one is better is up to the moment.

There is no mercy in Rico's hand movements as she rubs Solor's breasts. It is hard to tell because of her brown skin, but she seems to be quite intoxicated. Minerva is laughing at Rico.

...... Rico, you're drunk, aren't you?

Satoru didn't expect Rico to be so drunk, but there are always drunks of the highest caliber. He wondered if Rico had a lot on her plate.

Yes! Sometimes, it feels good to get drunk like this!

Laughing and saying so without hesitation, Rico finally took her hand off Solor's chest and reached for the bottle of wine, but was unable to reach it. The troupe burst into laughter at the sight of her so unceremonious appearance.

Well, it is not a bad thing for someone to get drunk and enliven the party in this way. Satoru thinks that Rico is the only one who can liven up the party with the current members, and perhaps Rico knew this and opened the pace early. But now Rico is nothing more than a terrible drunkard.

Satoru chuckles and turns his attention to the first victim of Rico's sexual harassment.

Liz ...... doesn't seem so drunk.

No, I'm only slightly drunk.

It seems that alcohol is not the only effect of the redness of the ears and cheeks. She certainly hasn't been drinking much, but she seems to be drinking to a decent degree.

Muhh ...... not being able to get drunk is also an inconvenience

Leia groaned as she watched Rico's lasciviousness. Indeed, it is sad to be alone and bare-faced among drunken people. Well, there are only two people who can easily admit that they have been drinking.

Solor! Drink up! You mean you can't drink what I just poured for you!

Ahahaha, Rico is so funny!

Minerva is laughing at Rico, who is pouring wine into a goblet in Solor's hand with her eyes fixed on the goblet.

...... is she laughing at the wine?

It is a rare sight. Solor, who is being accompanied by an easily recognizable drunk, is nonchalantly sipping wine poured into a goblet. Solor can control her physical sensitivity. She probably has it set low for now.

Is Solor drunk?

She seems to be drinking quite a bit because of what Rico pours from the drink barge, but there is no change at all in Solor's complexion. Solor shakes her head from side to side.

No. My body is not supposed to accept poison, and alcohol seems to be recognized as a toxin, so I don't seem to get drunk.

Heeh, Satoru breathed in amazement. A body that does not accept poison is a convenient thing. There are still many mysterious aspects to this Magic Doll.

The party continued to deepen.

About one hour (40 minutes) had passed since they started drinking.

Lies is talking with Leia. However, they do not seem to be talking seriously, and Liz's smile is evident, so she must be enjoying herself to a certain extent. However, it is not a harmonious atmosphere, and it is not Satoru's imagination that there is some tension in the air.

But it can't be helped. No matter how you look at it, Leia is the Immortal King, and there is an overwhelming wall. Satoru, Rico, and Minerva had talked to her when they went to the village, so they knew each other to a certain extent, but that is not the case with Leia. It would be impossible to talk to her comfortably. And Leia is such a famous person that she is mentioned in fairy tales.

Minerva's head is spinning. Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Minerva, holding a goblet of wine in her left hand and a plate of Grupplo in her right, continues to bob her head and giggle. She is probably not a strong drinker. She is a beautiful woman with a calm appearance, but when she smiles with such an innocent smile, there is a gap between.

Then, a shock hit Satoru's back.

C'mon, Satoru!


Satoru panics as he nearly knocks over the goblet. Rico was once again clinging to his back. Rico's breath smelled of alcohol. Rico tilts the wine bottle in her hand toward Satoru's goblet.

Drynk moreeee!

She is clearly not speaking clearly. Satoru was thinking to himself, "This is no good".

Shut it. I'm not very good at drinking. Let me drink quietly.

Rico's mouth twitches and she rubs her cheek against Satoru's face. It's a very bad way to get drunk.

Geez. You're boring. Minerva, are you drinking?

Miverva can drink. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, it's fun!

Satoru knew that he would get into trouble if he forced Rico to pull away from a drunken person, so he let Rico do as she wanted and sipped his wine. He hadn't even had a full glass yet. It's easy to drink, and he doesn't even feel drunk, but he doesn't really feel like getting drunk.

The reason is simple. Frankly speaking, Satoru is afraid of getting drunk. Indeed, he is not a drinker by nature, but he is also afraid that his violent side, which he has often seen since he came to this world, might become apparent. Therefore, he had no intention of getting drunk like Rico. If I am not that drunk, it would be convenient.

Excuse me, Master.


Satoru turns to Solor, who also shows no signs of being drunk at all. Solor was just standing there with her usual expressionless face, except when she was tangled up with Rico, but he wondered if she was thinking about something the whole time. After hesitating for a few moments, she opened her mouth hesitantly.

Is it correct that I can use each of the days you mentioned for us?

Of course. What, is there something you want to do?

Solor gives a small tilt of her head. It is extremely rare for Solor to act spontaneously in this way. When they first talked about it, she had said she had nothing to say, and he was curious to see what she would say. While patting Rico's head, who had been sitting on Satoru's thigh, Satoru jerk his chin and urged her to go on.

It seems I have an intellectually inquisitive mind as well. I'm filled with knowledge about magic and sorcery, but I don't understand the common sense of today's world, and today, in the town where I was transferred, I had to bother Liz-sama many times.

Oh. Really?

Satoru turns his attention to Liz, who was talking with Leia. Liz's returned a troubled smile.

For example, you were even trying to use attack sorcery on a guy who got a little too involved with you. I was surprised.

That's the bad guy who was plotting to kidnap Liz-sama.

Solor states it once and for all. She doesn't seem to be making excuses. Now, in this case, he doesn't know who is right, but there must have been some trouble in the town of Mugere. Not only Solor, who has been sleeping for a long time, but also Liz, who has been brought up in the small elf society of the World Tree Village, does not have much common sense in human society, so it would be dangerous to trust Liz' opinion one-sidedly.


Wah, waahh! S-Solor-san, don't say that!

Too flustered to speak, Liz tried to cover Solor's mouth. Something must have happened, but Liz didn't want to say what it was. Satoru shrugged his shoulders.

......Well, I understand that a lot has happened. So?

I have heard a lot about the Master from Leia-sama. I have also learned a little about the technology of the Master's original world.

Satoru glanced at Leia. How far did you talk? Leia shook her head in protest saying, I didn't tell her that many detailsHmmm, Satoru nodded. Leia must have at least told Solor that Satoru had been summoned to this world from a world with a difference in technology. He has shown his cell phone to Satoru in the past.

I also see that you are trying not to teach the Master the technology you know in this world, but I would like to know the technology of the Master's world. I want to spend a whole day with you and ask you to teach me many things. If possible, I would like to have Leia-sama join us.

With me too?

Yes. Leia-sama has knowledge of sorcery that I do not have. You also have a much softer perspective than I do, and you have the ability to break things down into understandable pieces.

Oh, I see, cried Satoru. Surely, a technology that is so different in degree from the one that stimulated her thirst for knowledge would be of great interest to her. However, Satoru has done little to teach the technology of his own world. He was aware that poor technology could destroy the balance of this world. Even in Japan, where Satoru lived, there are countless examples of technological innovations that have seriously disturbed the balance of the country, such as the introduction of guns during the Warring States Period and the Meiji Restoration.

But, wait a minute. He thinks about it.

Sure, I've tried not to inadvertently teach technology or anything else to this world, but.....If you think about it, Solor and Leia have little to do with the general public. I guess it wouldn't be easy to spread the word if I told you.

Of course, I promise not to speak it lightly. What do you think?

Satoru put his hand on his chin and pondered. Leia is the Immortal King and has almost no contact with ordinary humans. Solor is also in the position of worshipping Satoru as Lord, but even if Satoru were gone, it is hard to imagine any contact with ordinary humans, and lying to Satoru would be unlikely, considering her origins. Satoru's thinking time did not take long, and he nodded his head.

All right. But I'm not very smart myself. I'm sure I'm not explaining myself very well, but please bear with me there.

Of course.

After all, Satoru dropped out of high school and was not very good at studying. And it has been eight years since he has been away from studying. It was obvious that he could not go into as much detail as Solor expected, but if it would satisfy Solor, there was no harm in spending a whole day or so on this oddball.

There are many stories of people who, like Satoru, have been transported to another world or time-traveled back in time and have applied their modern knowledge to that world, but unfortunately Satoru doesn't have enough knowledge to apply it. But, even so, it is extraordinary knowledge from the point of view of the people of this world.

BesidesSatoru thinks. It makes sense to teach Leia. The difference between the common knowledge of the other world and the common knowledge of this world has been mentioned at every opportunity. Leia, as Satoru mentioned, is very smart, quick-witted, and quick-thinking. He thought it would be good for her to increase her knowledge. And since Leia was eager to follow Satoru into his world, it would not be a waste to teach her at least some of what he knows now.

Liz approached Rico, who had been kidnapped into the world of sleep with Satoru's lap as a pillow, and put leather on her. Satoru looks down at Riko, who is munya-munya, and moves her mouth, looking happy, and gives Liz's a cheerful smile.

Oops, sorry about that, Liz.

Don't be.....I am already Onii-san's magical slave, so there is no need to say sorry, got it?

Leia also responds to Lies' voice with a wry smile.

Sometimes he says things like that to us magical slaves, this Lord.


For Liz, it is surprising that a Lord would go out of his way to thank his slaves. Although he did not have the common sense of human society, some people act high and mighty everywhere. The same was true of the tax collectors and soldiers who came to collect taxes.

I'm not very good at acting like a big shot.

Liz laughed at Satoru, who was discouraged and mumbled something like that. This large young man, who was summoned to this world from another world, has an atmosphere similar to that of her late father and is basically kind-hearted. He probably never thought of treating the magical slaves with an arrogant attitude.

Liz turns her head slightly with a smile on her face.

Err, is it okay for me to spend a day with you, as Solor-san just said?

Of course. Is there anything you want?

It won't take me a day, though. ........I want to have my mom's grave ready when I leave here


Satoru gasped at Liz's plea. In this society, Satoru is not familiar with the form of mourning for the dead. He somehow thought that since he was not from this world and was in a position to return to the world of the dead, he was not supposed to ask about it.

This is the area around the house where my mother and I used to live, right?

...... Yeah

At one point, he checks Leia and responds with Leia's nod. This place where the tree was created with the seeds of the World Tree is the central point of the explosion. This is the very place where Reine and Liz were lived.

Mom's body is gone, but ...... Oh, Onii-san, don't worry about that part. Originally, elves were supposed to return their bodies to the forest when they died, not put their bodies in graves like humans do.

But still  Satoru bit his navel in regret. This was also the place where Reine's body was blown up. The same goes for those men who killed Reine and threatened Satoru with Liz as a hostage, but he had no idea who they were.

Everything is gone. I was the only one left by my mother. At least I'm going to leave a grave.

What Liz is showing is a smile, but there is a definite hint of loneliness in it. *throb* felt a needle prick pain in Satoru's heart.

Liz senses that Satoru is more concerned than necessary about Reine's death. While she is happy that he regrets it, she does not want it to become a fetter that binds Satoru. Therefore, she wants to make peace with Satoru by building a grave for Reine.

Satoru could not guess that Liz was thinking that far, but he knew that Liz was thinking about Satoru. Otherwise, she would not have spent a day for herself to make a grave. He was going to make it a personal matter.

Of course, or rather, that doesn't have to count towards spending a day. I want to mourn and repay Reine-san as much as I can, too.

......Thank you very much

Liz bowed her head in a small, apologetic manner. It is somewhat distressing even for Liz because this martial man has been giving her so much.

Hmmm... ...... what shall we do then?

Liz was even more troubled when Satoru told her that she didn't have to count on her right to spend a day with each of the magical slaves, which she was planning to destroy with it. But she was too sorry to ask him to do anything more than this.

*fwip*, Leia, shrugged her shoulders.

Neither the drunken idiot nor I have decided yet, so there is no need to rush into a decision.

Drunken IdiotRico sneezed. she was probably asleep, so there was no way she could have heard Leia, but her unexpected reaction made Satoru burst out laughing.

On the other hand, Liz was a little surprised.

Oh, is that so? By the way, Minerva-san is...

Ngeh! A panicked voice escaped from Satoru. Ah, and not a moment too soon. Minerva declares in high spirits with a big smile on her face.

Minerva is, you know. She's going to have sex with Danna-sama all day long. Ahaha!

Is...... is that so?

Glancing at Satoru, who involuntarily held his forehead and groaned, Liz's smiled affectionately. Satoru probably didn't want Liz to know about it but it's a terrible thing to ask Minerva to grasp the subtleties of people's hearts. Minerva's cheeks were red and she was very drunk. Her eyes were bright and bawling, and she spoke in an endless stream of words with a dreamy expression on her face as she wiggled her hips.

Having sex with Danna-sama. It's amazing. Leia said it was something like this. Minerva didn't understand what she meant, but...

Leia gave a bitter smile. There are times when Minerva does not understand her use of language.

It means the most wonderful thing you can taste in this world.

Ohhhh! That's what Leia means. Minerva loves having sex with Danna-sama so much!

Liz returns with a wry smile beside Satoru, who has started to hold his head while Rico's head is still on his lap.

I understand how you feel.

Ngg, Satoru groaned further. He must have a very complicated mind.

But Liz is not willing to give up on this point either.

I know, right!? It's amazing, isn't it!? I feel like I don't need anything else!

Minerva is beaming with joy and excitement about Liz's agreement. Minerva's attitude does not match her appearance as usual. Leia interrupted her as if she was taken aback.

That's why, as I have said many times before if you have a child as you want, you will not be able to have sex for a while, you know?

Minerva doesn't want that either. But she wants to have a baby with Danna-sama... Minerva wants it ......

Minerva raises her voice as if singing vaguely while swaying. Minerva is only traveling together with Satoru for making a child. Of course, they enjoy being together, and the act of making children itself is something she loves very much, but it seems that instinctively, the desire for a child takes precedence.

However, Liz also has her doubts.

...... can a flying dragon and a human have a child?

Come to think of it, I hadn't explained that part. Minerva is special. She is the child of the Earth Dragon Erdeade, one of the Five Dragons.


Liz's eyes widened roundly at Leia's explanation. The Five Dragons have existed since mythical times and are considered the kings of this world. It is a legendary existence. The Children of the Five Dragons is also a legendary existence.  So, Liz again understood that Minerva's size as the flying dragon is larger than the commonly known flying dragon and that she can speak human language.

I heard that there was a case of impregnating a baby between a Flying Dragon and a Five Dragons by using Mimicry a long time ago. So, the possibility is not zero, but ...... So far it has not been done. Maybe we're doing things differently.

Hee~ ......

Liz looks impressed at Minerva. She is still swaying, holding the plate with the goblet and Grupplo in her arms. Her eyes are round and round, and at this rate, she will probably sink soon. I don't see the mystique in her appearance that I've been told.

Leia looks alternately at Satoru and Liz, who is slightly squinting, holding their head down and groaning. Leia was curious about Liz's earlier statement that she understand how Minerva feel.

Liz, you are ......

Oh, I am also Onii-san's magical slave. I'll participate in taking care of Onii-san's sexual desires.

...... Is that right?

Liz anticipated the question and made the first move, and Leia responded with a blank look on her face. Liz may be uneducated, but this half-elf girl is quite clever. She is so clever that even Leia is surprised.

I guess it's a little tough for Onii-san to look at me who resemblance to his sister, though.

Glancing at Satoru, who was still anguishing, Liz gave him a troubled smile. She has a lot of nerve to say "Taking care of sexual desires" is quite impressive. However, even if it is true for Satoru, it is not true for Liz.

But I am a girl, too. It's natural to want to have sex with someone you like.

Ahahaha! Liz, you said it

Leia laughed, but then glanced at her sharply. Indeed, this half-elf girl is clever. She understands the subtleties of the human heart better than her age. Leia knew that the girl was probably saying that on purpose, taking Satoru's situation into consideration.

Even if there is no hidden motive, the presence of this girl is still dangerous. Satoru would not approve, but if she becomes too much of poison, she may have to be dealt with

That being said. ...... Leia


You know, the magic that is contained in Rico's ring. Would it be difficult to remove the Flight from it and incorporate some kind of defensive sorcery?

No? The main part is already done, and it can be done in half an hour. ...... Ahh, for Liz, right

When Satoru finally looked up, Leia was immediately convinced. The main arts in Rico's ring are Magic and Physical Defense and Resistance arts. Liz has a small soul and low basic resistance. It is necessary to take such measures as early as possible because she has no fighting ability.

Yes, it is. There were some ornaments in the treasure chest of Ingol's something, weren't there? Let Liz choose one or two. I'll put art on them.

All right, ......, well, that's it, Liz. Later, all right

Leia, smiling mischievously, lacks the sharpness, even murderous intent, that she had shown earlier in the day. Liz raises her voice in confusion.

Eh ......,b-but...

Don't worry about it. It didn't cost me anything anyway, and It'll be too late if anything happens to you.

Satoru saw through Liz's reserve of just taking what she could get. However, it is not good to be reserved here. Whatever the case may be, he needs a way to protect Liz, who is weak. Leia had told Liz not to try to be of any use to him as soon as she became a slave, but she would be useless if she had no means to protect herself.

And so is Solor. If there is an art you can't use that can be put in an ornament, tell me.


This one nodded condescendingly. She has a constitution that does not tolerate alcohol, but she does not seem to be deterred by the amount of alcohol she has consumed and is already cleaning up.

Watching Minerva, who had finally been lured into a world of sleep, Satoru asked Liz to bring a cloth covering and decided to sleep here.

This little feast was for a changeover. It was also a celebration of Satoru's recovery from his collapse and for Liz and Solor to become a magical slaves, but it was also a celebration that Satoru, who had been passively standing around, was now prepared to fight against a difficult global enemy, the Academy of the Wise. In the future, he may never have such an enjoyable time again. His resolve is heavy and his determination is firm.

I will never forget this time that is why he will sleep here with everyone.

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