Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 276: Council Meeting.

Chapter 276: Council Meeting.

If you wanna read up 33 chapters go ahead go to /cornbringer

This novel is already done in Patreooon.

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated.

As I stepped through the imposing doors of the Magic Council, I yawned, already bored why whatever I was supposed to be dealing with. Perhaps it was, because despite not knowing why I had been summoned, I felt an odd sense of detachment. Once inside, I was led through pristine halls lined with portraits of past council members.

It was like watching a museum of old arrogant people.

I was ushered into a spacious chamber, the heart of the Council. Seated at the head of a long table was a figure I recognized instantly, God Serena. Known for his theatrical flair and unshakable confidence, said to be the most powerful mage in Fiore. Funny enough, he wasn't even the third strongest.

I was stronger than him. Then there was Urahara and Yoruichi, and let's not forget my familiar, who I am counting just for giggles.

"Ah, the prodigal son returns!" God Serena declared with a flamboyant wave of his hand. His voice dripped with a mixture of amusement and condescension. "Welcome, Adam. I must say, I'm intrigued by your... exploits."

Oh god, is this gonna be one of those situations the cocky guy has a dick measurement contest with me, because I somehow emasculated him?

I nodded, hoping to be wrong in my assessment. "So... May I know the reason for this summons?"

God Serena leaned back, steepling his fingers. "Straight to the point, I like that. Well, Adam, it's about your little adventure with Acnologia." His tone was dismissive, almost mocking,

Fuck, it seems I might be right.

"Yes, I did have a confrontation with Acnologia," I replied evenly. "And killed him, why?"

God Serena burst into laughter, the sound echoing off the high ceilings. "You? You defeated Acnologia? Please, don't make me laugh. A mage of your... caliber couldn't possibly have bested him."

Yep, I was right. I am ready bet that... I somehow hurt his ego by killing Acnalogia, and now he wants to make me pay.

I sighed. "Believe what you want, it's the truth."

His laughter died down, and his expression hardened. "Truth? You expect me to believe that a mere guild master of a failed guild, managed to kill Acnalogia, a feat only I could've accomplished? Don't make me laugh. There's no way someone as insignificant as you could accomplish such a feat."

I snorted. "Sir, if you are going to keep sucking your own dick, please do it in private, I don't need to see this."

"Insolent worm!" God Serena stood up abruptly, his chair scraping loudly against the floor. "Trash like you should be taught their place," he snarled, and in a flash, he launched a powerful magic attack in my direction.

I sighed, slapping the attack away with a wave of my hand. "That was adorable."

"Perhaps you are little more than trash," God Serena smiled, doing another pose, before bursting forth with a barrage of flame attacks as he shouted something about Dragon Slaying Magic. I'll be honest, I wasn't paying attention.

I yawned as I flicked my hand around, sending the attacks away with a wave of magic.

"Now you're just annoying me," I replied nonchalantly, before standing up. I was done with this, there's only so much I can tolerate. And him? He reached my fucking limit.

"Such insolence shall not be forgiven-" God Serena started, only to be interrupted.

"You can remember for all I care," I said, closing the distance between us, before landing a punch that sent him staggering back, his ribs audibly cracking under the force of my strike. Unable to process what had happened, he stared at me, taking two shaky steps forward before he crumpled to the ground, a thick torrent of blood pouring from his mouth.

"He... defeated God Serena with only one attack?!" One of the council members shrieked in surprise.

"So now you talk, but when the megalomaniac was saying he was about to kill me you were all in a vow of silence," I said, staring at them. "Either you guys wanted this ugly bastard to hurt me, or you had no balls to say anything because you were afraid of what he might do."

"...You can't mean to blame us for what happened," one of the council members started.

"You're right on that," I chuckled. "To blame you, would mean I actually deem any of you competent in your jobs. And, I don't."

"You're just a mere Wizard Saint, one of the lowest ranks at that! How could a bastard like you defeat God Serena?" One of them snarled.

"You do realize the rankings mean nothing, right?" I asked, tilting my head trying to see if they were serious, or if this was all just an elaborated prank. Sadly, it seemed they were all serious. "Just in my Guild, there's more than one individual capable of defeating Serena in a single attack, like I did."

"I see," One of the council members muttered. "We honestly apologize for this, we didn't know what Serena wanted to do with you, we assumed it had to do with the events of Tenrou Island, but we didn't know he wanted to fight you, and well... once we realize what he wanted to do, there was nothing we could've done."

"Oh, so like I said before, the reason you didn't say anything is because you're all too spineless to stand up to someone who claims to be a God," I replied, smiling at them. "All good, just... don't call me unless there's an actual emergency. I have work to do, a guild to manage, and some friends to save."

Having nothing more to say, I turned around and started to leave. Wondering if this little show of strength would get the council off my balls, or should I say the guild's balls, which as the current master are now my balls. Hmm, I should stop using the ball metaphor, its getting weird.

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