Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 275: Caw Caw!

Chapter 275: Caw Caw!

If you wanna read up 33 chapters go ahead go to /cornbringer

This novel is already done in Patreooon.

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated.

[Adam C. POV.]

I looked at the mass of ravens that had suddenly engulfed the room, their glossy black feathers shimmering as they flew in, before merging into a singular Raven.

"Hey. where have you been?" I exclaimed, trying to maintain some semblance of, I totally didn't forget about you, though deep down I knew I had totally forgotten about him.

The raven landed on the edge of my desk, tilting its head to get a better look at me. It cawed once, a sound filled with emotions that only I could understand, expressing both rebuke and relief. "Master! I knew you were alive!"

"You know, for someone who's tied to me, you sure took your sweet time finding me," I chided with a snort.

Raven responded with a series of caws and flaps, which to anyone else would seem meaningless. But to me, each sound conveyed a story. He had been searching for me across different realms, facing his own challenges, always sensing my presence but never quite reaching me until now.

It actually surprised me he could sense my presence at all. Considering I was in a different world.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, extending my hand towards him. He hopped onto it, nestling comfortably against my palm.

"I'm glad you're okay," My familiar cawed.

"I've missed you," I confessed.

I might have forgotten about him, but now that he was here, I could say with certainty that I did actually miss him.

Before I could delve further into our reunion, the door burst open, revealing Macao, in his hand, he clutched a sealed envelope with the emblem of the Magic Council on it.

Fucking great

"Master," Macao began, a hint of urgency in his voice, "This arrived for you. The courier insisted it was of utmost importance."

Taking the envelope from Macao, I carefully broke the seal and scanned the contents of the letter. As I read, my face must have shown my surprise, because Macao's worry seemed to intensify.

"What is it?" he asked.

"The Magic Council wants to see me," I responded, folding the letter and placing it back in the envelope.

"Is it about Yoruichi's latest job?" Macao questioned, concern evident in his voice. Yoruichi had recently taken up a particularly challenging job on behalf of the guild, and given her fiery nature, there was no telling what she might have stirred up.

"I don't think so," I said, taking a moment to process the information. "It's... more personal than that."

They wanted to discuss my disappearance.

Raven cawed softly from my shoulder, sensing the shift in my mood. It seemed that through the bond between us he could pick up on even the slightest change in my emotions.

I wonder how long it will take him to realize how much I have changed.

"The Council doesn't usually call on Guild Masters without good reason," Macao noted, rubbing his chin. "You think it's something serious?"

"I'm not sure," I admitted. "But I intend to find out."

Even if it was something serious, I was pretty confident I could deal with it. And if not, I would just do it the Fairy Tail style.

Macao nodded. "If you need anything, let the guild know. We're with you."

I appreciated Macao's support. Despite our occasional disagreements, he was a diligent guy. "Thanks, Macao," I said, clasping his shoulder. "I'll keep you posted."

As Macao left my office, I turned to Raven. "Looks like I have to go to the capital," I remarked.

"Indeed," Raven cawed, before frowning a bit. "Master your power feels different, it's much, much more larger."

Huh, it took him two minutes to feel the change. I was betting in more time, I guess I was wrong.


[Third Person. POV.]

Porlyusica's home was always a sanctuary of serenity. The aromatic scent of various herbs wafted in the air, and everything had its designated place. Neatness was her thing, after all. As the renowned healer of Fairy Tail, her reputation for being strict yet competent was renowned across Magnolia.

But that fateful morning, her peaceful abode became a stage for sheer comedic chaos.

Raven, Adam's Familiar, had decided it was essential for Porlyusica to know of Adam's return, so he took it upon himself to deliver the message, dropping a small note into her home right before Adam and him took off to the capital.

As Porlyusica sipped her morning tea, she noticed the paper lying on her wooden floor. Squinting through her glasses, she unfolded the note and began to read. Her eyes widened, and her grip on her cup tightened, causing tea to slosh over the sides, before the cup shattered.

"THAT BASTARD IS BACK!" she roared, voice echoing in her otherwise tranquil home.

The sudden outburst caused her numerous medicinal jars to shake, and her neatly stacked books almost tumbled over.

She looked around, her gaze landing on a broom leaning against the wall. With strength that would surprise many, she grabbed it and snapped it in two over her knee, leaving splintered wood everywhere.

"That little brat!" she exclaimed, breathing heavily. "After everything he's done, after worrying everyone sick, even ME! He just waltzes back into town like it's no big deal?! Oh, I'll give him a world of pain and splinters!"

She paced around the room, muttering to herself, plotting her next moves. Every so often, her eyes would dart to the broken broom, promising Adam a world of pain.

Letting out a heavy sigh, she started cleaning up the mess she'd made, all the while mentally preparing herself for the inevitable confrontation with the "brat" known as Adam.

He would know pain. Through her.

"If he thinks he's gonna leave Magnolia without a few stitches, he has another thing coming!"


[Adam. C. POV.]

It was a pleasant day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and there I was, standing alone at the train station, lost in my thoughts, waiting for my train. There was a gentle hum of activity around me, with people chattering and children laughing. All in all, a calm, typical day in Magnolia.

But then, out of nowhere, I felt it.

A shiver ran down my spine, and I instinctively looked around, scanning the crowd. You know that feeling you get when you think someone is watching you? Multiply that by ten.

It was as if a pair of invisible eyes were glaring at me with intense malice.

I discreetly shifted my stance, subtly positioning myself in a defensive manner. You can never be too careful, especially given my track record.

Trying to brush it off as mere paranoia, I attempted to refocus on the upcoming journey, but the sensation persisted. The weight of the gaze intensified, and I couldn't help but feel like prey.

"Okay, Adam," I muttered to myself, trying to lighten the mood. "Maybe you've just been reading too many horror novels lately. Or perhaps it's just someone's grandma unhappy with you for not giving up your seat the last time."

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through the station, carrying with it the fragrant aroma of medicinal herbs. That very particular, very familiar scent...

"Oh no," I whispered, realization dawning. "Porlyusica."

I could feel the tension in the air, as if the very atoms around me were anticipating what was to come. And then, like the climax in a dramatic film, she appeared.

From the far end of the station, a figure emerged, unmistakably Porlyusica. Her pink hair seemed to blaze with a fire of its own, and her glasses gave her an intensity that would put any intimidating dark mage to shame.

She walked with purpose, her boots clicking against the station floor, each step echoing louder and louder in my ears.

I was royally fucked.

As she approached, people instinctively moved out of her way, feeling the fierce energy she exuded. Parents pulled their children closer, and even a group of tough-looking guys with tattoos and piercings shuffled to the side, looking rather nervous.

"What have you done now, you brat?" she bellowed when she was just a few feet away, her voice cutting through the ambient noise of the station.

"I, uh, returned?" I answered, trying to play it off coolly. "Missed me?"

She glared, pointing an accusatory finger at me. "You disappear without a word, then waltz back like nothing happened, and you expect that shit to cut it?!"

I shrugged, trying to muster up my most charming smile, "I didn't have much time to think."

"You think a bird-delivered message after all these months makes up for it?" she huffed, though the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, betraying her attempt at sternness.


"I'm sorry, it wasn't my call," I replied, sighing.

A tense moment passed before she finally broke into a reluctant smile. "You're a pain, you know that?"

"Guilty as charged," I admitted with a chuckle.

With one last mock-scolding look, she turned on her heel and began to walk away. But not before muttering just loud enough for me to hear, "You owe me a new broom."

I guess I owe her a new broom.

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