Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1040 My Fault

Chapter 1040 My Fault

"Ngh..." As Lyon's vision gradually cleared, he saw Lily, the seer, clutching her chest with visible distress. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, and her face showed signs of pain. Lyon's concern for her well-being immediately took precedence, and he moved swiftly to her side.

"Lily, are you alright?" Lyon's voice conveyed genuine worry as he knelt beside her, his hand reaching out hesitantly.

She tried to regain her composure, but her efforts were in vain as another bout of coughing overcame her. Deep crimson droplets stained her pale fingers, causing alarm to surge through Lyon. He had seen many things in his life as a cultivator, but witnessing someone's health deteriorate so suddenly was not something he could easily dismiss.

"Easy now," Lyon urged softly, his voice a calming presence. "Try to breathe slowly and deeply."

Lily nodded weakly, following Lyon's instructions as she attempted to regulate her breathing. He felt a twinge of helplessness, wishing he could do more to alleviate her suffering. Whatever had caused this reaction during her divination was evidently profound, and Lyon knew he had to tread carefully.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Lyon inquired gently, watching her closely.

"I... I saw something..." Lily's voice trembled as she spoke, her expression a mixture of awe and concern.

Lyon listened attentively, understanding that her visions might have taken a toll on her. As a seer, she was gifted with insights beyond ordinary comprehension, but it also meant that she bore the burden of experiences that others couldn't fathom.

"I glimpsed a different facet of your soul," Lily continued her words carrying an air of uncertainty. "Different version of you."

Lyon raised his brows. ( That place... behind the door... ) thought Lyon.

Lily let out a weak smile. She now was in the presence of the young Lyon. He was surely lacking the maturity exuded from the version she visited, yet, the potential was unmistakeable. "Master Lyon, you really are something else."

"Huh?" asked Lyon as he raised his brows.

Lily shook her head, "My encounter with the other you are not important, and I wanted to apologize for failing to hold the divination."

Lyon offered her a reassuring smile, appreciating her efforts even amidst the challenges she faced. "No need to apologize," he said gently. "At least I know that she is in one piece, safe."

Lily's laughter echoed softly in the chamber, her eyes sparkling mischievously as she teased Lyon about his demeanor. Lyon couldn't help but be confused at the paling woman.

"Oh, Master Lyon, you truly are an enigma," Lily said playfully. "So composed and formidable on the battlefield, yet so tender and vulnerable when it comes to matters of the heart."

Lyon's gaze softened as he looked at the seer before his lips curved up to one side, "Heh," Lyon smiled helplessly as he uttered, "I don't play games when my loved ones are in danger, I guess."

Both of them laughed in the lighthearted moment, but after composing himself, his gaze turned penetrating.

"Lily, where is she?" asked Lyon, his eyes glimmered with yearning and hope. She was there within his reach, but his voice was not enough to reach her. His touch was barely half a second late before he vanished and returned.

Lily's eyes had a shade of heaviness before she reached out a teacup beside her. She looked at the swirling tea before drinking the chaos. Her chest heaved as she relaxed her shoulders, albeit her skin was still paler than prior to the divination.

"I'm afraid, she is neither in the Mortal World nor Heaven," said Liliy as her gaze met his. She raised her brows, as she noticed that Lyon barely twitched his eyebrows, he was not at all confused. "Master Lyon, you surprised me, it seems like you already know where she might be."

"She's in Hell, isn't she," said Lyon.

Lily put down her cup on the cupholder before nodding. "It's a place where the source of energy, is a direct opposite from the Mortal World and especially the seven levels of Heaven."

"So I've heard," said Lyon as he crossed his arms and head hung.

"Just as much as there are seven heavens, there are seven depths of hell," said Lily. "The greater the anti-mana density, the less likely the magics and arts you knew would perform well against those who dwell there."

Lyon shifted his gaze toward her. A captivating of resolute determination. He was undeniably willing to thread the thorns of hell itself.

( Such fierce and sharp gaze... ) thought Lily as for a second, his face changed to that of his mature self. The one who sat on the throne.

( She's not in danger... but... if she used mana as well as I from the ring, then... she is walking on thin ice! ). His pupils shrunk before his head hung once more. His emotion was hidden by his hair. His palms shaking, trembling at the approaching anxiety. "I... was wrong..."

"L...Lyon...?" Lily felt her goosebumps rise, not even the composed seer could handle what was in front of her.

"And it'll be my fault... what have I been doing... if anything happened to her... it'll be my fault... my fault... my fault!"

Meanwhile, outside the chamber.

Graham who was alone at the banquet, leaning to the wall like his usual self, dropped his crossed arms. His gaze averted from a piece of mind to the door of the chamber. He frowned and as he was about to walk toward the chamber, he found Assid doing the same.

"Cecile!" Sun and Shen immediately perched on Cecile's shoulders in panic. Cecile immediately frowned. She had never seen the mystical beasts panicking at that instance.

"Selena!" Rui and Bapho perched over Selena's shoulder.

"What is it, mother?" asked Selena as she immediately gazed over the door of the chamber.

"Grandfathers, what's wrong?" asked Cecile as she too laid her eyes on the door of the chamber.

"Huh?" Kesya noticed Cecile's sudden movements before looking at the door as well.

"Be on guard! Something is a miss!" the ancient voice inside Yuri startled him. The latter furrowed his brows and garnered the attention of his chatty friend, Mavis. Yuri asked the ancient voice, "What's wrong?"

"There is something going on inside that chamber, but... I can't feel any mystical blessing being unleashed... yet this unease... what is this... be on guard, Yuri."

Yuri nodded.

"Huh?" Mavis raised his brows, "Are you drunk?"

"Be on guard, Mavis," said Yuri as he looked at the door of the chamber with perspiration on his forehead.

"You..." Mavis was deeply confused before he looked in the same direction.

One by one, from the most powerful to the least, all eyes turned to the door of the chamber feeling something was amiss, yet something was approaching.

"Teacher..." The three students of him furrowed.

"He keeps attacking himself... verbally..." said Shen as his whiskers rumbled.

"It's bad, we called out his name many times, but we can't reach him," said Rui.

"It seems like, whatever he saw in the divination, spark a trauma or some sort," said Bapho.

"This tingling feeling is not comfortable," said Sun as he drank from the wine before spitting it out immediately, "It makes even my favorite drink taste bad, wake up, grandson."

Cecile and Selena immediately and simultaneously came upon a sudden realization. A traumatic feeling was a trigger to something incredible, yet could be destructive.

"Lyon! What are you doing in there!" shouted Ning as her steps were quick and heavy. "?!" Her pupils shrunk immediately as two figures went past her sides from behind.

"Move!" said Cecile.

"Get lost!" said Selena.

Before both of them stepped at the same time and proceeded toward the door of the chamber and stood.

"Big sister, is master..." Graham asked.

"Most likely," said Cecile. "This is bad, he must not do it here."

"Empress," Assid shares the same concern. "Your command."

"Ready," Kesya answered as well.

Cecile nodded, "Selena, you're the fastest, save the seer. We will save Lyon, by knocking his soul out. Graham... burst through!"

Graham taunted his muscles before he used his entire body to break the marbled door in a single push.

The world was not ready, and the banquet was less. All were equal the moment Graham broke the door, the ticking beats of their hearts gradually shifted and they were made aware of this by the sharp pain in their chest, clutching it whilst their knees slowly swooned by the floor.

The atmosphere instantly turned ominous and at the side inside of the chamber, was the seer, paler than a ghost. Her breathing pace was dangerously low and she could only lean on the wall. Her gaze remained locked on the man sitting in front of her, the center of this tragedy.

Selena quickly blitzed forward with the help of Rui to reach Lily in mere nanoseconds. She quickly grabbed her arms, before slitting the space in front of her to escape. She leaped and appeared out into the courtyard, startling the driver who was maintaining the carriage.

The driver quickly ran and helped Lily stand up, but before he could demand an explanation from Selena, Lily quickly intervened.

"Is Master Lyon... what happened to him?" asked Lily.

Cecile frowned, "Just as I feared, dear... your ancient bloodline is erupting."

Lyon was still sitting with his back hunched but the ominous aura coming out of him belied his aloofness.

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