Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 1039 Again?

Chapter 1039 Again?

Lily was breathing heavily as she tried to compose herself while her back hunched. She straightened her posture to regain her demeanor and asked, "Master Lyon, I do apo—" Her voice trailed off as she noticed the unexpected change in her surroundings.

Before her, where there was once the divination chamber, now stood cascading stairs surrounded by a columbus of clouds. Lily's eyes widened in astonishment as she realized that she was no longer in the chamber but standing at the threshold of an ethereal realm that defied explanation.

She felt a mix of wonder and trepidation as she surveyed the surreal landscape before her. The swirling clouds and the grandeur of the cascading stairs left her in awe, and she wondered if this was a mere illusion or a glimpse into the hidden mysteries of the universe.

The atmosphere around her was charged with otherworldly energy, and she felt a profound connection to the place as if it held the answers to questions that had plagued her mind for years.

Lily stood amidst the cascading clouds, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation. "What is this place?" she whispered to herself, her voice barely audible in the ethereal realm. "Is this the same realm my sister, Vivi, encountered in her dreams?"

As she took another step, she could feel the energy of the place surging around her, enveloping her in its mysteries. "This is beyond anything I could have imagined," she mused, her mind racing with curiosity. "What secrets does this realm hold? What hidden truths lie within these swirling clouds?"

Yet, amidst her excitement, a part of Lily felt a tingling of fear. The ethereal realm was vast and unknown, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched by unseen forces. "Stay focused," she reminded herself, trying to quell the rising unease. "This is a journey of discovery. Embrace it with an open mind and a steadfast heart."

As she reached the top of the stairs, Lily felt a surge of aura radiating from the throne at the end of the platform. "Who sits upon that throne?" she wondered, her heart quickening. "What is the significance of this place? Is it merely a dream, or does it hold a deeper meaning?"

Her gaze followed the cascading clouds around the throne, and she saw six silhouettes, some standing, some sitting, each exuding an imposing presence. "Six figures," she murmured, her mind racing with possibilities. "Could they be the key to understanding this realm?"

As the clouds swirled around the silhouettes, the face of the short-haired elf girl became clearer to Lily's astonishment. "I know her... I've seen her before," Lily thought, trying to recall the memories hidden in her mind. It finally clicked—the elf girl was one of the women who accompanied Cecile during the banquet. "But why is she among the figures here? What is her connection to this realm?"

The next silhouette to emerge was that of a young man, towering over the others with a fierce look in his eyes. Lily sensed an aura of determination and strength radiating from him as if he were preparing for a formidable challenge. "His eyes... they hold the gaze of a warrior," she observed, intrigued by the intensity in his expression. "Who is he, and what role does he play in this enigmatic realm?"

As the clouds continued to shift, the third silhouette came into focus, appearing simple and clean-cut. But behind his composed eyes lay an unmistakable intensity of hatred. Lily felt a shiver run down her spine as if she were staring into the depths of a vast abyss filled with darkness and animosity. "Such hatred... It's overwhelming," she whispered, her heart pounding in her chest. "Who is he, and what has driven him to harbor such strong emotions?"

With each passing moment, Lily felt more drawn into the mysteries of the ethereal realm. The silhouettes before her seemed to hold a profound significance, their presence leaving an indelible impression on her senses. "There is more to this realm than meets the eye," she realized, her mind racing with questions and possibilities.

As the cloud's embrace tightened around the silhouettes once more, their features began to fade back into obscurity. Lily felt a mix of frustration and excitement, eager to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the enigmatic figures. "Who are they? What do they represent?" she wondered, her curiosity now ignited. "What about the others?"

"You sure do love to talk with yourself, beauty."

Just as she pondered in this realm, she suddenly felt a heavy figure leaning on her back. A voice all too familiar for her.

Lily opened her eyes wide, it was the voice of Lyona but her demeanor was refined thousands of times over. She composed herself with a smile, "Master Lyon, please stop the act."

"Oh, you know who I am?" Lyon answered but did not show his face. He instead leaned more and supported his head with both of his hands, deliberately adding more weight toward Lily. He was contemplating with a hum.

"Master Lyon... I'm sorry, but I don't follow what games are you playing, and... you're quite heavy," said Lily with a struggle as her back began arching.

Lyon smirked, "I am him but not him as well," Lyon leaned off from her back. But as much as Lily wanted to turn around, she found herself couldn't. Then Lyon, with laughter, stepped into her view and lifted her chin up.

Lily's heart raced as she gazed into the mesmerizing eyes of the Lyon before her. This version of him was unlike any she had encountered before—a fusion of familiarity and enigma that left her both intrigued and spellbound. The aura of maturity and wisdom that surrounded him made her heart skip a beat, and she couldn't help but feel a magnetic pull toward this charismatic figure.

Master Lyon, you look... different," Lily stammered, her mind trying to grasp the reality of the situation. "Who are you?"

Lyon chuckled softly, his fingers gently caressing her cheek. "Ah, my dear seer, I am a reflection of the Lyon you know—the Lyon who has experienced the trials and tribulations of life, the one who has grown and evolved over time," he explained cryptically.

( A full sentence of mantra?! Such eloquence, what a profound mastery! ) thought Lily as her soul danced according to the way he carried the words to her ears. ( Guided by emotion, but not controlled by it... ).

Lily gradually could feel his breath and she immediately knew what was going to happen. Her face blushed red as she pulled her lips as much as she could, whilst Lyon casually approached her lips. ( P-Please... no.... yes.. Wait! Yes... no! ) She squinted her eyes and resigned her face forward, but the awaited moment didn't come.

"A green gem," said said Lyon. "I see, you're a different seer from last time."

( Vivi! ) Lily's mind screamed out her sister's name. She opened her eyes and met his gaze. "Master Lyon, did Vivi come here?"

Lyon raised her brows, "Oh right, the sisterhood— Yes she did, but I can't tell when there is really no way of measuring time from this side, I'm afraid."

"Master Lyon, what is the purpose of this encounter?" Lily inquired, her mind racing with possibilities

"Heh, that's an outstanding ability to swerve the conversation," said Lyon with a chuckle as he gave mercy to her chin and palpable heart. He turned and stepped on the stairs leading toward the throne. Once in front of it, he claimed it. He sat with aloof authority across his face. He put one foot up on the chair whilst his face was supported by his knuckles, which rested on the armrest.

Lily felt a surge of admiration for this Lyon, this enigmatic reflection of the man she knew. He had a way of speaking that made her heart dance with excitement and wonder. In his presence, she felt as if anything was possible—that the boundaries of reality were mere illusions waiting to be shattered.

As the moments passed, Lily found herself becoming lost in the depths of Lyon's gaze, feeling as if she could drown in the sea of his soul. There was something profoundly comforting about his presence as if he held the answers to the questions she had yet to ask.

"Master Lyon, what do you seek from me?" she finally mustered the courage to ask.

Lyon smirked, "I seek nothing from you, it is you who come here, infiltrating my place."

Lily raised her brows then quickly shook her head, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude on your peace, I... I don't know how but after trying to find your wife, Maria, somehow I've ended up here."

"Maria..." he murmured.

Lily noticed a subtle change in Lyon's demeanor as she mentioned Maria. His usually enigmatic aura wavered for a moment, and she could see a hint of sorrow in his eyes. It was as if the mention of Maria had stirred up deep emotions within him.

Lyon looked up and met her gaze. He smirked as he raised his hand, garnering her utmost attention. He snapped his fingers and all lights escaped her eyes.

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