Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 192: Planar and Seven Colored

Chapter 192: Planar and Seven Colored

The next day!

"Am I human?" Questioned Tang Wulin towards Na'er and Gu Yue who was observing him. To say he was a bit surprised at their random question would be an understatement.

After he woke up and saw Na'er sleeping next to him, he knew they were done confronting the problems of Star Dou Forest. From then, Na'er followed him towards the middle of the Sea God Island with her telling him that she and Gu Yue wanted to talk.

'To think it would be about this...I guess I shouldn't be surprised.' Thought Tang Wulin in slight amusement.

"Wulin, you already know about the Nine Dragon King trial and how only Spirit Beast can enter." Said Gu Yue with a roll of her eyes before slightly narrowing them at him.

"So, how exactly did you get in?"

Initially, she was keen on believing it was because of the Golden Dragon King bloodline but then scrap that idea, as she knew it was just a bloodline. Unless Wulin truly absorbed and took on the whole essence of the Golden Dragon King, then he would still be a typical human.

'One has to be a full and genuine Spirit Beast to enter.' Thought Gu Yue.

"I don't have a clear answer for you." Said Tang Wulin causing Na'er and Gu Yue to blink their eyes.

"But it could presumably be because of this." Said Tang Wulin as he raised his wrist and thereby cutting off Gu Yue before she could speak.

Gu Yue and Na'er blink their eyes at the bracelet on Tang Wulin's wrist. Gu Yue narrowed her eyes while staring deeply at the bracelet before her eyes widen when a brilliant flash of Seven-Colored pass.

"Don't tell me this is!"

"Yes, it's the Dragon Valley. It was condensed into this Seven-Colored Bracelet, allowing the True Dragons from the past to be house in here."Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue to nod her head while also thinking for a bit.

"It's possible...That because of the True Dragons and the Dragon Kings being house in the bracelet. You were granted special access inside."Said Na'er with her hand on her chin.

"That might be the only real case, as at least we have clear evidence here. Still, to think you had this." Said Gu Yue with a complicated look on her face.

"Did you always have the jeweled bracelet, Big brother?" Questioned Na'er but to her surprise, Wulin shrugs his shoulder.

"I recently found out about this when I was on Demon Island. It seems I had it ever since I went back in time." Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue and Na'er eyes to widen.

"You never once notice this, even back then?"

"Nope, from what Taotie mention when I encountered him on the Demon Island. It seems the Mountain Dragon King didn't have enough time to tell me about it." Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue to blink her eyes in further surprise.

"They have enough strength to communicate with you?" Questioned Gu Yue with a raised brow.

"More or less, although they barely converse with me." Said Tang Wulin with a shrug of his shoulder causing Gu Yue to nod her head.

She then moved closer to Tang Wulin before bringing the Seven-Colored Bracelet closer to her. She then sent her Spiritual Sense into the bracelet to survey the condition of the valley.

In a matter of seconds, she was able to sense all of the True Dragons, familiar terrain, skeleton, and Dragon Kings inside of the Seven-Colored Jewel.

'...Wait a minute, is that Xie Xie.' Thought Gu Yue in surprise as she felt a familiar energy signal running through the valley.

Tang Wulin arched a brow as he saw the Seven-Colored Jewel flashing brightly for a few minutes before it died down and Gu Yue moving away.

"I just talk with the Holy Dragon King as he was able to sense my spiritual sense. He told me everything." Said Gu Yue with a sigh before glancing at Tang Wulin.


"You really are cruel to Xie Xie." Said Gu Yue with her lips twitching causing Na'er to be confused and Tang Wulin to roll his eyes.

"He wanted to become stronger." Said Tang Wulin as if it explained and justified everything.

Gu Yue didn't know whether to laugh or cry at his words, as she knew Xie Xie would have many words to say about that. Shaking her head, she asked him what he had been doing for the past months since he returned.

"You're trying to connect with nature? And also the plane?"Questioned Gu Yue in shock with Na'er eyes flashing behind her.

"More or less. At the moment I have made some progress, with me being able to understand bits of the laws of the world." Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue to nod her head.

"Can you guys use the power of the plane?" Questioned Tang Wulin as technically they created the Seven-Colored Law and should still have knowledge about the plane.

"Sadly, we can't. As there is still a Planar Lord that resides in this world. Unless we usurp the position or gain their willingness to resign, then we can't access its feature. The best we can do is understand its function and how it works." Said Gu Yue.

"It's why we are a bit surprised you are trying to access its power." Said Na'er causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

Of course, Sleipnir and Yggdrasil already told him something similar to what Gu Yue said. It was only because they were beings whose roots are so deep into the planet, that they are able to still draw and manipulate the plane.

Even with the Planar Lord still being active. But for some reason, to even Sleipnir's surprise, Tang Wulin was able to gain the plane approval way too fast.

This was a shock to Sleipnir who thought it would have taken longer, while Yggdrasil simply giggles but didn't say anything.

That made Tang Wulin suspicious but he didn't call her out on it yet.

"Still to think you are connecting with Nature." Mutter Gu Yue before falling into thought.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything, as he knew it was about time he began his training. Na'er didn't say anything as she also sat down as she saw her brother getting ready to train.

Yet as he began connecting to Nature, he was momentarily interrupted by both Gu Yue and Na'er gasp of shock.

Blinking his eyes, Tang Wulin was met with the bizarre look of Na'er and Gu Yue.

"What's wrong?"

"...Big brother, are you actually able to draw upon the planet life energy?"Questioned Na'er slowly after a bit, as if she was having trouble speaking.

"Kinda...Is there a problem?"Question Tang Wulin also while raising a brow at them.

"No...In fact, this is a good thing." Said Gu Yue with her eyes shining before grabbing Na'er and moving closer to Tang Wulin.

Soon, they all found themself sitting around each other, in a triangle shape. With one of Wulin hand holding one of the girls.

"So you want me to help you guys absorb the Life Energy?" Questioned Tang Wulin with a raised brow.

"Well, not exactly the life energy but the Seven-Colored wisp that occasionally shows up. Don't worry, all we need you to do he infuse the life energy into us." Said Gu Yue with her eye still sparkling and her body shaking.

Tang Wulin only sighed before complying and then he began carefully pouring the life energy that was inside of his Soul Core into them.

As this was going on, to the surprise of Tang Wulin. He saw the green energy that was leaving his body and going to the duos in front of him changing.

The green energy that began to slowly coil around both Gu Yue and Na'er started to show hints of pink. The energy began seeping into there body before lighting up their figure and causing them to glow.

Gu Yue and Na'er were slowly becoming increasingly divine and holy as if they were ascending or regaining something that was lost.

Gu Yue hair began to scatter around, with hints of silver-purple hue beginning to show and grow even more. While Na'er became even more dazzling and brilliant with her figure growing more.

This only lasted a few more minutes before the light died down. Gu Yue and Na'er began to slowly open their eyes with a faint smile forming on there face.

"It really did work."Mutter Gu Yue with her face brightening while disregarding the fact that the tips of her hair were now silver.


"This means you can stay Na'er." Said Gu Yue before her eyes widen as she realizes her mistake.

"Explain." Said Tang Wulin with his eyes slightly narrowing.

Gu Yue sighed before telling Wulin about what just happened. What she and Na'er were doing was them trying to restore their lost potential that was caused by the splitting.

Normally, such an action would be impossible unless they fused back together. As there wasn't anything else in this world that could possibly make up for their deficiency.

Or so they thought.

As it seems the life energy that Tang Wulin was able to draw upon, contained the planet's Seven-Colored Energy. The Seven-Colored Law still had bits of Creation Energy that the Dragon God used to create it.

Since the Dragon God was a being that wielded both the power of Annihilation and Creation, which made it the strongest. It was because of this, that they were able to miraculously restore the lost amount from each other.

Of course, this was still a shock to them, as not even they could do something like this. As they would have to be first able to make a connection with the plane but that was impossible with the present Planar Lord.

But unbeknownst to Na'er and Gu Yue, Tang Wulin wasn't drawing on the Seven-Colored Law. He was using the life energy inside of his Soul Core and the life orb that was orbiting it.

One has to understand that Tang Wulin created and gained these features from the Goddess of Life and her energy that was lying around in the Primordial Era.

The Goddess of Life didn't only have control over Life but also Creation. While it couldn't compare to the Creation God, her control and ability to generate were still noteworthy.

Inside of the Life Orb and his Soul Core, the Life Energy contained hues of Creation Energy inside.

While there may not be much, just a little bit is enough to bring back some of Gu Yue and Na'er's potential.

All of this was recently told to Tang Wulin from Yggdrasil and Sleipnir, once they heard Gu Yue's explanation.

"...You were using the Life Energy inside of you."Mutter Gu Yue in shock.

"Hm yeah, it seems the Life Energy does contain bits of Creation Energy inside of it." Said Tang Wulin, although he was inwardly surprised at Yggdrasil and Sleipnir's words.

"You created a Core with Life Energy." Said Na'er before then nodding her head as she began to understand.

"This is why you were able to restore the Gold Tree and bring back the Vegetation of the Island."Mutter Na'er while she glances around.

"...If that is the case. Then the Life Energy you absorbed on the Demon Island wasn't from the planet...No normal plane Life Energy can contain Creation Energy, it must have been either from a higher plane like a divine plane or possibly a God whose position cross over with it." Said Gu Yue after going through her experiences and knowledge.

"We can talk about this later, for now, continue about Na'er and her chance of fading." Said Tang Wulin as he knew they were getting off track.

"...Fine, but we are coming back to this."Said Gu Yue with a small glare before continuing.

She also goes on to tell him, that without something like this. Na'er would have most likely faded as she was the lesser half of the both of them and she was on borrow time. As them splitting was not natural and something that couldn't last forever.

Unless something was done soon, the lesser of them would fade or worst-case scenario. Both of them would fade from not being able to hold up their existence.

"...How much have you guys regained?"Questioned Tang Wulin after he gave Na'er a deep look, which she understood.

"Before I only had about seventy percent of the original potential. But now? It was moved up to seventy-five percent." Said Gu Yue after inspecting her self with her spiritual sense.

"Forty percent." Said Na'er also after a bit of inspecting too.

Gu Yue was surprised at first but then she nodded her head as she grasps why this happened. Since Na'er potential was lesser than hers, the increase would obviously be bigger.

"Couldn't the Lacrima fill with Life Energy have worked for you guys?" Questioned Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue and Na'er to blink their eyes.

"If the Life Energy filled inside is coming from you...Then it may be possible." Said Gu Yue lightly.

Gu Yue and Na'er didn't use the Lacrima filled with Life Energy before because they weren't apart of the Body Sect. Wulin made it a rule that only members that are apart of the Body Sect can utilize these Lacrima for training.

Also with the fact, that they weren't able to sense anything that was special about the orb. Of course, this was because of Zeref's design, as he didn't want any missteps to occur.

"Alright, I will give you guys some set. For now, just focus on absorbing them. Also, will this bring you all back to full potential?"Questioned Tang Wulin.

"No. At most, it would keep Na'er from fading for a few more years." Said Gu Yue with a sigh causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

'Okay, after the Calamities. I have to focus on finding Fairy Heart.' Thought Tang Wulin with his eyes sharping.

"Now back to what we're talking about before. Fess up, what do you know about the Demon Island." Said Gu Yue with a raised brow.

"Oh right, the Demon Island seems to have descended from the God Realm and seems to have brought down the Goddess of Life Essence." Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue and Na'er to be shocked.

"And also it seems I have gained her bloodline." Said Tang Wulin.



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