Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 191: Valley Training

Chapter 191: Valley Training

"Goddamn it!"

A voice rang out in the barren land, as large movements could be heard through the valley. A youth was weaving through the land in a blur of black and white.

While he was doing this, arrays of lights began descending upon him. There were too many to count, with some of them fractioning the ground upon contact and causing a large amount of explosion.

'Those crazy-ass dragons!' Thought Xie Xie in irritation as he felt his spiritual sense screaming out the danger.

'Space-Time Dragon Acceleration.'

'Time Acceleration.'

As the endless streaks of light that were incomparably brilliantly descending upon Xie Xie figure in numerous numbers. It was only through Xie Xie's figure turning into a streak of black-white that he was able to escape the blast radius.

Yet even with him escaping from the attacks, he could nevertheless feel the shockwave from behind. A testament to the strength and numbers of attacks he was weaving through.

Apart from this, roars of anger and rage sounded from behind Xie Xie. There were countless dragons, from land to sky behind Xie Xie, all of them rushing and pursuing him.

If one saw this, they would have questioned what exactly Xie Xie did to piss them off. As each of these dragons was all chasing him with vigor!

Normally Xie Xie wouldn't be averse to fighting all of them, but there were just too many of them behind him. All of them with the intent and will to kill him.

'All because of those bastards!' Thought Xie Xie inwardly with rage while recalling the reason he was even suffering this.

After he was hauled into the Dragon Valley of the Seven-Colored bracelet. The Jade Dragon King began explaining to him, what exactly his role was and his training.

To say he was shocked about Tang Wulin's identity of the 'Reincarnation of the Dragon God' would be an understatement. Of course, it wasn't true reincarnation but him housing the essence and spirit of the Golden Dragon King.

With the Jade Dragon King going on to say, that Tang Wulin will become the next Dragon God. Xie Xie would admit he didn't know exactly who or what the Dragon God was. But after the Jade Dragon King told him the story of the Primordial Era and the feats of the Dragon God.

He was shocked!

But more than that, he was shocked at the degree of achievements of this magnificent existence. Whether it be from the fact that it's the originator of all beast-type, the person who made the Seven-Colored Law or it is one of the strongest God.

And Tang Wulin was supposed to be the heir to him. If that wasn't enough, he later found out that the Silver Dragon King was also near them.

It didn't take long before Xie Xie was able to connect the dots and realize who the Silver Dragon King was or who had its bloodline. Xie Xie didn't know if it was irony or coincidence that Wulin, Na'er and Gu Yue all had similar spirits. While at the same time being able to meet each other at such a young age.

Either way, Xie Xie was able to easily accept all of this to the surprise of the Jade Dragon King. It wasn't surprising, considering Xie Xie knew Wulin and Gu Yue for a very long time.

He knew both of them were way too abnormal and this explanation was able to provide the reason on why this was the case.

Although unbeknownst to him, Gu Yue and Na'er didn't just have the Silver Dragon King martial soul but was the Silver Dragon King.

The Jade Dragon King goes on to tell him a bit more. Alongside the fact that the Dragon Clan has a chance to be revived if Wulin his able to become stronger. Xie Xie didn't have much of an opinion on this except it wouldn't be bad to see the Jade Dragon King alive.

This was all before he began training under the Jade Dragon King. The Jade Dragon King forced him to withstand his attacks to gain insights of Space and Time.

Then when he couldn't withstand anymore, he would heal him up and then have the dragons in the Dragon Valley chase him. In his words, he wanted Xie Xie to use the power of Space and Time to become elusive and unpredictable if he wanted to survive.

'What the hell does he mean?' Thought Xie Xie as he quickly shifted to the side to dodge countless earth spikes rising.

Xie Xie then jumps up into the sky before moving one hand in a circle and the other hand thrusting out.

'Time Dilation.'

'Space-Time Dragon Freeze the World.'

A gray hue began exploding from Xie Xie as everything around him began slowing down. The raging dragons behind were rushing behind with them not caring about the incoming gray hue, which began to slow them down.

It was to the point, where some of them look like they were frozen in a standstill. This truly was the terrifying might of time, to bring all things to a standstill.

But Xie Xie didn't choose to dash towards them but began condensing the power of time and space inside of his hand. If anyone was to see this, they would be shocked at what Xie Xie was able to achieve.

It was because two daggers began forming in each of his hands, one dagger condenses with the power of space and the other with time.

'Still not stable enough.' Thought Xie Xie with a grimace as saw the blurry image of his two daggers before sighing and throwing them towards the Dragon Hoard.

After throwing them, he instantly turned around and began running once again. As the two daggers pierced over towards the Dragon Hoards, the gray hue instantly shatters from the terrifying aura and might of the Dragons.

Even the two daggers began to crumble before fading away from the aura of the dragons.

'Curse these dragons!'


For the next month, Tang Wulin has been furthering his connection. Occasionally his friends would check up on him before going back to their own devices. Mu Xi was working on completing the last sets of Three-Words Battle Armor for the others.

Xu Xiaoyan, Xu Lizhi and the others he was with were still out visiting the other cities. Wu Siduo was with the body sect members who were training and trying to reach the next level.

Yue Zhengyu and Dai Yun'er were done with the Second Release with Yue Zhengyu taking her somewhere to train. Although his lips did twitch at the expression Dai Yun'er showed to him after experiencing the pain.

Surprisingly, the only two people he hadn't met up with was Yuene and Xinglan. They called him and told him they were at the Spirit Pagoda working on their next Spirit Soul. As both of them reached the rank of Spirit Sage and needed a new spirit soul.

It was nigh-time on the Sea God Island, that everyone was either cultivating or sleeping. Except for a figure that was walking towards the Sea God Pavilion.

"It has been months since I last left." Mutter Na'er as she moved through the lush grass of the Sea God Island.

She didn't know why but the vegetation around her was filled with vastly more life and vigor before she left the Island. She could feel the warmth and comfort that it was giving off, just by her walking pass.

As if it was welcoming her back home after a long journey.

'Did Wulin do this?' Thought Na'er as she recalled him telling her about him going to the Demon Island to get the needed items to heal the Gold Tree.

'Either way, something good must have happened to the Gold Tree.' Thought Na'er before her face began to grimace as she began dreading the reaction of her teacher.

She told him, she would only be gone for a while but who would have thought it would have taken over three months. It was all because the Nine Dragon King trial took way longer than they expected and with them, having to clean up the aftermath.

Especially after the appearance of Wulin, with the whole Star Dou Forest trying to figure out who he was. Fortunately, none of them knew Wulin was a...

'Is even human?' Thought Na'er after a bit of thinking before shaking her head and just making a note to ask Wulin about this.

Either way, she and Gu Yue spent a while month calming the Star Dou Forest down. Then a few more weeks making a plan for the future, as it seems Evil Soul Masters were seen in the forest.

'Vermins.' Thought Na'er with her eyes flashing violet as she recalled some of the atrocities they committed in the forest.

Headless Spirit Beast, body bashed open and even some of the limbs were removed. It was actions like these that constantly reinforce hers and Gu Yue urge to want to destroy humanity or at least the evil ones.

But of course, she knew from the teaching of her master and Wulin. That anyone can commit an atrocity, and it all depends on their situation and how much power they have.

Nonetheless, they were able to drive out all of the Evil Soul Masters and buried the dead Spirit Beasts. After that, they set up protection of the forest with Di Tian before her and Gu Yue set off back to Shrek.

'Well, I'm here.' Thought Na'er with a sigh before pushing open the Pavilion door and spreading out her spiritual sense to find her master.

She didn't need to look for him, as a figure instantly appeared in front of her. Yun Ming stared at his student with a raised brow with his foot tapping the floor.

"Hey, master..." Mutter Na'er with a feeble smile while hoping her mistress was around.

"I'm not even going to ask why. Just tell me what you have been doing."Said Yun Ming with an exasperated sigh.

He didn't know if this was because of Tang Wulin's influence or if this was a thing for her and them. But their group of Soul Masters had a knack of disappearing or going missing for months on end before randomly appearing again.

'It's honestly annoying.' Thought Yun Ming.

Na'er only weakly giggles before telling her master the story she and Gu Yue came up with if the others asked where they had been.

"So you travel around a few of the cities and came across some Evil Soul Masters." Said Yun Ming after Na'er finished with her tale with his expression turning grave.

'They aren't afraid of us anymore...It seems Shrek must reinforce not only them but to the world of our authority.' Thought Yun Ming as he knew something had to be done or these Evil Soul Masters might just turn the whole Douluo Continent against them.

'I knew this would happen.' Thought Na'er as she saw her teacher expression.

Na'er had to go through a big argument with her teacher about going on the 'Short Journey'. Yun Ming was concern about her safety with the Evil Spirit Masters moving around.

She didn't fault him on this, as after seeing the actions of the Evil Soul Master in Star Dou Forest. While also hearing their deeds in the cities she passed by.

It wouldn't be wrong to say, that they truly might muster most of their force to try and kill her. As with her identity as the disciple of the Sea God Pavilion Master of Shrek Academy.

How could the Evil Soul Master not want to kill her?

Especially considering it was the members of Shrek tens of thousand years ago, that brought an end to them. To those lunatics, the death of a future seed of Shrek and the heir to the Sea God Pavilion is worth the sacrifice.

"It's fine, I will tell you when Yali comes back." Said Yun Ming after he was finish thinking.

"Ok...Did big brother return?"Questioned Na'er after nodding her head.

"He has been here for a month." Said Yun Ming causing Na'er to smile before nodding her head to her master before leaving.

"I hope your plan works."Mutter Yun Ming as he watches his disciple figure fading away.

Na'er made her way towards the small, little cabin hut that she stayed for years. She was humming as she made her way past the wood door and into her the small, little hut.

Yet to her surprise, she saw her big brother Wulin sleeping on the bed.

'So he has been sleeping here since he came back.' Thought Na'er before her smile became even bigger as she moved towards the bed.

It didn't take her long to get ready for bed, as she moved towards the other side of the bed.

Unbeknownst to her, as she was closing in, Tang Wulin was furrowing his brows as his sense and instinct felt someone close. But then he instantly relaxes after finding no ill intent and recognizing the aura somewhat.

As she slips into the bed, she slides towards Wulin's embrace, with her moving his arms and having them wrap around her. Then with a light sigh, she rests her head on his chest before slowly falling asleep to the warmth.

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