Date The

Chapter 127: Nothing to Hide

Chapter 127: Nothing to Hide

Eve glanced up, turning her head towards Mikael. 

The male model had his jaw locked. He neither glared nor scowled. The aura that Ambryan radiated applied pressure on his shoulders, trying to break him down. His firm eyes stood their ground.

He had nothing to hide. 

"What they claim isn't true," he started to say. "The pictures were taken during the photoshoot, yes, but I never fed her spaghetti. We were discussing theories on a tv series that we both watch. The club was packed, allowing little movement. Of course, you already know the flowers and the gift came from you." 

He paused to catch his breath. "The box fell off the car when she opened the door. I merely picked it up. That's everything I believe." 

If he needed to go into further detail, he wouldn't hesitate. The conversations were still fresh in his mind. Evangeline could also give her account and solidify the story. 

"I see." Ambryan sighed through his nose. His posture relaxed against his seat. They were all on the same side, at least. The only thing left to figure out was the next step. He took out his phone and opened the DTC app.

Should he call?

"You believe me?" Mikael exasperated, blinking several times. He couldn't tell if it was real or if it was an act. It seemed a little to easy.

Ambryan shifted his gaze back on the male model. "Yes. Is there a problem?"

Mikael shook his head in disbelief. "I just expected you to be more skeptical, I guess."

"I will be if this happens again," the CEO clarified. He rose to his feet and walked around his work desk. "I trust Evangeline wouldn't do anything of this sort. I can't say the same thing about the people around her though."

It was a warning.

And Mikael heard it. The implication bleeded between the lines. A few eyes would be watching him closely from now on. If he stepped even a centimeter out of line, they'd be there to deliver the consequences.

"You trust her that much?" He said, his voice soft. 

Ambryan took a step forward. His height exceeded Mikael's by an inch. His next three words dripped with absolute certainty. "Yes, I do." 

Eve bowed her head. 

While the two chatted, she wrapped her head around the situation. Her emotions had gone rampant and her phone vibrated frequently. She figured that they were messages from Andie. No doubt her best friend had already gone into the internet to counter the tide. 

"What do you plan to do now then?" Luna intervened. She crossed her arms over her chest and stepped closer towards the two gentlemen. "This also affects our collaboration. We need to minimize the backlash as much as we can."

Ambryan scratched the side of his neck. "I am thinking about it but I need to ask Evangeline before anything else. The article is targeting her more than anyone. It should be her response."

Mikael nodded, silently agreeing with the current course of action. "If it's okay, I'll still release a statement. Both parties speaking up should be more believable than one side."

"Yes, but let it be for now. Let the people speak. Once they're satisfied spouting out their beliefs, that's when you'll speak up. Right now, I doubt they'll listen while the drama is still fresh."

"That's true" Luna muttered. She could almost picture the events like a movie played out before her eyes. "They'd be looking for more sources. When they can't find any new information, it would be Mikael and Evangeline who would heed to their desires."

The three of them receded into their own thoughts. 

Luna wondered how she could support both her models. The media would also come after her since Mikael and Eve represent her brand. She was also a close friend of Avery's. It would be better to organize her possible responses. 

Ambryan created a mental list. His first agenda was to contact Evangeline. As someone knew to the limelight, this might be a troubling time for her. He hoped she didn't hear about it yet and concentrated on her job.

He would have taken care of it but they made a deal.

Anything that involved her should have her input first.

Mikael shuffled his feet and unintentionally faced Eve. The secretary had been quiet during the conversation. He observed her expressions, searching for hints on her thought process. There was no visible trace of tears. That was a good sign.

This wasn't even that bad.

She wouldn't survive at all if this could crumble her.

Eve flickered her gaze and saw Mikael looking. His brows had deepened into a scowl. When they locked eyes, he averted his eyes immediately. It became her turn to knit her eyebrows. 

"Is there anything else?" Ambryan inquired. "Mr. Davis, this may sound a little too much but send over your statement to me before you release it. If there's anything else I need to know, I'd like to be aware of it before them."

"I understand."

"Just another case of people believing non-credible sources. As long as it stirs up drama, they eat it up. They just see what they want to see regardless of what's true." Luna sighed, rubbing her temple. She let her hand drop and spun on her heel. The exit was straight ahead. "I won't say a word until they come to me. I might not be involved or mentioned in the article but I will not be silent."

Ambryan nodded and escorted them to the door. "Until we see where this tide leads us, the details of our negotiation won't change. Security around the building has been heightened. They'll ward off any paparazzi so you could leave without being traced."

Mikael and Luna thanked him for the help. 

Then, they headed for the elevators and disappeared from his sight.

Eve crossed the room and picked up the food tray. There wasn't anything else to do. Work wouldn't lessen if she became idle. Who knows? Maybe it could clear her head. The desire to take action bothered her like a bad itch. 

But, what was the right thing to do?

Ambryan stopped walking back to his desk. He tucked his hands into his pant pockets and said, "Eve. Are you alright?"

"Hm?" The secretary blinked, angling her body in his direction. "Yeah. I was just surprised."

"At which part?"

"Everything?" It came out more like a question than answer. "It just amazed me how it could happen all at once. They connected three events into one narrative, filling between the linesalmost like events of a novel woven together to make sense." 

Ambryan continued on his way and sat on his chair. He resumed typing on his keyboard, closing the web browser. "Well, it could happen if it was planned."

Eve approached his work desk. Her brown eyes had widened at the revelation. "Are you saying someone did this on purpose?"

"It's merely speculation but you're right. There's just too many at once," Ambryan agreed. He opened the report from Wen and skimmed through it. "I don't want to point fingers just yet but Evangeline had expressed that something like this might happen."

"She did?" 

'I did?' Eve repeated in her head. Slowly, the light at the end of the tunnel grew bigger and brighter. It illuminated the edges of her mind and unveiled forgotten memories. "Do you mean that this could be the working of your exes?"

"A possibility, yes."

"Huh." Eve clicked her tongue, adjusting the tray in her hands. 

How could she have forgotten Charlee Edwards? As far as she knew, there was no one else that was more susceptible than the aspiring actress. The woman must have been waiting for her to make a mistake. 

"I'm just not sure who could it be," Ambryan thought out loud. 

"What would you do if you did?" Eve couldn't help but wonder. 

"Interrogate them, of course."

"I thought you were supposed to wait for Ms. Reed's input on the matter?" She demanded. This was a move behind her back. This wasn't part of the agreement they had. 

Ambryan shook his head while keeping his eyes on the monitor. "Evangeline would want to handle things on her own, rejecting any help from me."

Eve pressed her lips together. It was to stop a smile from blooming. She couldn't have said it any better. 'How could he know me so well already?'

"I would have to agree with her."

Ambryan stopped typing. He pushed back his chair and met her eyes. "And why do you say that?"

Eve took a deep breath. A different person might have jumped at the chance and accepted help from one of the most powerful men in the country. It was a tempting offer, easier as well. 

But, it still didn't sit right. 

Not when there could be another way. 

"Like you mentioned, Sir Hathaway, the response should come from her. This is her own battle. She may not have the resources that you do but it wouldn't be good to interfere early. Let her handle it first. No movements in the shadows."

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