Date The

Chapter 126: It's a Love Affair

Chapter 126: It's a Love Affair

Eve was tempted to clean out her ears.There was no way that question came out of Ambryan's lips. This topic wasn't happening for the third time today. How did Mikael even become part of the mix? This was the only time he talked to her as Eve.

"Didn't I say that I don't have one?" She reminded her boss. 

Ambryan tilted his head sideways, unfazed by her actions. "But he kept on looking at you throughout the meeting. It made me think of that possibility."

He had heard all the rumors. Mikael Davis wasn't one to associate himself with random females. It had caused him several unnecessary media attention. If he wasn't mistaken, the male model was smiling when he looked at Eve.

Then, he asked her a direct question. 

It seemed to be a reasonable assumption. 

"I think you're reading too much into it, Sir Hathaway," Eve debunked. Was he that curious about her love life? "If that's the basis to determine if two people are a couple then, I'd be in several relationships by now."

"I see."

Suddenly, the door burst open. 

Both CEO and secretary snapped their heads towards it. A sweat-drenched Luna Athon stood on the doorway. She marched inside, fire burning in her ebony eyes. Each step she took stomped on the carpeted floor. 

It muffled most footsteps but not this one.

"Ambryan Hathaway! Did you know about this?" Luna demanded, aiming her phone screen at his face. Ambryan recoiled away from how close she was. 

Mikael came running. He stopped at the doorway to catch his breath and let her do the talking.

Eve put the tray down and didn't know which one to address first. She stood between them with her hands raised towards each one. "Ms. Athon! Mr. Davis! Why are you"

Luna cut her off, practically screaming. Logic had completely vanished from her head. Her words and actions had been fuelled by raw rage. "Before you read the articles, I'm telling you that Evangeline does not have an affair!"

"What?" Eve breathed out. Her ears popped and her lips turned cold. She forgot about Mikael and faced Luna. "What did you say?"

Ambryan pushed away the mobile device. He was the only person unwinded by the sudden outburst. He stepped back and finally gave his reply, "I know about it."

"You do?" Luna blinked, surprised by his calm behavior. She shook her head and found it strange. "So you're still okay with Mikael being part of the series despite being linked as your girlfriend's other boyfriend?"

The CEO's shoulders stiffened. His violet eyes narrowed. The dark flecks in them magnified, darkening his gaze. They were like black lightning bolts that projected out of his gaze. "What did you say?"

"Wait, I thought you said that you knew?" 

He turned his head to the right and exhaled sharply. His eyes darted across the room while his mind recalled the information on his monitor. "I read that they're speculating her with someone but I didn't reach the part where they mentioned it to be Mikael."

"But it's all over the headlines!" Luna insisted. She knew it. He wasn't aware of the full story. If he had been, she doubted that the negotiation earlier went by smoothly. They would have addressed this issue first.

Ambryan strode towards his work desk. The ones he saw was the start of Wen's report on the matter. If he were to read it before the meeting, he realized that the meeting would be cancelled in favor of fixing the chaos.

Instead of that, he let his and Evangeline's security team handle it.

He regretted it now.

Typing on the web browser, articles about the 'affair' filled up his screen. He scrolled down the page and lost track of how many they were. Some of them were only minutes old. They kept coming.

He sat on his chair and clicked the top article. 


```Ambryan Hathaway's Girlfriend, Evangeline Reed, a Player? Model Caught Flirting on Set!```

```Ms. Reed spent her weekend over at World of Adventure for an advert shoot. While the rookie model delivered a stunning performance on rock-climbing, a few spectators had noticed something else going on behind the scenes. Ms. Reed was spotted along with her colleague, Mikael Davis, having a 'cozy' time at the area's designated night club.

The two danced together for more than half of the shoot. Witnesses claim that they even talked during the entire time, laughing and smiling together. This conversation also continued the next day at their next location before the shoot started. They shared a table at a diner and, as shown in the photo below, had a few bites to share.```


The picture it referred to was exactly as the article described. 

Both models sat across from each other. The surroundings were bright and lively, giving a pleasant atmosphere. An array of food had been laid out on the table. Mikael had a forkful of spaghetti in hand and aimed it towards Evangeline who had her mouth hanging open. 

It was a moment captured at the perfect time. 

The scowl on Ambryan's forehead deepened. 

He kept reading.


```My, oh, my! Wasn't that juicy? Well, the gossip is far from over, dear readers! Right after this segment of the photoshoot, can you guess who showed up on set? No, it's not Jack the Ripper. It was none other than Ms. Reed's boyfriend himself, Ambryan Hathaway, CEO of Eros Productions!

Mr. Hathaway had graced the public with his rare appearance. The one time we see him waiting by his car and it's him picking his girlfriend up for a date! Isn't that sweet? Someone present at the time stated that Mikael Davis immediately left the scene as soon as the couple reunited.

I wonder how Evangeline Reed must have felt. On one hand, she's swapping spit with her male colleague and on the other, she's kissing her boyfriend's cheek?

Save some for us, gurl! Don't hog all the good-looking men!```


The page attached another photo into the article. It was his carefully staged public display of affection. The ones he hoped to circulate the mediabut without a third party involved. It was the next step in his plan to solidify his relationship with Evangeline.

Who would have thought that it could be used against her?


```What? You thought it was over? Well, lucky for us who love to spill the tea and drink it, there's another narrative involved in this story. Mikael and Evangeline are not only colleagues but they live in the same apartment complex. 

Saturday night, after the club shoot, the two went home in separate vehicles but met at the entrance! Ms. Reed held a bouquet of flowers while Mr. Davis carried a pink gift box. People on set saw the flowers delivered to Ms. Reed's designated hair and makeup table. It seemed that the gift box was new to their eyes when they saw the picture below.

Which leads us to believe that it came from Mikael! 

And was giving it to Evangeline at this exact moment!

I mean, matching gift wrapper and packaging for the flowers? Both had to be from the same person! That much is clear! Fans on Twittah flooded the platform with chirp posts, slamming down this link between them. They are beyond furious by this turn of events. Don't believe me? You can read it for yourself!```


``Evangeline Reed is not even relevant enough for Mikael to spend time on. Can't you all see that these are fake? Once again, mainstream media is blowing things out of proportion! #StahpTheLies #NOtoMikeEva``

``OMG! How shameless! Who is she even?? Without Ambryan and Luna Athon beside her, no one would even know her name. I strongly believe that she set up Mikael for this! Maybe she did the same to Ambryan! Who knows anymore? Actually, who cares? #EvangelineReedIsCancelled``

``Can everyone just stop and remember that this was a photoshoot? Honey, perfection doesn't happen without any preparation. Mikael always blends into the scene before the cameras start taking the pictures.``

``To the chirp above, aw come on. Yes, we know Mikael is that way but what are the chances that he and Evangeline are in the same segments together? There were A TON of models but she clung to him like bubblegum under a shoe and purposely made these happen for someone to take them #AttentionSeeker``

``She already has the most eligible bachelor of the country picking her up after work and she still wants to toy around? If you wanted an affair, do it behind doors #IllicitAffairs in #August``


Ambryan reached the end of the article in no time. He laced his fingers together and propped his elbows on the table. He could see why this page was the top hit. It had summarized the incident and the backlash.

The rest stood in front of his work desk. Luna positioned herself to the left while Mikael found himself in the middle. Neither dared to say a word and patiently waited for Ambryan's assessment. 

Eve stayed a few feet away from the two, reading the same article from her phone. Her heart raced inside her chest while the latter reduced the space and constricted her airways. The words had struck deep. This was how the public saw her.

True or not, it didn't feel good. 

Ambryan dropped his hands and leaned back on his chair. His violet eyes flashed towards a pair of radiant blue ones. He gritted his teeth.

"Mr. Davis. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

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