Cultivator With Modern AI

Chapter 738 Talk With Yao Yin

Chapter 738  Talk With Yao Yin

Yao Yin, who was cultivating, immediately opened her eyes. She was taken aback for a moment after she saw Xia Tian, but her expression disappeared again. "What did you come here for?"

"Do you think that you can become great by throwing away your emotions?" Instead, Xia Tian asked back in a mocking tone. "Honestly, I have never met a person as stupid and idiotic as you before, and you don't even think about your mother's feelings."

Seeing her close her eyes again, Xia Tian spoke to her again. "If you think that by imitating Wuqing and Chen'er you can become strong, then you have made a big mistake. They threw away their emotions because of their bad experiences in the past, and they turned their suffering into strength. As for you, you are just an imitator, and you will never be able to reach their level throughout your life. Remember, everyone's cultivation path is different, and you will never be successful by imitating someone else's. If you really want to become strong, then you should go out to gain experience, and you can find the best cultivation path for you."

Yet, Yao Yin still didn't want to open her mouth to speak to him, but Xia Tian's words caused her conviction to waver slightly.

"Your cultivation and sword skills may have improved a lot now, but they are still trash. Even if I send you to the holy central continent now, you won't be able to survive on that continent." Yao Yin immediately opened her eyes as she glared hatefully at him. "Why are you looking at me like that? Are you offended by my words? Do you want proof that your abilities are rubbish?"

"You- Ugh!"

Yao Yin had not had time to scream at him, but Xia Tian had already suppressed her with his aura, causing her to fall on the floor.

"Xia Tian!" Yao Mei screamed at him. "Please-"

"I won't hurt her, but I have to correct her mindset." Xia Tian immediately said to stop Yao Mei, and he then moved his finger to lift Yao Yin into the air. "See? I don't need to waste my emotions to become strong, and I'm only using one percent of my strength now, but you can't move or talk at all. If you think I'm strong because I'm a reincarnator, then you're also very wrong about that. In my past life, I also started my cultivation from scratch, but I wasn't like you, who continued to live comfortably in the sect to cultivate and train. Instead, I went traveling to various places, and I also faced so many life-and-death situations."

Even though Yao Yin was furious with Xia Tian, she also couldn't refute his words, especially since she had seen for herself many things he had gone through before, including when he almost died.

Xia Tian then grabbed her cheeks. "I don't blame you because it's normal for us to have the ambition to become strong, and that is the goal of us being cultivators, but you have chosen the wrong path to fulfill it. I myself also have such ambitions, but yours are too small compared to mine. Your ambitions are only limited to this small planet, and mine are far away in the Five Divine Heavens."

Yao Yin became even more speechless, for she had never thought about higher realms, and she only wanted to become the strongest in Seven Star World.

"Moreover, not only me, but even my women don't need to throw away their emotions to become strong; even Chen'er has changed a lot now."

After he said that, Xia Tian immediately took out the fortress, and he called Ling Chen out from inside.

"Huh?" Ling Chen was surprised to see Yao Yin's situation; she then turned to her husband. "Why did you do this to her, husband?"

Yao Yin was stunned after she heard that. The Ling Chen in front of her now was completely different from the old her. Back then, she always had no expression on her face, and her aura was always cold. But now she looked cheerful, and her aura became warm.

"Try to pay attention to her."

Ling Chen turned to Yao Yin and looked at her seriously. "I see, the current her is almost similar to the old me, but she's also different from me at the same time."

"You're right." Xia Tian replied with a nod. "Yao Yin was trying to imitate you and Wuqing by throwing away her emotions."

"I see." Ling Chen nodded in understanding, and she then spoke to Yao Yin. "Senior Sister, you will never become strong if you want to imitate me or my master, especially since you have never experienced anything bad like us. Besides, many of my sisters are much stronger than you, but they also live happily because they don't let go of their emotions."

"Their words are true, Yin'er. Honestly, I'm proud that you can become strong, but I'm also sad to see the current you. You are my only daughter, and you are everything to me, so I can't see you like this all the time." Yao Mei, who had been silent until now, finally joined in to persuade her daughter. Xia Tian immediately withdrew his aura and put Yao Yin down.

Seeing that, Yao Mei went over to her daughter and hugged Yao Yin, and she affectionately spoke to her. "Back then, you weren't as strong as you are now, but you were always cheerful and warm, and we were very happy together. I really miss the old you, and I hope you can return to being the old you."

"Mother." Yao Yin called softly and hugged her mother back. "I'm sorry, I-"

"Shh." Yao Mei immediately stopped her. "No matter what happens, you are my daughter, and I will always love you, but I don't want you to continue like this."

"En." Yao Yin simply nodded and hugged her mother tighter.

Yao Mei suddenly spoke to Xia Tian via voice transmission. 'Please take Ling Chen away for now.'

'Hmm?' Xia Tian raised his eyebrows for a moment, but he immediately turned to Ling Chen, who nodded at him, and he immediately sent her back into the fortress.

After Ling Chen disappeared, Yao Mei immediately restricted her daughter's movements, shocking Yao Yin.

However, Yao Yin was even more shocked when her mother started to take off her dress, especially since Xia Tian was still with them. "Mother, why- Mhn!"

Yao Mei directly covered Yao Yin's mouth with her left hand, and her right hand continued to untie her daughter's dress. "Yin'er, you have always loved Xia Tian, but you were too stubborn to admit instantly became red with embarrassment. Even though he had your feelings, and I also know one of the reasons you threw away your emotions was because you wanted to forget him."

Soon, Yao Yin's naked body was clearly displayed before Xia Tian's eyes. Her face, which had not had any expression for a long time, instantly became red with embarrassment. Even though he had seen her naked and had also been intimate with her, it had been a long time ago.

Xia Tian shook his head seeing that, but he immediately dispelled Yao Mei's restriction on her daughter, and he hugged Yao Yin, who was burying her face directly into his chest. "Why are you doing this?"

As she took off her own dress, Yao Mei smiled and replied to him. "Look at my daughter; I haven't seen Yin'er embarrassed like this for a long time, so I think this is the best way to bring her emotions back."

Xia Tian didn't say anything to answer Yao Mei and raised Yao Yin's face to face her, and he rubbed her red cheeks. "Why are you so afraid to accept your feelings for me? Is it because I have so many women? Is it because you are afraid that I will neglect you because of them?"

"En." Yao Yin just nodded to him.

Xia Tian smiled amusedly after Yao Yin admitted it; he then brought his face closer to hers and directly kissed her rosy lips, shocking her. However, he immediately separated their lips and spoke to her again. "Anyway, you can see for yourself the happiness of my women if you want, so you don't need to worry about all that, for I always love and treat them all fairly."

Yao Yin actually already knew about it, especially since she had witnessed with her own eyes that Xia Tian's women were very happy to be with her, but she still couldn't shake the fear in her heart.

Xia Tian then told her about their departure plans. "Yin'er, we will be leaving this planet tomorrow, and I want to take you and Yao Mei with us."

"Huh?" Yao Yin looked at Xia Tian in shock. "Aren't you going to return to this planet again in the future?"

Xia Tian shook his head and explained it to her. "Honestly, there are a lot of serious problems waiting for me in the higher realms, and I don't know how long it will take me to sort them all out. As for this planet, it is too small for me and the others, so we definitely won't be returning to this planet again."

"I see." Yao Yin nodded in understanding.

Yao Mei then walked behind Xia Tian, helped him take off his clothes, and spoke to her daughter. "Yin'er, I will leave the decision to you. If you agree, then we will go with him, but vice versa."

- To Be Continued -

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